Baggie Challenge ***Update Month 6*** Wrap UP


Hair Coach
Ladies it's time to wrap up this baggie challenge!!

It has been a great six months. A lot of us have done this faithfully. A lot of us fell off the bandwagon but got back on. Some of us fell off the bandwagon completely. Whatever happened while you were on this challenge is a o.k. Remeber that we have to do what is best for our hair.

Please, tell me how your hair did while on this challenge.

Did you retain any length?

Did you have to trim any length?

Do you feel that this is a good challenge and would like to continue even now that it has ended?

What type of products did you use in your baggie?

Do you have before and after pics?

Let's wrap it up by posting our progress whether it is a lot or a little!!
Please, tell me how your hair did while on this challenge.
my hair was in a baggie prior to this challenge once it is in a bun it is in a baggie. Before I started the baggie my ends were dry.
Did you retain any length?
Yes my hair has grown about an inch since my last relaxer
Did you have to trim any length?
Yes I trimmed 0.5 of an inch off to even up the ends
Do you feel that this is a good challenge and would like to continue even now that it has ended?
Yes I think this is a great challenge and will continue. Actually it is a way of life for me once my hair is up it goes into a baggie

What type of products did you use in your baggie?
MTG, Olive oil, coconut oil, s-curl,conditioner, gel, sometime nothing i put the wet hair in the baggie
Do you have before and after pics?
I will post comparision pics in september after I do my next relaxer. So that you ladies can see the result of the mtg and baggie challenge.

Let's wrap it up by posting our progress whether it is a lot or a little!!
My hair is full, bouncy and swinging it is a litte past shoulder not much.
I did pretty well when my hair was out, but I fell off when I got braids because it made the braids smell funky!

Thanks for doing DSD!
Did you retain any length? I do believe I am retaining most of my length. Hard to tell since I am almost 6 months post relaxer.

Did you have to trim any length? I have not had a trim since February.

Do you feel that this is a good challenge and would like to continue even now that it has ended? I will continue to wear a bun most of the time until I reach my goal of waist length

What type of products did you use in your baggie? castor oil, peppermint oil, glycerin, jojoba oil, mtg, monoi. Sometimes I mix different oils together or just use monoi and castor oil.

Do you have before and after pics? Not yet. I am trying to put together a complete album of my progress which will probably be ready by this fall.

Let's wrap it up by posting our progress whether it is a lot or a little!! I think it is alot. I will know when I relax this fall. My plan is to relax only twice this year and once next year.
Please, tell me how your hair did while on this challenge. I started off really good. I was pleased with my results. Then I got tired of wearing the baggie during the day and focused on doing it at night. That worked until Feb and then I just didn't do it as much. I did baggie when I wore my phony pony.

Did you retain any length? Although I did not remain faithful to this challenge ( I fell off the end of March) I stuck to the bun challenge. I think I retained my length because I did. I'm touching up after 15 weeks this saturday. I'll judge then.

Did you have to trim any length? Nope. My last trim was November '04. Thanks to the time I was doing the baggie method and my protective styling I have not needed to trim. I am thinking of triming with this touch up to make the length even (blunt cut).

Do you feel that this is a good challenge and would like to continue even now that it has ended? I think its a great challenge and I would sign on again but only to do at night.

What type of products did you use in your baggie? I always put shea butter on my ends and WGO or olive oil in the baggie.

Do you have before and after pics? I will post some this weekend.
The baggie worked very well for me. I did not have to use much for products or as often any more.

I think I got some length on the top layer it is definately past my waist. The lower layer may have moved some also. I need more time to tell. It also protected the full length of braids from snags and damage.

No trims for going on 3 years. But with baggie I had little to no tangles at bottom of braids. Hair stayed moist and developed a nice shine.

I used a homemade shea butter mixture and water spray and vinegar spray.

I will definately continue. Since the longer hair is older it needs this extra care. Was a life safer in the winter indoors dry heat systems.

I baggie my braids 24/6They are in a bun for church.

Collecting some photo's and will take new. But I use slide mostly or prints and need to scan and load etc.
Please, tell me how your hair did while on this challenge=
My hair did ok... the wends stayed in pretty good condition...

Did you retain any length?
I retained some..

Did you have to trim any length
I did two trims for a total of 1/2 " maybe.

Do you feel that this is a good challenge and would like to continue even now that it has ended?
I will continue, to help retain some length...

What type of products did you use in your baggie?
My baggie had fixed oils and moisturizes mixed... on the day before washing it had moisturizing conditioner in it.

Do you have before and after pics?
The pictures you see below are my progress pictures each month since January....

Thanks for the challenge.... It helped me out:woot: :bdance: :wave:
I have never retained so much length. My hair stays in the baggie. I had a dusting last month but nothing like before. I have one person dust and another person relax my hair. I don't want anyone getting too comfortable with my hair, and trying to tell me what to do. This baggie method has changed the way I treat my hair.
belleza said:
I have never retained so much length. My hair stays in the baggie. I had a dusting last month but nothing like before. I have one person dust and another person relax my hair. I don't want anyone getting too comfortable with my hair, and trying to tell me what to do. This baggie method has changed the way I treat my hair.
nice growth:woot:
I recently jumped back on the baggie bandwagon. I only use WGHO in the baggie. I wash ever 3-4 days, apply a leave-in followed by WGHO all over, cut off of an old stocking to use as a hair band, then add extra drops of WGHO to the ends in a smoothing motion prior to completing the baggie. Finishing touch is a phony pony (no combs, just three hairpins). I don't take my baggie down until I wash again. My hair stays moisturized and my ends don't snap like they used to.

I was cornrowing my hair prior to baggying the ends but that led to more tangles when it was time for washing.

All I want is long, healthy hair.
dontspeakdefeat said:
Wow! So many success stories. I am glad to hear that everyone has done so well with this.

Thanks for educating us with this method :user: :bookworm::kisses: .... I know speaking for myself... I would have never been able to retain my ends, because of hair breaking and dryness.. It's at least a good start for me...

Your hair is doing very well and looks gorgeous.... :o:STAY AWAY FROM THE SCISSORS:spank: :kiss: ....
LadyZ said:
Thanks for educating us with this method :user: :bookworm::kisses: .... I know speaking for myself... I would have never been able to retain my ends, because of hair breaking and dryness.. It's at least a good start for me...

Your hair is doing very well and looks gorgeous.... :o:STAY AWAY FROM THE SCISSORS:spank: :kiss: ....

Cosigning...I can't thank you enough. This method is the only reason my hair is retaining it's length. It is so healthy and strong. Even when I was young my hair would always break off, and then some scissor happy stylist would cut the rest. This is really empowering. :notworthy:
I have used the baggie when out of braids under a wig 4 days out of a week. Sometimes I just wore my plaits in a wet bun and slept in a conditioning cap.

I used what ever conditioner I had in stock and vaseline (when I ran out of soft touch).

My hair has grown about 1.0 to 1.5 inches since I started using the baggie method.

I can't wait until the front gets long enough to go into the baggie. I may give up individuals all together.