Well-Known Member
Wow, Meridian, did you just compare a deformity to natural hair?
People say that we all should just love the hair we were born with because God gave it to us. My point is, people are born with deformities and other disorders that cause them to look a certain way, but they shouldn't just give in to it because God made them that way.
How about this, plenty of small chested women get surgery to get bigger ones because it makes them feel better and plenty of larger chested women have surgery to reduce them because it makes them feel better. I wasn't hating on natural hair. I've got no problem with it.Just saying what's wrong with change if it makes someone feel better. You may not agree with it, but in the end it's their choice.
Lawd, lawd...

But they shouldn't HAVE to do any of that. They shouldn't have to go under a knife or put chemicals in their hair to feel better about themselves. No one's attacking those individual women for their choices, we're attacking the system that has set it up where they feel they have to do any of this. It'd be different if it was just an option/style choice, but that isn't an option AT ALL.