Back on the Baggie Challenge - 30 days


Sweetest Taboo
Well I guess it was too good to be true. The breakage fairy has come back to visit me. After washing and detangling this weekend I noticed the hair on my right side seemed a little thin near the ends. Upon closer inspection I realized that I had breakage in that area. Its weird because its like a layer of hair that has no breakage on the ends, then a layer of hair that has the breakage on the ends, then a top layer that has no breakage. This is probably why I didn't notice it before, its sandwiched between hair that has no breakage. Its not a big area by any means but I noticed the difference.

In my frustration I took out the scissors and trimmed off more than an inch. Its a lot less noticable with that trim. The DH came in the bathroom and snatched the scissors away and told me I wear my hair up anyway so I didn't have to cut, I could have just let it grow out. Now two days later I realize he's right.

So I'm going back to what works. I'm putting myself on a baggie challenge for 30 days. Anyone want to join me?

Here's the plan:
-Every night I will moisturize my hair, concentrating on my ends, then put my hair in a loose bun (no ponytail holder) and cover it with a baggie that has olive oil in it. I 'll keep that on with a scunchie.

-In the morning I will remove the baggie and wear a bun or tucked under ponytail.

The rest of my regemin will stay the same: Wash 2/3 times a week, deep condition weekly, air dry in a bun or ponytail, moistuize daily.

Like I said I would love for you guys to join me. If the breakage fairy is visiting you hop aboard. Let's send her packing! I have no pics before I trimmed but I will post a pic of ends after the challenge is up. If you want to join we can start tomorrow and go until 3/31/06.
I’ll join you but my plan will be a bit different.

Here is my plan

Nightly - Apply Castor oil to ends and cover whole head with a plastic cap
Daily - Wash hair every morning.

I started my daily cw’s and I am trying to thicken my hair up. I am currently 15 weeks post and trying to stretch to 24. This is my first time stretching and so far all is well. I really understand my hair (thanks to Sistaslick!).

Count me in! :wave: I was just looking at my hair last night and said that I was going to make it a point to wear my baggie every day for a minute. So your thread came right on time. Is olive oil the only thing you use to keep on your ends? I'm new at this baggie thing and want to make sure I am doing this correctly.

Did you notice a difference in your hair while doing the baggie with braids?

I had been seeing some posts where people do that and was considering it. I will do the 30 day challange and see what happens.

I am in twists and will baggie when at home. (I'm always at home, lol SAHM)
I want to join but problem is if I put a baggie over my whole head. It will be so puffy in the morning when I wake up. Everynight I put a baggie on the length of my pony tail along with healthy hair ends and NTM leave in creme and my ends are so soft in the morning. But how can I do the whole head baggie thing without my hair puffing up.

Oooo! I want to know about this baggying braids? Did you just wear a plastic cap at night? Thanks!
KiSseS03 said:
Oooo! I want to know about this baggying braids? Did you just wear a plastic cap at night? Thanks!

I have braids and a couple of times a week I spritz with a mixture of water, oil, & glycerine, put on a baggie,tie it down with a satin scarf and wear it over night.

I was doing this everyday, but my braids were constantly damp. I began to wonder if it was bad to keep my hair damp all the time. Does anyone know the answer to that?
Phoenix said:
I have braids and a couple of times a week I spritz with a mixture of water, oil, & glycerine, put on a baggie,tie it down with a satin scarf and wear it over night.

I was doing this everyday, but my braids were constantly damp. I began to wonder if it was bad to keep my hair damp all the time. Does anyone know the answer to that?

Depends it really worked for me, b/c I had some dry spots and they were thriving after doing some intense baggie work :lol: but it would dry during the day so it was fine, I only baggied @ night. I mean you just mist don't soak the hair, I alternatedScurl with stinky G (MTG) 3 x/week got my stink on, and I got great growth and results. I do braided sew in weave BTW.
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tsmith - Don't cover your whole head unless you plan on washing the next day. That's the only reason I am covering my whole head. I do daily CW's.

Trust me if I don’t wash the next morning I would look like Buckwheat!

Yeah - count me in on this challenge for the whole month of March - I'll even start tonight.
Great idea and perfect timing, simplycee. :up:
simplycee said:
Well I guess it was too good to be true. The breakage fairy has come back to visit me. After washing and detangling this weekend I noticed the hair on my right side seemed a little thin near the ends. Upon closer inspection I realized that I had breakage in that area. Its weird because its like a layer of hair that has no breakage on the ends, then a layer of hair that has the breakage on the ends, then a top layer that has no breakage. This is probably why I didn't notice it before, its sandwiched between hair that has no breakage. Its not a big area by any means but I noticed the difference.

In my frustration I took out the scissors and trimmed off more than an inch. Its a lot less noticable with that trim. The DH came in the bathroom and snatched the scissors away and told me I wear my hair up anyway so I didn't have to cut, I could have just let it grow out. Now two days later I realize he's right.

So I'm going back to what works. I'm putting myself on a baggie challenge for 30 days. Anyone want to join me?

Here's the plan:
-Every night I will moisturize my hair, concentrating on my ends, then put my hair in a loose bun (no ponytail holder) and cover it with a baggie that has olive oil in it. I 'll keep that on with a scunchie.

-In the morning I will remove the baggie and wear a bun or tucked under ponytail.

The rest of my regemin will stay the same: Wash 2/3 times a week, deep condition weekly, air dry in a bun or ponytail, moistuize daily.

Like I said I would love for you guys to join me. If the breakage fairy is visiting you hop aboard. Let's send her packing! I have no pics before I trimmed but I will post a pic of ends after the challenge is up. If you want to join we can start tomorrow and go until 3/31/06.

Shes come to visit me too! the lil Bi%*! forst it was lil peices now its like pieces that are 3 inches long! WHYYYYYYYi guess its the new "bob" i've been doing, when my hair BENDS thats where the breakage is at! so i guess its back to my trusty tuck bun. i'm on humecto for a while then back to my MNT. nothings thin or anything, i'm just seeing peices on my combout on day 5 .. so YER i'm IN!
I'm in as well. I'll baggie the whole head and tie it down at night with 2 scarves (if I only do one, it tends to slide off). I've been doing protective styles (buns/phonyponies) since the end of November so using the scarves helps to keep the front lying down. When I've done this in the past, my hair is slighty damp but I consider it moisture and it dries within an hour.

I'll use my Gueye leave-in topped with jojoba, coconut or olive oil. I'll cw or poo every 2 days.
kreeme said:
Count me in! :wave: I was just looking at my hair last night and said that I was going to make it a point to wear my baggie every day for a minute. So your thread came right on time. Is olive oil the only thing you use to keep on your ends? I'm new at this baggie thing and want to make sure I am doing this correctly.

Olive oil is what I am putting in my baggie. To moisturize my hair I spritz with my mixture of bottled water and conditioner. I a little ORS Olive Oil lotion to my hair from my ears back and bun up. By the time I remove the baggie in the am my ends have soaked up most of the olive oil in the baggie. I just wear a bun the rest of the day and start over again at night.

I add about a capful of evoo (extra virgin olive oil) to the baggie and swish it around so that all the hair I put in the baggie soakes up the oil.
ayoung1981 said:

Did you notice a difference in your hair while doing the baggie with braids?

I had been seeing some posts where people do that and was considering it. I will do the 30 day challange and see what happens.

I am in twists and will baggie when at home. (I'm always at home, lol SAHM)

I sure did, my braids were never dry and brittle, NEVER. I would mix water and conditioner in a spray bottle and spray my braids, apply Worlds of Curls activator gel to the legnth of the braids and tie a scarf around my hair line and baggie the ends that was hanging out. I didn't get breakage when I removed my braids. I got shedding but never breakage.
tsmith said:
I want to join but problem is if I put a baggie over my whole head. It will be so puffy in the morning when I wake up. Everynight I put a baggie on the length of my pony tail along with healthy hair ends and NTM leave in creme and my ends are so soft in the morning. But how can I do the whole head baggie thing without my hair puffing up.


I don't put a baggie on my entire head, just my ends when I make a bun. I make a bun and cover the bun with a sandwich baggie that has a capful of olive oil in it and hold that in place witha scrunchie. In the morning I remove the baggie and just wear the bun.

Candy_C said:
Shes come to visit me too! the lil Bi%*! forst it was lil peices now its like pieces that are 3 inches long! WHYYYYYYYi guess its the new "bob" i've been doing, when my hair BENDS thats where the breakage is at! so i guess its back to my trusty tuck bun. i'm on humecto for a while then back to my MNT. nothings thin or anything, i'm just seeing peices on my combout on day 5 .. so YER i'm IN!

My sentiments exactly! :mad: She best be gone, quick!

Glad you're in girl!
I'm in too. The baggy thing didn't really seem to work for me before, so I will try some of these methods. And I'm trying to stay away from those addictive blowouts in this last month of my stretch.
simplycee said:
Olive oil is what I am putting in my baggie. To moisturize my hair I spritz with my mixture of bottled water and conditioner. I a little ORS Olive Oil lotion to my hair from my ears back and bun up. By the time I remove the baggie in the am my ends have soaked up most of the olive oil in the baggie. I just wear a bun the rest of the day and start over again at night.

I add about a capful of evoo (extra virgin olive oil) to the baggie and swish it around so that all the hair I put in the baggie soakes up the oil.

Okay cool! I never thought to put the oil in the bag. I just slick my hair back, oil it down really good with my surge oil and glycerin, dip my scruchie in coconut oil, make the pony, then I put the baggie on it.
Count me in on this one...I'll be bagging it up nightly and I like the idea of oil in the baggie.
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I wanna do this but every time I baggie w/ whatever moisturizer or oil, My wet head makes me wake up sneezing. :(
So far I've been using the baggie w/ holes in it as a scarf instead of as a the "baggie method" to prevent the sneezes and shivers.
However, if anyone knows a baggie method that gets around this, I would appreciate it.
I just mentioned on another thread that I'm going to be bagging it for 2 to 3 nights a week because of the brutal NYC weather! My hair is too dry!

Here's my regime (until the cold weather subsides...)
Shampoo and DC once a week
Put on favorite oils and moisturizers
put hair in a bun for 4 days when out of bun put on baggie for 3 days ( I work nights so it doesn't matter what my hair looks like).