Back on Creamy Crack - Self Relax Reggie Needs Feedback Please!!!!


New Member
OK... I guess I am back on the creamy crack - DAMN :lol:!

I was going to BC or LT Transition w/o BC but I realized all my back and forth is because I am super bored with my hair, wigs and what not :drunk:. So my new plan is to cut my APL hair to SL in a cute long bob and maintain it's health.

Every time I get to BSL it thins out eventually. So at this moment, I am not looking to grow I just want to maintain health and have better habits.

My Mom cut it last weekend from BSL to APL and we took pics. I LOVED IT and it inspired me to get a long bob cut. Which I plan to do in 2 weeks :yep:.

This 12 week stretch, has taught me a lot about taking care of my own hair (first time I have done it all the washing maintenance myself since high school ) and I think I am ready to perm my hair again myself :clap:. It's been at least 10 years since I have done it myself though :think:

So please give me feedback on my Self Relaxing reggie:

Week Before
Poo w/ ION clarifying shampoo
DC w/ Aveda Damage Remedy Intensive Restruct Treatment for 10 mins - no dryer
Follow w/ Avocado & Coconut Milk Mask (1 avocodo, 1 can coco milk, blend, put on hair for 10-15 mins under dryer and then rinse out.).
Rinse w/ Nettle tea (to minimize shedding)

2 Days Before
Base scalp w/ WGO (been doing this for a year or so now and works great for my sensitive scalp)

Day of Relaxer
Put WGO on already relaxed hair
Either do Half n Half method or part into 4-6 sections
Relax w/ No Lye Silk Elements Megasilk Relaxer
Relax edges and nape LAST!
Rinse out VERY well
Apply Aphogee 2 Min Reconstructor for 3-5 mins
Wash w/ Neutralizing Poo until Runs Clear
Apply Clairol Beautiful Collection Semi-Perm Color 11W (Honey Brown)
Sit under dryer for 25 mins
Roller set, under dryer & then style

Is that ok???

BTW, I have been reading on the self relaxing thread for ideas, so THANK YOU SO MUCH LADIES!!!

This is similar to what I plan on doing tomorrow. I have SAA which I plan to add to my roots tonight for added protection.
Make sure you have everything you need on hand before getting started:)

Did I read that right - are you colouring your hair at the same time?
creamy crack?
where are the pics?

the reggie sounds find - don't go heavy on the wheat germ though.

just a suggestion, if you haven't self-relaxed in that long, perhaps you should get someone to help you, practice, or at least do half/half
Cream Crack is slang for Relaxer

My pics are on my Fotki Album that is in my signature.

I don't have any wheat germ in my reggie. Where are you getting that from? - NEVERMIND - The Aphogee 2 min thingy. Got it!

I will practice applying it to my hair this weekend by using my mask. :) Thanks for the tip!
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Just ordered my SPRUSH!!! :-) Hope it gets here before next weekend in time for my relaxer!!!

I used the sprush the last time I self-relaxed (June). I loved it!!!! I ordered the relaxer kit that comes with 5 different sized Sprushes and they actually sent 7 in the kit. Deep into my stretch, when I can't get to my roots/scalp too good, I use the sprush to apply my conditioner for a deep condition. I absolutely love them.

Perhaps you mean Wild Growth Oil. Without you using the initials in context I made the distinction that you were using wheat germ oil.

creamy crack -

I am well aware of the terminology; however, relaxer is a very strong and potent chemical. It has the potential to cause great and irreparable follicular damage. I see your excitement and perhaps anxiety regarding the process, but I urge you to take some time before you use the "creamy crack," especially if you regard it as such.

Perhaps you mean Wild Growth Oil. Without you using the initials in context I made the distinction that you were using wheat germ oil.

creamy crack -

I am well aware of the terminology; however, relaxer is a very strong and potent chemical. It has the potential to cause great and irreparable follicular damage. I see your excitement and perhaps anxiety regarding the process, but I urge you to take some time before you use the "creamy crack," especially if you regard it as such.

I do understand a lot about relaxers. I have been getting them for about 20 years now. What I failed at was taking care of my relaxed hair.

I use the term creamy crack because 1.) it's funny and 2.) in order to maintain a relaxed head you must continue to use it creating a funny correlation IMO to a crack addiction. I think of Tyrone Biggums when I think of crack!
You said that this is the first time that you've self relaxed in about 10 years. Was your stylist using no-lye? Most stylists use lye unless the client specifically requests no-lye. So, when you do it yourself you might want to use lye. Good luck!
Yes you can use this SEMI-perm color right after a relaxer. It is specifically for relaxed hair and I have used it before. :) Check out the website:

This is the color that I use right after a relaxer. Clairol color is wonderful! Just a warning: Your hair might feel very hard and tangled after using it, but just put in an inexpensive conditioner that gives you lots of slip for a minute or two and your hair will immediately feel better. I use Garnier Fructis instant melting conditioner.
Are you going to do moisturizing condish or DC in reggie? Can you condish after color or will that make the color fade?

I had thought about that but I am not sure how that is going to work. I know hair after a relaxer the hair absorbs whatever you put on it. I am afraid if I condish or DC, the the color won't take b/c I am sealing that in, instead of the color.

Any feedback on this ladies? Anyone know if you can condish or DC and then add color???

You said that this is the first time that you've self relaxed in about 10 years. Was your stylist using no-lye? So, when you do it yourself you might want to use lye. Good luck!

I always brought my own relaxer, except one time and they were all no-lye. My hair doesn't take much to relax, so I always use mild, no lye relaxers. The one time I didn't bring my own, they used a Dominican lye relaxer on my head that felt like FY-UR! I had my toes curled, fists clenched and everything as it was rinsed out. It was so bad I used to have a bald spot in the front on my hair line. It BURED it away and it would not grow back on it's own. Once I came on here and started drinking the WGO kool-aid, my hair grew back!!! :) I never though it would. So all that to say, me and lye don't get along. :)

Just a warning: Your hair might feel very hard and tangled after using it, but just put in an inexpensive conditioner that gives you lots of slip for a minute or two and your hair will immediately feel better.

Thanks for the tip. I have noticed after having my stylist put this in my hair, my hair did feel hard. So now I will make sure to put a nice condish in to give it back that softness. Do you think using my Silicone would work ok? I just love the way my hair feels in that stuff... :)