Back on the Creamy Crack (PICS)

Wow your hair is gorgeous both ways!! I recently texlaxed my natural hair as well. It's been pretty fun learning which products/techniques still work.
Your hair is beautiful either way!

I texlaxed after being natural for about 10 years. It's been about 6 months, I think. I love it!
I stopped relaxing in November 2011 and I was fully natural in June 2012. In the middle of 2013, I started to relaxed My natural hair was pretty easy, I mostly did twists outs. I still get natural hair envy from time to time, but I know that for the preferred way I like to wear my hair, straighter styles, it just made more since to relax instead of worrying about reversion and lots of heat.

My relaxed hair now is a lot more stronger than it was before I went natural. A big reason for that is that my hair did not get bone straight, it still has texture whereas before it was way over processed, but I did not know it at the time.