Baby's hair what age?


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Baby\'s hair what age?

Does anyone know at what age do you start to see what the true texture is in a baby’s hair? My baby’s hair was straight when she was born but now it’s curly but even curlier at the crown. I just want to know what I’m going to be working with when it gets a little longer.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

Sometimes you can tell at birth...some babies are born with really kinky hair..

But depending on your baby hair grows you should be able to tell..
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

brittanynic16 said:
I think it is around 2

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Ditto. My babies were both born with type one. Now, my son (3yrs old) is a 4a and my daughter (2yrs old) is a type 3.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

I also believe it's age 2 or 3, but the hair is still maturing until they reach puberty.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

my sister got hers at 6...cuz until she was five it was really fine and its like rudy huxtable'
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

I think it's so neat to watch babies develop physically over the first few years of life. Not just with hair, but with facial features, skin, and body type. I son't think there is a set age for a baby's texture to change, but most babies texture develops within the first 12-18 months. Some babies(any ethnicity) lose all of their first hair and regrow a more mature hair within the first six months of life. I knew a baby who was born with jet black hair, which shed and now the child has golden brown hair.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

Asian people just shave it all off at birth they believe that it makes the hair grow back in thicker.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

My son was born with type 1 and changed to type 2 by the time he was one; stayed there about a couple of years. He later changed to 3b-c and is still there as a teen.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

i think it depends.. some children get their true texture early, some get theirs later. i think it has to do with hairtype, i think the further up on the scale (4-->3), the longer it takes for the true texture to show, but i can be wrong.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

My hair was straight until I was 3, now it's all curly. It all depends on the child.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

I was a type 1 until I turned about two years old and then I became a 2. I was a 2 until I was around the age of 9 or 10 then I became a 3.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

Me and my sons were born with type 1 hair. My youngest, who is 23 months, has type 3. My oldest has type 4a, but was a 3 until 2 or so. I was a 3c/4a by 2 years old. But it varies so much. My friends daughter was born with curly hair and now she is six months with the same hair just thicker and longer (and boy is it long!
) My neices were born with type 1 and there hair is now 2/3, but my other neice was born with type 1 and its now 3/4. Go figure.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

It really texture DOES change even in the adult years. It's also possible for people to have more than one hair texture. I don't think there really is an exact age in which texture change happens...I think it's a continuous process. Diet also has something to do with it. I've watched my coworkers hair texture change as his diet has changed and gotten "cleaner".
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

My son was born with straight hair and now has type 3b/c hair with some 4a at the crownhair. his hair reached it's "true" texture around age 3 i'm guessing. i know it seems a while but his hair really kept changing. I just assumed he would get my hair (4a/b) but my mom was like you just cant assume with kids because of genes (blah, blah, blah) but he got his OWN hair. hubby is a type 2 with some 3 in there so my son got a little bit of both of us
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

I have a two year old cousin whose hair was Type 1 and 2 when she was younger. Now I'm starting to see that she has little waves in her hair, so she has to be 3b/3c now.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

I know someone who was a type 3c till she had her first child. The day after she delivered she had type 3b hair. Weird but true.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

I, too, think it is constantly changing. I think my husband forgot about the change because he tried to convince me that it was the hair products that I was using that changed her hair type. At birth, her hair was straight. A few weeks later, her hair started to curl. Very loose, very silky. She never lost a strand of hair in her infancy. She didn't even have bald spots. I attribute that to my not putting ANYTHING in her hair in terms of hair accessories. I didn't make little ponytails, etc. Just a curly fro with maybe a cloth barrette thrown in for pictures. So, other than the one time that I trimmed her hair, she has all her hair from birth and the ends STILL will curl up when I want them like that. But right now, I couldn't tell you what type hair she has. I'm not too good with this hair typing deal. But it certainly is not even close to what she had at 18 months.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

interesting topic, from when i was born my hair was a 1 type, then as a kid my hair was 4a-3c,when i got my first relaxer when i was 11 it was a very thick frizzy 2/3 type hair (wouldn't hold a curl). when i was 15 my hair texture had a big change, i started having 2a-3b hair, like a looser scary spice curls, and my hair has been this way ever since. i don't think you can really tell someones hair texture till there out of puberty which can be anywhere from 10-20yr.old. chemicals in the body change therefore your hair changes.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

I may be the only person here who thinks this but, Why does it matter what you will be working with anyway.

Are you gonna stock up early on hair products that you think would work best on your baby's future hairtype?

I'm not really trying to be a smart @ss, I just don't understand why knowing your baby's future hair type is important. Even if you did know what her hair type will be you can't do anything to change it anyway.

Are you hoping for a certain hair type?
I just don't get it.

I'm not a mother so maybe I just don't understand.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

AFashionSlave said:
I may be the only person here who thinks this but, Why does it matter what you will be working with anyway.

Are you gonna stock up early on hair products that you think would work best on your baby's future hairtype?

I'm not really trying to be a smart @ss, I just don't understand why knowing your baby's future hair type is important. Even if you did know what her hair type will be you can't do anything to change it anyway.

Are you hoping for a certain hair type?
I just don't get it.

I'm not a mother so maybe I just don't understand.

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I am thinking the same thing as well
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

I've noticed a change around 2-3 for the kids I work with in my center.

One of my little sisters' hair never changed. Her twins hair changed around 3.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

Uh yeah....I do want to know what I'm working with and I'm not trying to change it, just manage it correctly. If she's a 3 something then chances are the products that I use on my 4a/4b hair will or will not work on her. I find this to also be true on this board. Different hairtypes may respond really well to certain products and my hair sometimes doesn't like it. In addition since I'm relaxed and I intend to keep her natural I find it to be extremely important to learn to care for it early on.
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

I thought that you don't get your "real" hair until after puberty hits. I was born with type 1 red ( I mean flaming)hair, now I have type 3a/b dark auburn hair. My hair just gradually darkened and curled as I got older
Re: Baby\'s hair what age?

i think it depends.. some children get their true texture early, some get theirs later. i think it has to do with hairtype, i think the further up on the scale (4-->3), the longer it takes for the true texture to show, but i can be wrong.

I wonder if sun exposure plays a role.

Perhaps, it speeds things up????
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I thought that you don't get your "real" hair until after puberty hits. I was born with type 1 red ( I mean flaming)hair, now I have type 3a/b dark auburn hair. My hair just gradually darkened and curled as I got older

Maybe this explains why women say their hair texture is different now than before they got their first relaxer.... many got their first before puberty