Baby's hair what age?

I thought that you don't get your "real" hair until after puberty hits. I was born with type 1 red ( I mean flaming)hair, now I have type 3a/b dark auburn hair. My hair just gradually darkened and curled as I got older

Actually the darkening of red hair is normal and not hormone linked. If a red head doesn't wash their hair with certain things our hair darkens in color.
Science of black hair says after 2.

I told my cousin this. I didn't think he believed me. Then at 2.5 years old, her texture changed. She said it wasn't by much, but it was noticeable.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
Both kids were born with type 1 hair. Dd's hair started to curl up around 2mos. starting with 3c-4a then 4a by age 2. Ds's hair followed a similar pattern but was 4a by 12 mos.