***AYURVEDA WARNING***Shikai-Co Wash


New Member
I posted my first tutorial!!! :dance7:

This is the way that I use my Shikakai Powder and my hair loves it! I've been co-washing this way since the end November so I thought that it is time for me to come up offa this "secret!" :grin:

Feel free to modify the ingredients to suit your hair's moisture, protein and growing needs. And let me know what you think!



ETA: Always conduct a patch test before using new products on your hair :)
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I posted my first tutorial!!! :dance7:

This is the way that I use my Shikakai Powder and my hair loves it! I've been co-washing this way since the end November so I thought that it is time for me to come up offa this "secret!" :grin:

Feel free to modify the ingredients to suit your hair's moisture, protein and growing needs. And let me know what you think!


DenverGirl's Shikai-Co Wash Recipe

Girl, I was about to say, you use alot of conditioner for your cowashes.:lachen: Good idea!
I posted my first tutorial!!! :dance7:

This is the way that I use my Shikakai Powder and my hair loves it! I've been co-washing this way since the end November so I thought that it is time for me to come up offa this "secret!" :grin:

Feel free to modify the ingredients to suit your hair's moisture, protein and growing needs. And let me know what you think!


DenverGirl's Shikai-Co Wash Recipe

I would have NEVER thought to do it like this!! Thanks for the tip!!!
Very interesting; thanks for sharing. I have both Hesh Alma and Shikakai powders, can I mix both in your co-wash recipe?
Very interesting; thanks for sharing. I have both Hesh Alma and Shikakai powders, can I mix both in your co-wash recipe?

YES! Just use equal parts of whatever powders you want to use. It is a great way to get the benefits of the powders w/o all the mess of making teas and pastes.
Good advice. I still have boxes of henna, shikakai and other powders that I need to use. I think I'll start adding them to conditioners and shampoos. The benefits are great!!
:grin: You are a sweet heart. I have 4 different powders in my bathroom closet and stopped using them and could not force myself to toss them.

Thanks allot!! I cowash at least every 2 or 3 days and I have lots of indian powders and I am definately going to try this. Thanks you so much!!! This may work great while I am in braids!!! :0) Oh yeah!!! :grin:
I just have a question. Will this mixture tint your hair or just offer a real good condition?

The mixture that I use has not tinted my hair. I have been CWing this way for nearly 6 months. That is not to say that it wouldn't tint someone elses. If you are concerned with the powder altering the color of your hair, conduct a patch test and see how your hair reacts to it.

Let me know how it turns out for you!

:grin: You are a sweet heart. I have 4 different powders in my bathroom closet and stopped using them and could not force myself to toss them.

Thanks allot!! I cowash at least every 2 or 3 days and I have lots of indian powders and I am definately going to try this. Thanks you so much!!! This may work great while I am in braids!!! :0) Oh yeah!!! :grin:

That is why I decided to post it b/c knew that there are many members who have boxes of this stuff just sitting there.

Be sure to really rinse your braids very well when using the mix, expecially around the area where the extension is added to your hair - you know the little "knot."

Keep us posted on how it works out for you!
Veeeeeeeeeery interesting. I have a Shikaki poo bar, and I am trying to figure out how to use the rest of my powders as a rinse. Maybe I will just try this instead!
Veeeeeeeeeery interesting. I have a Shikaki poo bar, and I am trying to figure out how to use the rest of my powders as a rinse. Maybe I will just try this instead!

I am too lazy with my hair for rinses, but I knew that these powders did amazing things for hair health and growth. That is why I just threw everything into my CW so I could have a "one stop shop!" :grin:
I am too lazy with my hair for rinses, but I knew that these powders did amazing things for hair health and growth. That is why I just threw everything into my CW so I could have a "one stop shop!" :grin:

Where do you purchase your Shikaki Powder?
Where do you purchase your Shikaki Powder?

I get mine from a local (East) Indian store. Some people get it from internet stores, but the only one that I know sells it is From Nature With Love and the prices there for the powder are probably way overprices compared to what you would pay at the Indian Mart.
I absolutely LOVE co-washing, but every now and then I seem to have locks of curls rinse out in the shower. It this the normal amount that I would lose anyway with combing or is this a problem? Does anyone else experience this?
I absolutely LOVE co-washing, but every now and then I seem to have locks of curls rinse out in the shower. It this the normal amount that I would lose anyway with combing or is this a problem? Does anyone else experience this?

Welcome and congrats on your first post!

The amount of hair lost is highly dependent on the individual. If for instance, one day you lose a few strands and the next week you are losing locks, I would be concerned. But if your lose locks of curls consistently, then that may be normal for you and nothing to worry about, IMO.
Thank you DenverGirl! I'm really excited that I found LHCF! I do constantly lose locks of curls but when I straighten my hair everything seems to be fine and my hair doesn't look any thinner. Thanks for the advise. Great recipe!
I posted my first tutorial!!! :dance7:

This is the way that I use my Shikakai Powder and my hair loves it! I've been co-washing this way since the end November so I thought that it is time for me to come up offa this "secret!" :grin:

Feel free to modify the ingredients to suit your hair's moisture, protein and growing needs. And let me know what you think!


DenverGirl's Shikai-Co Wash Recipe

ETA: Always conduct a patch test before using new products on your hair :)

I've already been in there stalking your fotki and yes it's a great co-wash recipe. My hair likes bhringraj powder and oil, so I would tweak mine to include them. Great job and thanks for sharing.