Ayurveda Progress

Ok, all these reasons and the fabulosity of your hair is why I must certainly try this Ayurvedic regimen.

I've heard many people say that it made their new growth more manageable and loosened the wave. How would you say it has changed your texture?

Fabulosity....:lachen: I love that word for some reason! Thanks for the compliment :grin:

(Please bear with my weird explanation cuz I really don't know how to describe it....:look::ohwell:)

My relaxed hair:

My mixture makes my texture more natural-like...like it cancels out my relaxer or something. Before Ayurveda, my hair airdried straighter. But now it makes me look texlaxed and gives my hair more bulk. (I kinda like it, but I had to tweak my daily styling reggie a lil...)

The thing is, when I use heat it LOOKS relaxed :ohwell: So it gets completely straight with heat, but since I airdry it gives me a texlaxed-look.

Does this make any sense?!? Lol. :spinning:

I've been told that amla increases texture in your hair, and in my last batch I put a whooooole lot of amla in it, so I'm guessing that's the reason. My hair also takes a little longer to dry, but I'm assuming cuz my hair has more bulk now.

New Growth:
There really isn't a change in my new growth, and if there is (I'm only 9 weeks post, too soon to really tell) I can't really say it's completely cuz of Ayurveda. It is coming in more shiny/wavey, but I don't know if that's solely because of Ayurveda. I've changed my diet and take supplements, so that may have something to do with it.
I used amla and shikakai for my last wash (2:1) and my hair felt like, uhm, dry grass when it dried...almost looked like I was natural...it looked and felt very thick though (which I loved)...wasn't shiney at all...I prepood overnite with coconut oil, rinsed the oil out, poured the mix on my hair and let it sit for about 10 minutes with a plastic cap, rinsed well, DC'd with Alba Mango conditioner mixed with broccoli seed/watermelon seed oils with a plastic cap without heat for about 10-15 minutes, rinsed then air dried...maybe I should've used heat or left it in longer...but after I put oil in my hair, it became pretty soft...I might not rinse the oil out next time to see if that helps with the shine and softness when I air dry...I'm going to continue to use this for every wash because I am pleased with the overall results (just have to work on the shine/softness)...I ordered some bhringraj from FNWL and it should be in Friday so I'll mix all three and see how I like it.
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Fabulosity....:lachen: I love that word for some reason! Thanks for the compliment :grin:

(Please bear with my weird explanation cuz I really don't know how to describe it....:look::ohwell:)

My relaxed hair:
My mixture makes my texture more natural-like...like it cancels out my relaxer or something. Before Ayurveda, my hair airdried straighter. But now it makes me look texlaxed and gives my hair more bulk. (I kinda like it, but I had to tweak my daily styling reggie a lil...)

The thing is, when I use heat it LOOKS relaxed :ohwell: So it gets completely straight with heat, but since I airdry it gives me a texlaxed-look.

Does this make any sense?!? Lol. :spinning:

I've been told that amla increases texture in your hair, and in my last batch I put a whooooole lot of amla in it, so I'm guessing that's the reason. My hair also takes a little longer to dry, but I'm assuming cuz my hair has more bulk now.

New Growth:
There really isn't a change in my new growth, and if there is (I'm only 9 weeks post, too soon to really tell) I can't really say it's completely cuz of Ayurveda. It is coming in more shiny/wavey, but I don't know if that's solely because of Ayurveda. I've changed my diet and take supplements, so that may have something to do with it.

I have to agree with the bolded. I am somewhat texlaxed anyway, but still had those stringy straight fully relaxed ends. Since I've started using the Shikakai & Amla mix, my relaxed ends feel stronger and dont just hang there all stringy like(for lack of a better term). When I airdry my hair is much thicker and seems to retain moisture longer. I :love: Ayurvedics!!
You and your hair are beautiful!!! Yes there is an inrceased density and shine!Love it Love It Love it!
You - Osamane and Sareca are my Ayurvedic Sheroes!!

awwwww thank you sis :huggle:

Since I've been using ayurvedic products my hair has done a complete 360: Virtually no shedding, less breakage, stronger, thicker, shinier, ends look and feel better and softer hair. I am hooked for life :grin::lick:
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I have to agree with the bolded. I am somewhat texlaxed anyway, but still had those stringy straight fully relaxed ends. Since I've started using the Shikakai & Amla mix, my relaxed ends feel stronger and dont just hang there all stringy like(for lack of a better term). When I airdry my hair is much thicker and seems to retain moisture longer. I :love: Ayurvedics!!

Me three. My hair is "bigger" for a lack of a better word. The strange thing is what ayurveda is doing to my NG. I'll be 8 weeks day after tomorrow and my ng is VERY manageable.
I started right after Thanksgiving and I love it! I started with CandyC and RTweety's Gro-Aut Regimen. I'm taking a break from the powders but the amla, shakakai (sp?) oils are great! My hair feels stronger. It's so dark that I haven't had to henna in months. The mahabhringraj, bhringraj and RTweety's Gro Aut oil are awesome! I've had amazing hair growth. I guess my hair really loves all the oils. I have nothing but good things to say about the whole thing. I think I've found a hair staple for life!:yep:

Beautiful ....
Does the gro-aut oil work on highlighted/color treated hair - like mine?

I suggest you PM RedTweety. I haven't seen anyone with color posting results.

ETA: I have a cellophane rinse in my hair and I don't have a problem but it's not permanent color.
Me three. My hair is "bigger" for a lack of a better word. The strange thing is what ayurveda is doing to my NG. I'll be 8 weeks day after tomorrow and my ng is VERY manageable.

Yes!!! I have found this to be so true!! I am 12 weeks post, and my NG is more manageable than I can ever recall it being! :yep:
Yes!!! I have found this to be so true!! I am 12 weeks post, and my NG is more manageable than I can ever recall it being! :yep:

That's good to know because now I know it's not only me. I pray it stays this way so maybe I can stretch past my normal 12 weeks.
Still lovin it! and now that I bought muslin teabags all I have to do is fill the muslin teabags with the powders and no straining for me! Cassia - initially drying but gives my unshiny hair one heck of a shine. ( My hair never had shine without applying a shine product
Hair is stronger, shinier and thats all i wanted. Im sticking to this. But I gotta have my Curls Ecstasy Hair Tea as a deep conditioner at least once a month.
Wednesday, I used 2 parts Amla powder, 1 part Shikakai powder and 1 part Bhringraj powder as a rinse/wash...I prepood for about 30-40 mins with castor oil (w/plastic cap), rinsed, poured on the herbal rinsed, sat with a plastic cap for about 20-30 mins, rinsed, conditioned with Mango conditioner mixed with jojoba oil w/o heat w/plastic cap for about 30 mins, rinsed, put on a scarf and went to sleep...the next morning my hair was completly dry, very soft and shiney :yep:.
I'm seeing and feeling a big difference in my hair since doing this kind of method. My hair feels stronger yet softer. I'm not going to use anything else on my hair because nothing has come close to using Indian products. :)
I'm still just using the shikaikai bar and I can't stop wearing my hair out. It definitely helps with ng and detangling. I'm about to try Amla oil and some of Redtweety's oils and I should be good :spinning:
I see some growth. Last night I found a novel way to measure my progress. I have a few gray strands and I hennad the beginning of the month They are a copper color. I have about an inch of gray that I can see above the gray that has henna on it so I figure that's new growth.
Well, I just went crazy shopping again. I think I am done...for a while. I got some Shikakai oil and shampoo bar. The chandrika worked ok, but my 4 year old son likes taking a bath with it. Plus, it smells great.
I am seeing great progress as well. I began after my fresh touch-up. I have been experimenting with different powders and my hair lovers shiksksi/alma powder rinse the best. I can see a big difference in the shine it gives, strength and softness. I have slacked off on using the oils overnight because they did not agree with my hair :nono:. Instead, I use them an hour or two before I wash, much better. I plan to reveal my progress pics in April after HYH is over. Keep it up ladies....