Ayurveda Progress


Active Member
How many of you ladies on the ayurveda regimen seeing progress ?????????
I for one am !!!

I have:

way less breakage
darker -n- thicker hair
and to my surprise better growth :yep:

Anyone else? Please share :grin:
How many of you ladies on the ayurveda regimen seeing progress ?????????
I for one am !!!

I have:

way less breakage
darker -n- thicker hair
and to my surprise better growth :yep:

Anyone else? Please share :grin:

Hey, Carletta, this sounds absolutely wonderful! What exactly is your regimen, and for how long have you done it? TIA
Hey, Carletta, this sounds absolutely wonderful! What exactly is your regimen, and for how long have you done it? TIA

Actually I've been following candyc regimen . I've been using for about 3-4 weeks . I've gained about 1/2 in or more than I usually would .

THIS IS A KEEPER ! :grin::yep::grin::yep: :drunk:
My hair feels stronger- Im natural so I cant measure true growth until I get it straightened. (maybe at the end of April)But the area of my undyed roots has been increasing- so theres some hair growth. I don't know is its more than average for me. But I love this Ayurveda thingy. I think I'm in for life!!!:grin:
i will let you know in april/july... :)
i starterd today with an order of shikakai powder!
candyc and redhotlala have me convinced!
I started right after Thanksgiving and I love it! I started with CandyC and RTweety's Gro-Aut Regimen. I'm taking a break from the powders but the amla, shakakai (sp?) oils are great! My hair feels stronger. It's so dark that I haven't had to henna in months. The mahabhringraj, bhringraj and RTweety's Gro Aut oil are awesome! I've had amazing hair growth. I guess my hair really loves all the oils. I have nothing but good things to say about the whole thing. I think I've found a hair staple for life!:yep:
Okay - I'm hoping these pictures aren't too big..

This is a month's worth of growth in my hairline BEFORE I started using Amla: The first picture is from Sept 18, the second is from Oct 11.


This is a picture of my hair WITH Amla.....The first picture is Dec 20, the second picture is jan 18.... I wish I had a more pulled back style in December, as it would make it clearer....

ETA: I STARTED using Amla on Dec 03.



And I WISH I had been smart enough to take pictures of the same side of my head. :rolleyes:

I think there has been an increase in the growth rate, but I could be fooling myself...if anything, I think my hair looks darker and - richer - somehow........ I started using the indians herbs.... heck, I'll have to dig through my old posts and see... I'll come back and update that in a bit.

So - what do ya'll think? Is it helping?
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You and your hair are beautiful!!! Yes there is an inrceased density and shine!Love it Love It Love it!
You - Osmane and Sareca are my Ayurvedic Sheroes!!
I started right after Thanksgiving and I love it! I started with CandyC and RTweety's Gro-Aut Regimen. I'm taking a break from the powders but the amla, shakakai (sp?) oils are great! My hair feels stronger. It's so dark that I haven't had to henna in months. The mahabhringraj, bhringraj and RTweety's Gro Aut oil are awesome! I've had amazing hair growth. I guess my hair really loves all the oils. I have nothing but good things to say about the whole thing. I think I've found a hair staple for life!:yep:

Where can I find these regimes (Candy C abd RTweety.) I need to grow my hair out in the back/nape area. Thanks.
How many of you ladies on the ayurveda regimen seeing progress ?????????
I for one am !!!

I have:

way less breakage
darker -n- thicker hair
and to my surprise better growth :yep:

Anyone else? Please share :grin:
It's amazing how the powders stop my breakage and shedding. I tend to change my routine out of boredom, but ayurveda is so effective that I just may stick with it.
I haven't been using Ayruvadic products for very long but since I have, I've noticed my hair is incredibly shiny, the color is deep and rich and I've noticed it's a bit straighter than normal when I wash it. :-)
I don't know that my growth has increased but I got so many comments about how thick it looked when I wore it out. I was hoping for 3 inches in two weeks so that may be contributing to my disappointment/hair anorexia-LOL. I've just a little bit more to get to apl so I guess I was trying to rush it. I took a before pic and I guess I'll wait until April to see what the after is. I'm still on the aaa grind though:yep:
I am only using Redd Tweety's Gro-aut oil which is ayurveda,, and it is the bomb, serious growth from using it. The best growth aid I have ever used.
I don't know that my growth has increased but I got so many comments about how thick it looked when I wore it out. I was hoping for 3 inches in two weeks so that may be contributing to my disappointment/hair anorexia-LOL. I've just a little bit more to get to apl so I guess I was trying to rush it. I took a before pic and I guess I'll wait until April to see what the after is. I'm still on the aaa grind though:yep:

:blush::shocked: I think you may be overreaching a bit. How about 2 inches in a month-which I still think is pushing it, but heah. I just think you need to be a little more realistic.
I don't know that my growth has increased but I got so many comments about how thick it looked when I wore it out. I was hoping for 3 inches in two weeks so that may be contributing to my disappointment/hair anorexia-LOL. I've just a little bit more to get to apl so I guess I was trying to rush it. I took a before pic and I guess I'll wait until April to see what the after is. I'm still on the aaa grind though:yep:

There is nothing that will give you 3 inches in 2 weeks.

There really isn't anything that will give you 3 inches in 1 month. 2 months is kinda pushing it.

The other poster was right, we have to be more realistic ladies.
There is nothing that will give you 3 inches in 2 weeks.

There really isn't anything that will give you 3 inches in 1 month. 2 months is kinda pushing it.

The other poster was right, we have to be more realistic ladies.

Listen up folx: What I thought was an obvious exaggeration WAS NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN LITERALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:spinning: Divarox does not actually think hair grows that quickly, not even with monkey ball juice, hot rocks scalp treatments, dried camel spit or any product on the market.

Thanks in advance to any who understood that the first time
I am only using Redd Tweety's Gro-aut oil which is ayurveda,, and it is the bomb, serious growth from using it. The best growth aid I have ever used.

Growinglong, how are you using the Gro-Aut oil? I use it daily, but not really on my scalp. I love that it's so light. My hair is definitely stronger, but I'm not sure about growth yet.

I use the gro aut oil to oil my scalp daily. I only try to oil my scalp, of course some gets on my hair,, but I am on my third bottle and love it. I wear my hair in a protective style daily, so that helps a bunch. I am really getting good growth.

I use the gro aut oil to oil my scalp daily. I only try to oil my scalp, of course some gets on my hair,, but I am on my third bottle and love it. I wear my hair in a protective style daily, so that helps a bunch. I am really getting good growth.

Where do you get gro aut oil?
I don't know that my growth has increased but I got so many comments about how thick it looked when I wore it out. I was hoping for 3 inches in two weeks so that may be contributing to my disappointment/hair anorexia-LOL. I've just a little bit more to get to apl so I guess I was trying to rush it. I took a before pic and I guess I'll wait until April to see what the after is. I'm still on the aaa grind though:yep:

lol, i'll bet!

if only hair DID grow that fast, though... i'd be so happy :drunk:

i just bought a shikakai shampoo bar. but i henna, and i don't want to darken the reddish highlights that i have. does shikakai significantly darken the hair?
I started right after Thanksgiving and I love it! I started with CandyC and RTweety's Gro-Aut Regimen. I'm taking a break from the powders but the amla, shakakai (sp?) oils are great! My hair feels stronger. It's so dark that I haven't had to henna in months. The mahabhringraj, bhringraj and RTweety's Gro Aut oil are awesome! I've had amazing hair growth. I guess my hair really loves all the oils. I have nothing but good things to say about the whole thing. I think I've found a hair staple for life!:yep:

I'm thinking about taking a break from the powders, too. I did a rinse tonight & got some in my eye - my eye is still red & burning. I may replace the rinses w/the Gro-Aut line. :yep:
I hear you, Diva! :grin:

My hair is like 10 weeks post Monday and the new growth is incredible (may also be due to MN, but that's another post/thread). I had to get it cornrowed yesterday because it was getting quite unruly.

When I was wearing it in a bantu knot twist out the other week, I did get a compliment from a coworker on how thick it looked. Loving the shikaikai oil scritch/amla rinse and skikaikai/amla/aritha powder rinse. I haven't used real shampoo in like 3 weeks; love it! :yep:
I'm thinking about taking a break from the powders, too. I did a rinse tonight & got some in my eye - my eye is still red & burning. I may replace the rinses w/the Gro-Aut line. :yep:

Oh Nakia- the same thing happened to me and I felt so silly that I didnt even post it. Its an astringent- so if it tingles your scalp- it'll irritate your eye. Sorry girl- I know just how you feel:assimilat
I have been using Ayurvedic products for almost 3 months now, and I have softer, silkier, thicker/denser hair, dark richer color, no breakage, way less shedding, shine without sheen sprays, pomades or glosses, and my roots at 12 weeks post still look like I just got them relaxed. I am thinking about transitioning! I don't know if it did anything for my growth, but I rollerset to straighten, so it's hard to tell. Overall, I love Ayurvedic hair care!