Ayurveda Ladies WHY do you like’em …???


Well-Known Member
Ok, can someone please explain how exactly do Ayurveda products aid in growth?

I keep hearing a lot about them and how much growth everyone is getting, so I’m curious.
What Ayurveda products a

re you using? (the NAME) ..and how are you using it?

How are you benefiting from it?
I use amla and shaikakai oils for my pre poo and after 30 mins I apply my mixture of 2 tsp amla and 1 tsp shaikakai powders mixed with vo5 moisture milks conditioner for 30 mins and then rinse really good and apply my leave in and serum for my rollerset. Since I started using them I now have stronger, softer hair and its shiny. I love using ayurveda products Plus a little goes a long way.
I use amla oil and coconut oil, amla and shikakai powder and henna. My hair is stronger, softer and my hair is bigger (that's the only word I have for it).
I use henna, shikakai, amla, brahmi, and aritha. I'm going to try some of the other powders later. I use all of them in their powdered form and just mix them as I see fit with my oils and conditioner. I use everything except the henna for my pre-poo and rinses. I henna about a week/every two weeks. It has definitely made my hair resilient. I have fine/thin hair that will go breaking if you say, "boo!" It has made my hair softer and has given it a much thicker appearance. I shed less hairs now, and since it's loosened my curl pattern a little, my hair tangles less and detangles easier. Henna also has given my hair a really nice brownish-red color from my original dusty brown color, which wasn't really my intent, but it's a nice bonus to me because I used to love to color.
I use henna, shikakai, amla, brahmi, and aritha. I'm going to try some of the other powders later. I use all of them in their powdered form and just mix them as I see fit with my oils and conditioner. I use everything except the henna for my pre-poo and rinses. I henna about a week/every two weeks. It has definitely made my hair resilient. I have fine/thin hair that will go breaking if you say, "boo!" It has made my hair softer and has given it a much thicker appearance. I shed less hairs now, and since it's loosened my curl pattern a little, my hair tangles less and detangles easier. Henna also has given my hair a really nice brownish-red color from my original dusty brown color, which wasn't really my intent, but it's a nice bonus to me because I used to love to color.

I have only used henna and I have to agree with this. After just 1 application, my hair is stronger (less shedded hairs), it appears thicker, and the color is a nice chocolate cherry color instead of my usual dusty brown color that I have hated so much! I will continue to use it to see how much my hair improves. I also like it cause it was cheap (each bag of henna (one application at $1.30) and readily availble-picked it up a block away at the indian grocery mart.
I use henna, for the above mentioned stretgthening properties, as well as to give me red highlights.

I also use shikakai & amla once a month or so, to 'wash' my hair.

I haven't used anything specifically for growth.
I have turned to using these products because they are very inexpensive, readily available ( in the Indian section in any of their grocery stores) and I love the way they make my hair feel! I henna once every two months which covers my grays and gives me a nice reddish tint. I massage my scalp evenings with amla and vatika oils; pre-poo with these oils as well; wash with the shakakai, amla, neem and aritha powders, (or make a tea and rinse with these) and deep condition with my Hairveda Strinilla.
My hair just loves this!
I like them because they have made my hair stronger and thicker. As for growth its normal, but the health is the big change for me.

I have Henna'd twice, no set routine for application yet. My hair is still pretty dark, which I like. I will Henna/Indigo in January just cause I like how strong my hair has gotten w/ this.

I have used Shikakai, Amla, and Vatika Coconut oil....fell off a little when I got braids. I am trying to add them back to "a routine" hair regime. But when I was using the powders, I made hair tea's. I still think these attributed to the health and growth of my hair.
I do a scalp massage 1st then I use Brhami, Brhingeraj ayurvedic powders, I make a tea/tonic let it cool, then pour it all over my scalp and hair I really concentrate on he ends. It makes my hair stronger, thicker, grow faster prob. cause little to no breakage since detangling is a breeze afterwards, and I get defined curls and it's super soft. I haven't been doing these as often but I'm back on it now.
The health of my hair has improved noticeably since I started using Ayurveda oils and powders. I add them to CW, DC, teas and oil rinses. My growth is no faster, than normal, but I'm retaining more length and gaining thickness which has a silky feel that keeps getting better. Shikakai, Amla & Brahmi powders and oils are some of my staples. I also use Henna and Indigo. I like Ayurveda because they are simple to use, their natural and effective conditioning and cleansing qualities and my hair is healthier. Also because they are reasonably priced.

I love Ayuverdic products! I've been using them for several months now and I noticed that I have a lot less shedding and breakage and my hair has gotten thicker.:yep: I mix my powders with conditioner. My favorite powders are: Maka, Brahmi and Shikakai. I tried Henna and Indigo a few months ago and I love the results. It looked natual and my hair didn't have the "sudden dye" look.

The only regret I have is not trying Ayuverdic powders sooner.:look:
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I agree with everyone else. The benefits you get of healthy, strong and vibrant hair is just tremedous. I had not taken my hair down from protective style in a few months and it was truly gratifiying to see there was no breakage and it was as strong as ever.

I am a walking billboard for ayurvedic products. They truly do work. I have too many products from powders to oils and even soaps to mention.

I will create a tea in a minute and use it in my cowashes.
I love ayurvedic everything. I tried the teas and found it to be a little too drying. So now I add the powders to my condish. which works better for me. I have noticed in 3 months time my hair is darker, stronger, and longer.

Powders: Brahmi, shikaki, amla, rose petal powder

Oils: Brahmi, coconut, castor, and glycerine ( which I add to my condish).

Oh yeah, in-expensive and natural.
so ladies, is it true that you don't have to make teas and all that complicated stuff like leaving it out over night etc???

I need a simple way to use this stuff, cuz I am definitely getting on this bandwagon in '09. And can some one please PM me on how to henna :help:, I tried to do research on it:hide:, (don't kill me), but i dunno, i just need it in "the simplest explanation". seems a little complicated :o
so ladies, is it true that you don't have to make teas and all that complicated stuff like leaving it out over night etc???

I need a simple way to use this stuff, cuz I am definitely getting on this bandwagon in '09. And can some one please PM me on how to henna :help:, I tried to do research on it:hide:, (don't kill me), but i dunno, i just need it in "the simplest explanation". seems a little complicated :o

This is what I do when I henna. I use enough henna powder to cover my hair and add water, some type of oil (grapeseed, almond, coconut etc) and some of my cheapie condish. I let it sit over night in an iron pot. The next day I put it in my hair (make sure to cover hair really well), cover with a plastic bag, and leave it on for at least 4 hours. I then rinse and conditioner wash it out. There are different ways to use henna, this is just what I do. HTH!
I use Amla, Aritha, Shikakai, Heenera and kapoor Kachli powders. I have kapoor Kachli powder mix on my hair now. As for oils I use Amla, Brahmi, Shikakai, Bhringraj, Saini and Anoop to name a few. Most I have ordered online. The India store close to me doesn't have a really big selection to choose from.
I'm glad you started this thread! I'm jumping on the bandwagon tonight. I just went to the Indian store yesterday to get my oils & powders. My new reggie:

Deep condition w/ K-Pak system 1-2x/week

Co-wash: Phytosesame (hydrating conditioner) w/ neem, shikakai, aritha powder addeds 2-3x/week

Whole head Baggy: glycerine, aloe vera, H2O (moisture) seal with coconut, castor & essential oils 2x/month or weekly

Protective styling: braid/twist outs, buns prepped w/ Alma, Vatika, sunflower oils & homemade curl balm

No Heat & nightly scalp massages w/my indian oils.

I'm a newbie to LHCF since March & I spent most of the time lurking. I had good growth results but have had issues w/ breakage, shedding, and thinning. I had to cut 3-4 inches off 2x this year because of the damage. Now I'm focused on maintaining the health of my hair & will treat it with TLC & the best products I can find or make. I've been natural for 7 years & have 3c/4a APL hair. I'm getting my scalp & hair in shape to Texlax & Henna in early 2009. I'm in the process of re-doin my album...but I'll be sure to document my progress since this is a new reggie for me.

Thanks for letting me know the benefits of these Indian hair miracles :-)...I've wanted to try them for ages & now I'm even more confident to start using them.
Where do i begin....where do i begin

Amla Powder
Shikakai Powder
Brahmi Powder
......to stimulate scalp and promote hair growth. I use this rinse to rinse out the

Amla Oil
Vatika Oil
Vatika Frosting
Shikakai Oil (ends)
......stimulate scalp and promote hair growth.

I a regular was day...I shampoo w/ Shikakai soap bar...cleanses scalp and makes me hair feel extremely soft....
and I use the WEN "Sweet Almond Mint" system. I has mint & some ayurvedic ingreds.. so it might as well me ayurvedic. HTH
I forgot....... a box of Amla Powder is $2 - $4 and i has last me for 6 months now....I saved a lot of money...... All AYURVEDIC IS CHEAP & healthy to use for u and ur kids
For me , I love the way my hair feels, It's the healthiest it's been in years. The powders have given me strength & growth retention.
I think I use almost all of them:look:. My fotki haas a lot of info on what I use and how I use them. I do like the strengthening, conditioning and moisturizing power of a lot of the powders.

I like brahmi for growth

shikakai and amla powders - for strengthening and conditioning

bhringraj and hibiscus petal powders - for moisturizing

fenugreek seed powder - for the slip and conditioning, the slip is amazing

aritha powder for clarifying - although I don't really like this one, it's too drying on my fine hair.

henna for strenthening and conditioning - mostly for now but it helps to color my gray hairs very effectively, far better than the commercial rinses I've used.

tulsi - uhh...I still don't know what this does, thank goodness I only bought a tiny bit of it because it has a lot of big herbal pieces in it - what's up with that?

Kalpi tone - now this is the super combination of most of the herbal powders above. It is what I call a complete and balanced blend of a few powders that has the properties of strengthening, conditioning and moisturizing all in one neat little bundle. Perfect for me, so I bought a lot of it.
Oops! forgot to name the products, Amla, Bhringraj, & Brahmi for growth, strength, & moisture. Shikakai, Neem, Aritha for strength & cleansing. Henna for strength & shine. Indigo for color & shine.
I bought some brhingaraj and shikakai because of all the great things I've read here. Got it at the local indian shop a couple weeks ago and it was cheap cheap cheap! I also grabbed some amla gold, vatika and mahabringaraj oils.

I'm new to ayurveda but I can already see a few of the benefits. My hair has been crazy hydrated already. When I washed my hair last, before using ayurveda, I had more shedding than I'd expected. I'd done a hard aphogee a couple weeks before that and the cease in shedding had been immediate. Well, a week later, I found I was shedding again. I used the vatika to seal my ends and added the amla gold to my moisturizing spritz throughout the week. By the time I prepood with those same oils tonight, did a tea rinse, co-washed and did an oil rinse there was minimal shedding and detangling was a breeze (I'm past SL 4a natural) It's funny, because I was expecting the worse since I'd added megatek this past week and I'd heard so much about the shedding that people were experiencing.

I say check it out. Those tea rinses are cake. I know you'd said you're into simplifying so I thought I'd mention how I did my tea rinse. I did a DC with heat on dry hair with a mixture of conditioner, vatika and amla oils. While I was sitting under the dryer I had put a tsp of shikakai and 2 tsp of brhingaraj into a stocking sock, tied it up and dropped it in some simmering water. I let it simmer for a while (a half hour maybe) then cut it off and let it continue to steep while I was under the dryer. When I was done with my DC I just removed the sock, added an equal amount of cool water to the tea and poured it over my head into the bathroom sink while scrubbing my scalp and squeezing it through my hair. I covered my head with plastic while I cleaned the sock. All I had to do was invert the sock, rinse with hot water and squeeze a few times. When I hopped in the shower to rinse, cowash and oil rinse, detangling was just so easy and I didn't have to worry about having any granules in my hair from the powders. Loving the way my hair feels right now. Can't wait to see til tomorrow :lick: