Awful damage, what should I do?:


Active Member
After an attempt at a self relaxer on Wednesday using ORS Lye (it's now in the garbage) I am breakage pretty badly :wallbash:. Typically when I comb my hair I see a few strands. Now I'm getting a lot more than I used to. I just DCed with ORS Pak and followed it up with Aphogee 2 Minute. This is after using Aphogee 2 Minute on Saturday and last week. I'm still seeing more breakage than I should have. My question is this: Should I keep my manipulation low and use the Aphogee 2 Minute every wash until my hair is back to normal OR should I do a heavy protein treatment with Aphogee 2 Step for a one shot at repairing the damage? :sad:
Go whole hog and do an Aphogee 2 step followed by your moisturizing condish. I'd do 1-2 big protein treatments for now (say 1 wk apart) and then lay off it for awhile. Focus on moisture after you get the breaksge stopped. IIRC, ORS is rather protein heavy, so lay off thse for a bit too.
Before you do anything, you should probably neutralize juuuust in case. Then follow up w/ a moisturizing shampoo.

Then I would do the hardcore protein, then the moisturizing DC.
Hi YardGirl,
i am sorry to hear that. I'm no expert but I agree use a 2-step then heavy moisture. I want to self -relax in Dec and you scared me girl:sad:
Its the lye!!! I tried to self relax with silk elements lye in June and had MAJOR breakage to the point where I was embarrassed to wear my white coat (nurse practitioner). I had to constantly brush my shoulder off so people wouldnt think I was sick. I deep conditioned to no end but then I found Lafier Avacado & Brazilian chestnut reconstructuring deep treatment.. bought it from It is wonderful. not big results until the second or third treatment.
Before you do anything, you should probably neutralize juuuust in case. Then follow up w/ a moisturizing shampoo.

Then I would do the hardcore protein, then the moisturizing DC.

Yes and in addition to that, I would either use eggs, or some type of protein every few days if the breakage doesn't stop. This happened to me after a self relax in January. Breakage, Breakage, and more breakage. I ended up neutralizing again the next day and then used Aphogee (hardcore) and them emergencee twice a week. My hair finally came around after a while:ohwell: I had to cut at least 3 inches, due to the raggedy look I got after it was all said and done. You may not have to cut as much, if at all. Im sorry this has happened.
I think it's just ORS Lye. It either works for you in gives you EPIC results or it flat out sucks. That's what I've seen with a lot of ladies on here. For me, it flat out sucked lol. When I have breakage I use NTM Triple Moisture Mask. And always use Roux Porosity Control
ok! since this is damaged hair we're talking about, toss all that talk about protein-sensitive hair out of the window: when your hair is damaged, you NEED protein even more than ever!!!

i'll warn you, though. using a heavy protein so close to a relaxer service WILL revert some of your hair. (this happened to Me, and Still A Lady, who used to post here a while back). if that isn't a problem for you, and your breakage is that serious, then i say go for it, and do an aphogee 2-step protein treatment.

otherwise, keep on doing the aphogee 2 min reconstructor. but try this instead: what i do when i do the 2 min. is completely disregard the label, and leave it on my hair for 30 minutes with heat, or 1 hour without, depending on how much time i have. when i rinse out, my hair is still soft, but has amazing strength to it. if you don't want to suffer extreme reversion like you would with the 2-step, then DC with the 2-min for at least half an hour.

no matter what you decide, your hair is damaged from the protein the relaxer took out, so you need some sort of protein to fill in the gaps in your hair. & when that's all done, follow up with a deep moisturizing conditioner. i hope that helps :yep:
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APOGHEE FOLLOWING BALANCING MOISTURIZER tha a must if u skip the BALANCING MOISTURIZER u damage ur hair i did tha once read the label u have to use the BALANCING moisurzer itdefinietly put moisturize back in ur hair immediately.
APOGHEE FOLLOWING BALANCING MOISTURIZER tha a must if u skip the BALANCING MOISTURIZER u damage ur hair i did tha once read the label u have to use the BALANCING moisurzer itdefinietly put moisturize back in ur hair immediately.

actually it's okay to use any moisturizing conditioner afterwards. i tried the balancing moisturizer after the 2-step treatment, and it made my hair feel hard, & didn't penetrate my hair like other deep conditioners did. i suppose it's different for every head of hair, but for me, it was better to use another conditioner.
Oh wow, I'm glad I threw out that damn relaxer. When I go to get my hair relaxed I'm going to ask for Fiberguard No Lye. I think my hair is just too fine for a lye relaxer. I've been using No Lye for years with no problems, don't know why I switched except that I know that Lye is supposed to be better for your hair.

Do you think I could add an egg to the Aphogee 2 minute instead of going for the Aphogee 2 Step?
Its the lye!!! I tried to self relax with silk elements lye in June and had MAJOR breakage to the point where I was embarrassed to wear my white coat (nurse practitioner). I had to constantly brush my shoulder off so people wouldnt think I was sick. I deep conditioned to no end but then I found Lafier Avacado & Brazilian chestnut reconstructuring deep treatment.. bought it from It is wonderful. not big results until the second or third treatment.

hmmm, i self relaxed with silk elements lye relaxer last week and have not received any breakage.
Sorry to hear that happened to you! That happened to me maybe 4 years ago when I tried to switch from mild to regular strength relaxer. Definitely do what the ladies are saying with the protein treatments. Your hair WILL stop shedding with time. Mine took several weeks, but it got better. Your hair won't have as much sheen due to the protein, but that's okay. For your emotions, don't tell the people around you too much about it because they'll just add to the negativity of the whole thing, "why don't you just go to the shop? Put it on a credit card......"

ETA: My own hair thrives on Mizani lye way better than Affirm no-lye, and I am a fine 4b, but everyone's hair is different. So if no-lye worked better for you, stick with it.
It sounds like You have used too much protein, with DCing with ORS Pak than following up with Aphogee 2 MInute, after doing it twice last week, sounds like it could be Protein-Overload, try and lay off the protein for a while, then You can assess better whether its the Relaxer or too much Protein.
It sounds like You have used too much protein, with DCing with ORS Pak than following up with Aphogee 2 MInute, after doing it twice last week, sounds like it could be Protein-Overload, try and lay off the protein for a while, then You can assess better whether its the Relaxer or too much Protein.

The ORS Pak is mainly moisture with a little protein. I can't lay off protein, my hair will break.
Oh wow, I'm glad I threw out that damn relaxer. When I go to get my hair relaxed I'm going to ask for Fiberguard No Lye. I think my hair is just too fine for a lye relaxer. I've been using No Lye for years with no problems, don't know why I switched except that I know that Lye is supposed to be better for your hair.

Do you think I could add an egg to the Aphogee 2 minute instead of going for the Aphogee 2 Step?

The Affirm Fiberguard Sensitive Scalp No lye is great. It leaves the hair with lots of strength afterwards. I self relax and never have a problem with breakage. I would recommend the entire system.

If your hair is still breaking and the 2 minute isn't helping then I would do an Emergence treatment. I would clarify, apply the Emergence to damp hair, let it harden under the dyer, rinse and DC.

My hair always feels like silk right after rinsing out the treatment and doesn't feel like I need to DC. I prefer Emergence over Aphogee 2 step any day. The Aphogee 2 step even after DCing with moisture left my hair feeling not as soft, but I never get that with Emergence. My hair is like butter and strong with the Emergence every time. Once you do the Emergence I would do weekly light protein treatments. I like using Ion Reconstructor at Sallys. It works great. HTH
I tried the Apohgee 2 step treatment and I got protein overload, because it was too much for my hair. I only use the motions cpr treatment(leave on for 10 minutes or use heat for 10 minutes) or 2 eggs mixed with Aussie moist or Motions moisture plus conditior(leave on for 30 minutes never use heat because I don't want to cook the eggs) Then I use a moisturizing conditoner. This instantly thickens my hair (egg treatment) and stopps the breakage.
Thanks ladies. I'm going to neutralise and then protein treat and DC my hair for the next wash.
You're on the right track. I think you'll begin to see a difference with more frequency of use i.e. week after week. It'll get better. P.S. You're my hair twin!
Don't wait do it immediately. every day that passes your hair is getting damaged. DC with head and roller set. I wish you luck .
I have a question for the OP. Did you use a mid light-medium protein treatment after you rinsed out the relaxer, but before the neutralization process?
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Note: I think you should clarify your hair first. These treatments work so much better when there isn't so much product build-up. I learned this weekend when I didn't my protein treatment. My hair is stronger and shinier because of it. I do think there's something to be said about clarifying.
Yeah, I was thinking, that while lack of protein is ONE common culprit of breaking hair, many people look to protein treatments immediately, especially the hardcore ones, BEFORE exploring other options, or considering a different source of the problem altogether...

And in reality this can lead to even more damage.

However, since you (OP) said that your your breakage did not start until after you did the self relaxer with lye, a good protein/moisture balance would seem like your best chance at curbing the breakage. (Since lye relaxers, as I understand them thus far, generally require the hair to have more protein than moisture, whereas no-lye, the focus should be more on moisture than protein.)

The ORS Replenishing Pak does contain moisturizing properties, but it is generally regarded as a mild protein treatment. By the way, it is a great deep conditioner...I must restock on it.

One product that I truly adore and one of the very, very few products that I can call a personal staple is BPT Wheat Germ Vegetable Protein Rinse. It's a Dominican hair product and when I used it regularly I had literally no shedding or breakage. I would co-wash with it, mix it with deep conditioners, or make a deep conditioner out of it by mixing it with oils, honey, etc. My hair is insanely strong, yet soft, when using this product. And I mean, the strength I felt in my hair from this product was like nothing I've ever trumps Aphogee 2 Min. for me by a landslide. And it felt and looked much thicker! ( I have fine strands ) I highly recommend this product. Wheat germ contains ceramides which prevent moisture loss, add moisture and aid in better moisture retention, which is what I experience with this product. Not only that, but vegetable proteins, in my opinion, are very gentle (can be used regularly provided you're not ridiculously protein sensitive, it's hard to overload) on the hair and gradually increase strength and resilience. Put them together and this product is nothing but moisture/protein balance. And the product is incredibly versatile. HTH! Good luck!


Reviews on Round Brush:

Edit: Oh, and if you're interested in buying this online provided you can't find it at one of your local stores, I buy mine from because it is the cheapest I could find....a dollar in difference from Round Brush Hair.
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The ORS Pak is mainly moisture with a little protein. I can't lay off protein, my hair will break.

absolutely. please do not lay off the protein, it is critical after a relaxer. & as for the egg question, it'd be totally OK to add an egg to it. i've never done it before, but whipping in an egg to this conditioner will give your hair an extra boost of strength that will make the results of the 2-min recon. last even longer. :yep:
It sounds like You have used too much protein, with DCing with ORS Pak than following up with Aphogee 2 MInute, after doing it twice last week, sounds like it could be Protein-Overload, try and lay off the protein for a while, then You can assess better whether its the Relaxer or too much Protein.

Relaxers strip the hair of protein. hair needs protein after a relaxer. simple as that :yep:

true protein overload is only applicable when your hair feels hard or rough to the touch after leaving in a medium-strength protein too long, or after using a hardcore protein. the answer to protein overload is moisture, and as long as you deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner after heavy protein, there will be no breakage.