August 2016: Hits & Misses


The soufflé is really good. Unlike @shawnyblazes i have to use it with a leave in under and have to use it to seal. It keeps my hair well moisturized but I'm still playing with the amounts I use. Too little and it can dry out, too much and too sticky. Shawny did say that she just sticks her finger in and uses the residue but I need just like a "grease your scalp size" amount for a section. This has been the best combo for me.

If I use it alone, it makes my hair a little hard.

@shawnyblazes and @Saludable84, thank you so much for your tips!

How does the soufflé compare to the SM smoothie curl enhancing smoothie? I ask for two reasons: Hardly ANY Shea Moisture product works for me besides their DCs. :laugh: And , I absolutely HATED, HATED, HATED that smoothie. It was TERRIBLE for my hair.

Did the smoothie work for you? What's the difference in the smoothie and soufflé and how they treated your hair? TIA!
@shawnyblazes and @Saludable84, thank you so much for your tips!

How does the soufflé compare to the SM smoothie curl enhancing smoothie? I ask for two reasons: Hardly ANY Shea Moisture product works for me besides their DCs. :laugh: And , I absolutely HATED, HATED, HATED that smoothie. It was TERRIBLE for my hair.

Did the smoothie work for you? What's the difference in the smoothie and soufflé and how they treated your hair? TIA!

No problem. It's usually good to get different ways of using a product.

The curl enhancing smoothie was terrible, but SM leave ins are usually tooooo moisturizing for me. I've thought about using it again, but in a super small amount, however, I'm not sure I really want to.

I solely use the soufflé as a sealer, so for me, the they aren't comparible.
I dug my soufflé out again too. Used it on top of my SM lo po leave in and JC nourish and shine. Just stuck my finger in and used the residue left on it. I was surprised that my hair was soft and moisturized. Almost everything I have tried recently works well but I think it's because I am shampooing more and using a good leave in.
No problem. It's usually good to get different ways of using a product.

The curl enhancing smoothie was terrible, but SM leave ins are usually tooooo moisturizing for me. I've thought about using it again, but in a super small amount, however, I'm not sure I really want to.

I solely use the soufflé as a sealer, so for me, the they aren't comparible.
Smoothie is too thick for me. Too much shea butter. Never absorbs.

Souffle is. Moisturizer to me. Ultra softening.
Smoothie is too thick for me. Too much shea butter. Never absorbs.

Souffle is. Moisturizer to me. Ultra softening.

Thanks for reminding me why I hated the smoothie. I will not revisit.

I wish the soufflé could just moisturize for me. Would cut down on a lot of products and the need for a leave in. My best bet to test is to use it on damp hair instead of soaking wet, and seal with a butter or oil.
-- ACV rinsing for first time
-- Nostalgia from ACV rinse making me reminisce about coloring Easter eggs as a little girl
-- SM 10-in-1 Masque (Man! My hair STILL feels so strong :yep:)
-- Getting a person's opinion on my wash-and-go outside of myself
-- The creaminess of that OBIA creme

-- Loss of elongated wash-and-go because I used the Manuka SM masque instead of the hipo one
-- Getting ACV in my eye when one of my ACV-saturated coils sprung and swung around and snapped back and landed in my eye with no warning. The STING! Oh!!! I wasn't READY!

I'm really glad the ACV rinse worked for you. I remember the first time I did an ACV rinse, it made me really look at my porosity. At the time I had relaxed and texlaxed hair and it was great on the relaxed hair but not the texlaxed hair. Now, I'm scared of them.

I wanted to love the 10-in-1 masque. It just didn't work out that way. Lol.

I'm really glad the ACV rinse worked for you. I remember the first time I did an ACV rinse, it made me really look at my porosity. At the time I had relaxed and texlaxed hair and it was great on the relaxed hair but not the texlaxed hair. Now, I'm scared of them.

I wanted to love the 10-in-1 masque. It just didn't work out that way. Lol.


Oooooo: Why do you think the ACV rinse didn't work on texlaxed hair? It's very good to be aware to think about these types of things! TFS!
New Hits
APB Not easily broken DC. Provides a nice balance of moisture and strength.
Sarenzo creamy oil. This performs very well as a sealant.

Revisited Hit
Oyin's hair dew as a LI. Very moisturizing. Glad I found a bottle in the stash.

Continued Hits
APB liquid LI's
NG's sweet plantain LI

Trying to narrow down my favorites and "must haves" :cry3:
Hit: What else? Annabelle's Perfect Blends Refresher Sprays

I wonder why they work so well? Y'all got me excited for my first one to arrive.

Rinsing DC off in cool/cold water. Hair had much less shrinkage.

Bekura's Pineapple and Ginger scrub and moisturizer. My skin is dewy! Next day, too.

Tentative hit:
Bekura's Palm Tapioca as an all-in-one post-wash moisturizer, styler, and sealer.
Bekura Honey Latte
-I was crazy skeptical because I didn't realize it had shea butter in it and my hair absolutely detest shea in anything. But my hair dried so soft and light this made HG status. Plus I barely had to use any at all.

Bekura Apple Sorghum Syrup
-I used this to seal in the honey latte in an attempt to tame my frizz and lock in moisture. I didn't really like the smell at all but I don't care because I only used on pump for my entire head and it kept it soft without weighting my hair down

Darcy's Botanicals Pumpkin Seed Conditioner
- Amazing conditioner! Smoothed my hair, made it soft and completely tangle free. I'm completely in love and this is my new HG moisturizing conditioner
Hit: Aussie Moist Conditioner

I don't know what came over me but after watching JeweJeweBees 100 pumps video, I decided to try Aussie Moist. Though I fretted for awhile about the single silicone it has, I reminded myself that silicones aren't the Devil and if I didn't like it I could shampoo it out. I shampooed, applied the Aussie Moist liberally to detangle, rinsed leaving a bit in, then applied WetlineXtreme in large sections, raking through. A fast and easy process because I didn't have the time or desire to shingle.

Ya'll I was instantly suspicious because even though I didn't shingle, my hair was elongated, frizz free, with no white spots. I say "suspicious" because it seemed too good to be true. My experience says that only silicone free products and practiced technique can give me results like that. But who knows what it would look and feel like dry. Well, after airdrying for a few hours (much faster than it usually takes) my hair was still elongated and frizz free, but it also had shine and softness. :eek: *MINDBLOWN*

IMG_20160805_195848.jpg My hair about 80%dry. It was even better the next day when I had some volume.

If it had been any other silicone free conditioner, I would have just gone about my day, posted about it here, and added it to my HG list. But it has a SILICONE! I feel like my entire hair care world has shifted. Extra, I know, but I'm serious. So serious that it took me 3 days (hair is still fabulous by the way) to admit here, on LHCF, that I tried it and loved it.

So now that I've outed myself, I'm going to build a bridge and get over it; proclaiming my love for Aussie Moist proudly.

Hit: Aussie Moist Conditioner

I don't know what came over me but after watching JeweJeweBees 100 pumps video, I decided to try Aussie Moist. Though I fretted for awhile about the single silicone it has, I reminded myself that silicones aren't the Devil and if I didn't like it I could shampoo it out. I shampooed, applied the Aussie Moist liberally to detangle, rinsed leaving a bit in, then applied WetlineXtreme in large sections, raking through. A fast and easy process because I didn't have the time or desire to shingle.

Ya'll I was instantly suspicious because even though I didn't shingle, my hair was elongated, frizz free, with no white spots. I say "suspicious" because it seemed too good to be true. My experience says that only silicone free products and practiced technique can give me results like that. But who knows what it would look and feel like dry. Well, after airdrying for a few hours (much faster than it usually takes) my hair was still elongated and frizz free, but it also had shine and softness. :eek: *MINDBLOWN*

View attachment 369789 My hair about 80%dry. It was even better the next day when I had some volume.

If it had been any other silicone free conditioner, I would have just gone about my day, posted about it here, and added it to my HG list. But it has a SILICONE! I feel like my entire hair care world has shifted. Extra, I know, but I'm serious. So serious that it took me 3 days (hair is still fabulous by the way) to admit here, on LHCF, that I tried it and loved it.

So now that I've outed myself, I'm going to build a bridge and get over it; proclaiming my love for Aussie Moist proudly.

I love this conditioner a lot, even more than Suave and V05, which used to be my go-to cheapie conditioners. I have my sister and her kids using it now and they also love it.
Hit: Aussie Moist Conditioner

I don't know what came over me but after watching JeweJeweBees 100 pumps video, I decided to try Aussie Moist. Though I fretted for awhile about the single silicone it has, I reminded myself that silicones aren't the Devil and if I didn't like it I could shampoo it out. I shampooed, applied the Aussie Moist liberally to detangle, rinsed leaving a bit in, then applied WetlineXtreme in large sections, raking through. A fast and easy process because I didn't have the time or desire to shingle.

Ya'll I was instantly suspicious because even though I didn't shingle, my hair was elongated, frizz free, with no white spots. I say "suspicious" because it seemed too good to be true. My experience says that only silicone free products and practiced technique can give me results like that. But who knows what it would look and feel like dry. Well, after airdrying for a few hours (much faster than it usually takes) my hair was still elongated and frizz free, but it also had shine and softness. :eek: *MINDBLOWN*

View attachment 369789 My hair about 80%dry. It was even better the next day when I had some volume.

If it had been any other silicone free conditioner, I would have just gone about my day, posted about it here, and added it to my HG list. But it has a SILICONE! I feel like my entire hair care world has shifted. Extra, I know, but I'm serious. So serious that it took me 3 days (hair is still fabulous by the way) to admit here, on LHCF, that I tried it and loved it.

So now that I've outed myself, I'm going to build a bridge and get over it; proclaiming my love for Aussie Moist proudly.

What else do you love? and I saw that 100 pumps video and was thinking about trying it one early Saturday morning~