Aubrey Organics lovers

NappyNelle;15943229aged her for her role in @[URL="" said:
LightEyedMami[/URL] WHAT?! HEMPSEED OIL IS AMAZING!! I hope you've opened it since this post. :lol:.
:lol::lol: i WILL SOON!
I have several AO products in my stash that I haven't tried. Those I've tried are WC and GPB. WC, love it! GPB, um, well last night was my first time using. I hated the product last night as my hair felt coarse and I was getting some breakage. I was a bit disappointed. I just left my hair alone, bunned today and by the time I got home, my hair had softened up. I won't claim GPB to be a keeper just yet but my disappointment is definitely being turned around (thank goodness).
[USER=201322 said:
divachyk[/USER];15947467]I have several AO products in my stash that I haven't tried. Those I've tried are WC and GPB. WC, love it! GPB, um, well last night was my first time using. I hated the product last night as my hair felt coarse and I was getting some breakage. I was a bit disappointed. I just left my hair alone, bunned today and by the time I got home, my hair had softened up. I won't claim GPB to be a keeper just yet but my disappointment is definitely being turned around (thank goodness).

I had a lot of breakage wih AO GPB as well. My hair turned wiry and my ends just fell off. I thought I was using it too often. I was going to try it once a month to see if that was better. Unfortunately, I have 3 bottles :sad:
I haven't tried the shampoo yet? Was it drying to your hair at all?

hhhm, not really. but now that I think about it it wasn't really what I expected but I thought that was because its natural. I'll have to pay more attention next wash. I've only used it twice.
I was late to AO products, but I love the three I have tried so far: White Camellia, GPB, Honeysuckle Rose, with the first two being my absolute favs. I don't know why I waited so long to try them.
@faithVA, I should have asked you about it before using since we both struggle with low porosity. I will say this, I absolutely don't like how my hair felt as it was air drying. My hair felt very wiry and coarse. As mentioned, I got quite a bit of breakage. Magically today, my hair softened up and is feeling better. My hair is soft yet strong, like almost too strong where it could snap if I handle it too much. I don't think I'm protein overloaded, I just think it made my hair too strong if that makes sense. For some that's desired but I personally don't like my hair feeling this strong. :look:
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I did the SAME THING and couldn't return it because the seal was broken (I didn't even remember opening it :ohwell:). I'm glad to hear the poo was good. I had just read a thread that said their poo wasnt good at all. I'll eventually use it.

I really want to buy the Rosa Mosqueta now.

I only used the poo twice and I need to try it one more time because now that I think about it the poo did not make my hair feel soft - but I had just dyed my hair and thought maybe it was the dye.:drunk: I will continue to use the poo though; at least for the next several washings.

I also want to try the Rosa Mosqueta.
I need to read the ingredients in the poo again. So my assumption is that all AO products have an amount of protein? Is that correct?
I had a lot of breakage wih AO GPB as well. My hair turned wiry and my ends just fell off. I thought I was using it too often. I was going to try it once a month to see if that was better. Unfortunately, I have 3 bottles :sad:
sounds exactly like you're protein sensitive and may have been using it too often...

sounds exactly like you're protein sensitive and may have been using it too often...

I am protein sensitive. I have just never figured out when I need protein. Once a month may be too much. I may need to try quarterly. Have never figured it out.
[USER=201322 said:
divachyk[/USER];15947817]@faithVA, I should have asked you about it before using since we both struggle with low porosity. I will say this, I absolutely don't like how my hair felt as it was air drying. My hair felt very wiry and coarse. As mentioned, I got quite a bit of breakage. Magically today, my hair softened up and is feeling better. My hair is soft yet strong, like almost too strong where it could snap if I handle it too much. I don't think I'm protein overloaded, I just think it made my hair too strong if that makes sense. For some that's desired but I personally don't like my hair feel this strong. :look:

Judy4all was saying she had a similar experience with it. She recommended something else. I need to go look it up.

I have had terrible experiences with protein on my HHJ. I am just paranoid about using any type of protein, even mild. Maybe I will try it one more time in another month or two.
I can only use the plain gpb. My hair hates the peppermint one. Hard hair. The gpb without the extras is my favorite.
My hair doesn't like protein either. I never did protein treatments at all until I started using heat. Even then it's just an egg added to conditioner, and I follow up with a moisturizing DC. I also make sure I only leave the protein on for 1 hr. The moisturizing DC I'll leave on anywhere from 2-12 hrs. That keeps my hair from feeling hard or brittle from the protein treatment.
faithVA, I agree, my hair is finicky with protein usage. I've had good luck with Ion Effective Care each and every time without issues. Purchased from Sally's.
I can only use the plain gpb. My hair hates the peppermint one. Hard hair. The gpb without the extras is my favorite.

I have seen the other versions of GPB, but I'm not interested. The plain one works fabulously for my hair, so I don't need to try the other ones.
faithVA have you tried various types of protein? Could you be sensitive to a particular type? Have you tried SAA or the silk dreams line. divachyk any thoughts as well. I believe I am low porosity so I would appreciate your input.
[USER=134909 said:
mamaore[/USER];15950399]@faithVA have you tried various types of protein? Could you be sensitive to a particular type? Have you tried SAA or the silk dreams line. @divachyk any thoughts as well. I believe I am low porosity so I would appreciate your input.

Sorry for taking this thread off topic ladies.

My initial run-in with protein was with HydraThermal Naturals (sp). Great product for my mom. Her hair loved it which is why I tried it. Not so much for me. Major set-back. It took months to recover. Then I tried the Aphogee 2 minute, 1x. My hair promptly proceeded to fall out of my head :nono: My last attempt was with the AO GPB. I am still recovering from that set back. I have not tried what you mentioned. At this point I am not sure that I will try protein any time soon. If I do I will ask divachyk, FoxxyLocs or Judy4all for suggestions. Playing with even mild protein is causing me issues.
AO GPB is so amazing. It's mild protein and yet so moisturizing. I mixed it in with my DC last week and the detangling was amazing. I used it on it's own before but mixing it with my usual DC was just....... I also love white camellia conditioner but I ran out a long time ago and it's not available locally :(. Honeysuckle rose didn't do much for me but that was when I was transitioning. Maybe it'll make a difference now.
This thread is inspiring me to use GPB tonight, I think I need to step up my protein DCs and GPB is the perfect balancing condish for the task.
I didn't like HSR.

GPB is strengthening and moisturizing at the same time. Definitely a great balancer like it says!

WC is very moisturizing. I use it most beneficially after a henna treatment, or when I need a deeeeep condition. And the cool thing is that I can leave it in. I braid my hair, put on a scarf, and let it dry. Softest hair ever.

I haven't tried others. Once I found these two, I stuck with them. My other staple is herbal essences hello hydration, which I use to detangle my hair.
Rosa Mosqueta...expensive, but I notice the few times I used it, it does my color-treated hair well..

GPB is next in go to protein...

I want to try others...didn't like White Camellia or HSR that much.