Aubrey Organics conditioners make my scalp itch


New Member
This sucks because I bought three types of their conditioners and all of them make my scalp itch. I don't know why but once my hair dries, my scalp starts itching like crazy. I scratch my scalp so much that it get sour. Has anyone else experience this?

Side note, I wonder if my scalp does not like some natural products; some ayurveda powders also make my scalp itch.
sounds like you are allergic or not rinsing well. put your stuff up for sale/swap on the forum and try something else. are you co-washing or shampooing with it? my scalp didn't like co-washing at all and i felt it was too much manipulation for my hair.
I think your first mistake is you getting it on your scalp. I know it's impossible not to...but I usually skip the section of my hair closest to may scalp when applying conditioner just because I don't believe it belongs on the scalp.

Your second mistake is not rinsing properly and thus having residue left behind.

I usually rinse for about 5 minutes or till I do not see any frothing and my scalp is squeaky clean. Rinse time is a fun time for me coz I give myself an awesome massage while water sprays my head. I also use warm water. I even go beyond that and dunk my head in a solution of ACV and massage my scalp till its tingly just to make sure I have no conditioner residue that could itch later.

Of course there could also be the likelihood that you're allergic to something in the products.

Itching just means you still have product on your scalp.
NYDee You may be allergic to an ingredient in Aubrey Organics Conditioners. Is there something different in the ingredient list than in your other conditioners? I experience this with all conditioners making my scalp itchy.
I hope you figure out whats wrong....
but in the mean time...if you're trying to get rid of them PLEASE PM me!
I ended up selling mine because it didn't work on my hair. That and it was heavily perfumed. :nono: I couldn't take it.

Hope you can find something that you can use.
I only use it as a deep conditioner with heat or no heat.
southerncitygirl and Nonie, I rinse very well. Like I said I don't have this problem with other conditioners so it's not my technique. I will look into the ingredient like others have recommended.

Thanks everyone!:)