Attn:Mods-Petition for "All" button


I really miss being able to view all posts in one thread at a time too ladies!! Maybe if enough of us post here "sign petition" and vent maybe the mods will either return the feature or at least tell us why its not feasible. Post/sign away ladies!!

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I am also in support of the much needed "all" button. I wrote to a mod, but never got any response. The upgrades are nice, but some of the basics are still needed. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
I use the quick link button and click on new post. However If you don't go thru those pages at that time you can't go back. I wished I could go back to something like: review all new post from a specific date.
ok thats 5 signatures, but 43 view? There have got to be more people who miss this feature. Thanx for the supportive responses above ladies. Hopefully a mod will chime right in soon and explain why we cant have the "all" button, cuz im really missing it.

Bring it back, please.

I've seen other groups w/the VB bulletin software, they don't have the "All" feature, either. Perhaps some quick code could do the trick, or maybe LHCF's version does in fact have it hidden somewhere :grin:
In all honesty, after looking at the countless unanswered posts in this category, making a suggestion seems almost pointless. :ohwell:
Well The Way I Figure The Moderators Are New To The System As Well So Who Do We Have To Tell In Order To Get The Problem Fixed If It Can Be Fixed.
You know I myself would kind of like a moderator to at least come in and say "no" if we cant have it. I would like more signatures and maybe then the mods would at least acknowledge us.
I just got done staring @ a thread w/97 replies. I liked it when I first started reading, but lost track. So now I'd like to click the "All" button, so I can download the whole thread and sign off my dial up connection and allow calls to come in. But alas, no such button. Come on, Nikos, can anything be done?