Attn:Mods-Petition for "All" button

keni5 said:
I really miss being able to view all posts in one thread at a time too ladies!! Maybe if enough of us post here "sign petition" and vent maybe the mods will either return the feature or at least tell us why its not feasible. Post/sign away ladies!!


Ok, I would love to have tha ALL button too or at least have a choice of whether to have it or not.

Anyway, I think you get stuff like this actioned a whole lot quicker if you PM Nikos (dimopoulos):)

There are a lot of little, annoying problems with the board lately (now that I'm a posting member of course lol) and I hope they get FIXED soon....
I can see that the View All option is well received and requested so I might as well answer to this.

We are not neglecting what you say or do you have to "sign petitions" to get a feature online. There is always a cost and a benefit to everything. From what I see the benefit will be that you want it (that is clear ;)). However the cost would be me finding the time to alter the forum software in such a way that it provides this functionality - and I can tell you this is not a 10 minute task. The second thing which is more important I am concerned on the performance impact it will have on the site/forum. The issue here is that if you request page per page at say 20 posts at a time (as is now) the data, the server can send the data back to you faster and proceed with the next request. If however you click on the All button and there are 100 replies on the thread you are viewing the server will take more time to respond and delay any other requests that are waiting to be served.

I am more concerned of having the board operational without the view all feature rather than have the view all feature and wait for disaster to strike. The last week we have seen a record max users online. At one point we had more than 200 users online for well over 4 hours. The server did cope with that apart from a 5 minute glitch that was rectified. We have planned for some things to change on the server in terms of configuration to make it a bit faster and easier to cope with the demand. Until I am convinced that the server will be able to cope with any spike of users online I cannot devote any time to this modification.

Sorry girls but at the moment this request is going to be on a "todo" list.
May I suggest two things:

You could have a maximum set at maybe 50, and encourage people to use it sparingly (maybe preview the first few pages of the topic, really decide if you want to read it all before proceeding).

You could also have the view all, but in a much less interactive format. For instance, it could be text only, and there would be no replying or anything like that. Maybe this link could open up in a new window or something.

I guess I'm intrigued that you could even alter the code (if you decided to get around to it). I'm pretty sure in all the forums I've seen using this software, none have had the view all button.

Oh, something just occured to me. Are you sure we're not having a high number of users for a longer period because they cannot view all posts at once and have to actively click around until they are done reading?
Thank you dimopoulas for responding!! You definately enlightened me. I understand you fully. At least its on the to do list....maybe next year! Thanks for kicking in on my petition ladies.
