Attention Naturals: My hair is starting to have relations!!!!

Its getting out of hand for real. :nono: I think I've officially hit that awkward(questioning) stage!:(

that's EXACTLY what i was gonna tell you. :yep:

when i hit that stage i thought, "there is NO WAY i can handle hair longer than this, if detangling is this bad already!" it's not a fun place to be :nono: but then one day i woke up on the other side. the majority of my detangling is done on the bottom few inches of my hair... after that it's pretty smooth sailing.

i see a lot of others have already given out the advice i was gonna say, so i'll just wish you best of luck :grin:
I love the title. I feel the same way about my hair. I mean one strand is so attracted to another strand.

Anyway, I would love some suggestions too. As far as keepin the hair stretched, what exactly does that mean? Keeping it in braids, or keeping it flat-ironed?


PS: I am an Eddie Kendricks fan myself :)

braids, twists, banding, etc... any style that doesn't allow the hair to shrink up as much. Shrinkage=tangles. HTH
I am not natural, I am texlaxed, but I had problems with tangles and knots also. I started rinsing my conditioner out with cold water (which I hate) and it helped alot. I guess it smooth down the cuticles which helps prevent tangling. HTH
Whip.. I know exactly what you are talking about.:whyme: This started on my hair about a yr and a half ago. It looked like every hair on my head had decided to coil around and knot at the very end. Some had 2 or 3 knots. I have been keeping my hair pressed because of that. Sorry I don't have the solution, but I do share your pain:ohwell: Extra conditioning did not work for me.
Yep, my hairs have been doing the nasty with each other for quite some time now. Especially in the last year or so. I trimmed in March, 1/2" to 1", and didn't notice any difference, though I know I have a lot of single strand knots. But it's a dilemma because if I continue to cut them as fast as they appear, I will essentially be cutting my hair as fast as it can grow. Conditioning just makes for some conditioned knots. When you figure it out, let us know. And if you do trim and find that that helps or even if it doesn't, let us know that, too.
OT: Whips I love your siggy... that movie is a favorite of mine and that part is funny:lachen:

I haven't had the woes of natural hair "relations" I am still TWA.
I love the title. I feel the same way about my hair. I mean one strand is so attracted to another strand.

Anyway, I would love some suggestions too. As far as keepin the hair stretched, what exactly does that mean? Keeping it in braids, or keeping it flat-ironed?


PS: I am an Eddie Kendricks fan myself :)

Me too!! and next in line is Blue
OOh, this has been my hair scenario for a while now. I believe that it is why I cannot get to BSL or longer. I am ate up with tangles.

I have gotten to the point that I mini braid my hair and leave it braided for months (4-5) at a time. I just do not want to have to deal with the tangles.

Wearing it straight did not help me either. 'Cause I still had to detangle to press it out.

If you get a solution, let me know. Trimming gets rid of the tangles, but they come right back.
Without heat, the process of cold water and oiling ends (or butter) and good detangling and roller-set is all I've found.
Keep hair stretched and extra moisturized. Castor oil has really helped me. If you wash regularly you can afford to use products with cones in them since cones will coat the strands and allow them to slide past one another instead of tying themselves in a knot. Keep the hair properly combed to rid it of shed hairs that also like to wrap around the other hairs.

Weren't you stating your interest in tex-laxing in another thread? Are you planning on just going with that if you can't get past this stage?

texlaxing doesn't help as it happens with my hair. almost makes me want to go straighter... but nah, prolly not
(((hug))) sorry... Im not a natural im just now transitioning, I came in here to get advice in case I have these future problems too.
(LOL at the title and lol at your siggy That is one of fav scenes in that movie lol ...remember this: "My hours are from... my hours are from....nine to five" :lol:)

That scene was from the Five HeartBeats...:grin:
I had this same problem but I used long term relationship ends protection by Herbal E. and it worked really good for me its no longer an issue. I use it as soon as I get out the shower and then I let the towel rest on my hair no rubbing or anything like that. So yeah my hair is wet for longtime, but I dont' have that problem anymore. Also trims didn't work for me. As soon as I got the trim had the same issues and it pissed me off cutting off so much hair only to wake up with the same issues bothering me. So I use the long term leave in and thats that. I doing the butter thing to but you know it gets tiring after a while and then you have to worry about your pillows and I have decorative pillows on my bed. I remove them at night but sometimes I lay back on them and watch TV or sometimes fall asleep. I would be upset to see a stain on there anywhere and who wants to constantly be worried about their hair damaging something so this works out good I put it on and double tie my hair and no more worries. Try it and see if it works for you. its leave in for your ends comes in a red bottle. learned about it on here for that matter but dont' remember when or who. just that they liked it and its not easy to find. okay HTH
Without heat, the process of cold water and oiling ends (or butter) and good detangling and roller-set is all I've found.

Last week I washed my hair in twists and let it air dry before stretching it in my curlformers. Then I was able to cornrow it easier. This seemed to work really well for me. Next I'll try castor oil before I roller set it.

I know how you feel. I made the mistake of washing my hair last night without it being braided ( 4 to 6 braids) and OMG, hair was hooking up all over the shame in their game. It was awful, a bunch of spiral pin coils just attaching to one another. :perplexed

I don't have any advice, but last week when I washed I blow dried my hair using Pinkskates method, just enough to stretch my hair. I was much happier with the outcome. Wearing my hair loose in its natural state or in a puff is just out of the question for me, at least for now.

OT: I love the Temptation movie as well as the Five Heart Beats. :)
