Attention America: In case you didn't know, black women ARE beatiful!!

I am writing this post because it seems to be the case that we black women are being portrayed as undesireble in the media. I mean, I don't even see black women with black men on tv anymore. what's up with that??!! For example, I turn on the Ochcinco season premier to find that he overlooked so many beautiful black women when choosing them for the show!! I even heard that there was already a group of women who were pre chosen before the show even premiered. The group consisted of five white women, 5 latino women, 5 black women, and one middle eastern woman. He told the producers that he didn't want any of the chosen black women. The producers had to beg him to at least keep two or three of them. What the heck!! Im tired of the media portraying us as undesireable and that we are all loud, ghetto, unattractive, etc. I just wanted to let all my fellow sisters know that YOU ARE BEAUTIFULL!!!!!:yep:

Thank you for the comments, guys...i'm really enjoying reading how you all feel about this issue.

LOLOL!! YOu know something hun???

IN REAL LIFE!! The world(the men of course) does think black women are beautiful but in order to know that we must be exposed to those outside of black men.

IN REALITY!! Black men are being laughed at...not black women. Many men of other backgrounds really have no respect for them because in part, they (black men) often times may not have respect for self or black women.

So when this curious behavior is on TV. Black men are the caricatures of life. And if those women feel endeared by these caricatures, then so be it. LET those women deal with black male issues...another black woman is saved!

In addition, what is this teaching our daughter, or future daughters?? I dont want my future daughters thinking that only non-black women are desireable. And come to think about it, I dont want my sons seeing all their favorite black male celebrities limiting their dating pools to solely non-black women.

Expose them to men of other cultures... encourage them to travel. PLEEENNNNNTY of men of there who would adore them as women and quite desirable and live extreme well. Very, very true!!!!

If he had a true preference for other races then fine whatever but the fact is he has how many kids ALL with black women .....suddenly when he has a tv show his sexing preference has changed dramatically :rolleyes:

When he was on wendy he was saying to her yeah im glad you brought it up i wanted someone to address it *side eye* he clearly looking for attention and he wanted to make it clear to black women he is not interested

The more i see these type of black american men publicly casting aside black women im glad i live in europe

I am singing TRANS EUROPA EXPRESS (TEE) right now. LOL

This is a great thread. I wish more people told their sisters that they looked beautiful despite what the media is presenting them. Hopefully we can teach our children their beauty so it's less of an issue in future generations.
I wonder what's going on in black men's households when they are growing up. Don't their mothers teach them how much black women are beautiful and how we should be valued. I just dont get it. Black men always say how black women are harder to deal with, more aggresive, la la la. In my response, so many black men are in jail, out cheating, not raising their children, but we as black women continue to be by their side. It's like black men don't value black women.:ohwell:

Recently, a high profile professor, I believe it was Marc Lamont Hill, wrote and read a long commentary exposing the same thing. Basically he said the belief that black women are aggressive and do not support their men is hogwash and that black women are the ones who support their "men" in and out of jail, letting them live with them and paying their way.
HMM you live in DC? are there a lot of white men there?

There aren't a lot in DC in general (though the numbers are growing) but for the quadrant I live in, I'm like the raisin in the rice bowl. I can't wait until I have enough hair to pull those styles off - not just for men because I love big, natural hair - but I definitely wouldn't mind the attention or the chivalry. Chivalry was never alive in my experience.