Attention America: In case you didn't know, black women ARE beatiful!!

I have been noticing that black women aren't with black men anymore..this is really starting to get on my nerves. Oh well..carry on.
I have been noticing that black women aren't with black men anymore..this is really starting to get on my nerves. Oh well..carry on.

Why? Every time I see a black woman in an interracial relationship, I make sure to smile at her. With all the constant bashing of black women, I am just glad that she was able to find someone who loves her and values her worth.
^^ Co-sign. If I can just find someone worth something who doesn't treat me like crap and is honest and faithful, I don't care if he's purple. I hardly ever see black women with men of other races where I live, but it's not hard to find it the other way around. Just give me a good man, and I'm cool with it.
I am writing this post because it seems to be the case that we black women are being portrayed as undesireble in the media. I mean, I don't even see black women with black men on tv anymore. what's up with that??!! For example, I turn on the Ochcinco season premier to find that he overlooked so many beautiful black women when choosing them for the show!! I even heard that there was already a group of women who were pre chosen before the show even premiered. The group consisted of five white women, 5 latino women, 5 black women, and one middle eastern woman. He told the producers that he didn't want any of the chosen black women. The producers had to beg him to at least keep two or three of them. What the heck!! Im tired of the media portraying us as undesireable and that we are all loud, ghetto, unattractive, etc. I just wanted to let all my fellow sisters know that YOU ARE BEAUTIFULL!!!!!:yep:
Hence why I cant stand the like of ochocinco and TO. Acting like only latino and white women are beautiful. Like they were not raised by black women. But thank you for inspiration!
^^ Yeah, that's how it where I'm from. It's not white women as much as Latino. (I admit that I was a little happier when that started happening, because I was thinking at least they are minorities but now it's proving to be just as annoying to me now). Anyway, every race of men seems to be enthralled with Latino/exotic-looking women, so I definitely don't see an end to that soon.
If he had a true preference for other races then fine whatever but the fact is he has how many kids ALL with black women .....suddenly when he has a tv show his sexing preference has changed dramatically

Ha ha, laughing but off! :lachen:
I am writing this post because it seems to be the case that we black women are being portrayed as undesireble in the media. I mean, I don't even see black women with black men on tv anymore. what's up with that??!! For example, I turn on the Ochcinco season premier to find that he overlooked so many beautiful black women when choosing them for the show!! I even heard that there was already a group of women who were pre chosen before the show even premiered. The group consisted of five white women, 5 latino women, 5 black women, and one middle eastern woman. He told the producers that he didn't want any of the chosen black women. The producers had to beg him to at least keep two or three of them. What the heck!! Im tired of the media portraying us as undesireable and that we are all loud, ghetto, unattractive, etc. I just wanted to let all my fellow sisters know that YOU ARE BEAUTIFULL!!!!!:yep:

Thank you for the comments, guys...i'm really enjoying reading how you all feel.

The fact that he changed his last name from Johnson to "Ochocinco" says just about all I need to know about how this guy feels about his roots.
It's not that they don't notice the beauty of Black women, it's about power, prestige, moving up and having that which was off-limits before in history. It's about arriving. But don't worry, as soon as they get the exotic or the blond type and seal the deal, they just end up treating her just like they would have treated a Black woman anyway. It's truly not about the women and their physical/cultural desirability. It's about image. But their true inner image is broken into chards, anything they cast a shadow upon gets cut.
I am a dark skin woman and when I was young, my father told me I was beautiful everyday. You know what, I believed him and if someone told me different, I knew they were crazy because my father told me so. We have to start young instilling in our daughters that they are beautiful and worthy and in keeping with my father's tradition, I tell my daughter almost everyday she is the prettiest little girl I have ever seen.

I remember when I was young in high school and my friends would try to match me with their date's friends. When I would speak to them, I would always describe myself in the what was probably the most disgusting description possible. I would say I am dark skinned with short hair, LOL. The boys would ALWAYS say by the end of the conversation, we can be friends. I knew I was fly, so when I would finally meet them, they would always change their minds, but then it was my turn to say that friends was best. I felt vindicated as the short haired, dark skinned chick to reject someone's desire of me because of ignorance. I always got the "cute to be dark skinned" line, which as was stated above, was just as demeaning. At the age of 13 when you become vulnerable to the standard of beauty, reflecting on my father's praise, I made a decision to tell myself that all black, even dark skin was beautiful and anyone who couldn't appreciate black beauty wasn't worth the time of day.

Seeing how black men are running away from black women, I am an advocate for black women dating men of all color and background. The problem with black women is we are loyal to black men, but let a black man get some money and that loyalty becomes shaky pretty quick. While my husband is AA, I still encourage all of my single friends to be open to what is out there.

Note: My brother's ex-girlfriend is YT and she is the worst thing that has ever happened to our family, and the nastiest woman I have ever met, but it hasn't changed or expanded his preference.
If he had a true preference for other races then fine whatever but the fact is he has how many kids ALL with black women .....suddenly when he has a tv show his sexing preference has changed dramatically :rolleyes:

When he was on wendy he was saying to her yeah im glad you brought it up i wanted someone to address it *side eye* he clearly looking for attention and he wanted to make it clear to black women he is not interested

The more i see these type of black american men publicly casting aside black women im glad i live in europe

All his kids are with black women?!
has any one ever heard of a campaign called "No wedding No Womb" I saw it on a blog but can't find the details on it. How is it we are good enough to have a baby with but not good enough to marry?
Of course there's always that lovely backhanded compliment "Wow, you're pretty nice, smart, beautiful, etc. etc. for a black girl". I also notice that many white women are quick to catch an attitude if they see a black women that looks or is doing better than they are. This woman kept giving me the side eye the other day trying to hide beneath her sunglasses. I just ignored her and kept up my sunny disposition because I could feel her eyes and attitude and I knew that day I was on point and looked absolutely gorgeous. :grin:

The other thing I notice is how black men may go around flaunting a woman of another race but don't let one of us be out and about with a man of a different race (especially white, IMO) and they're quick to catch an attitude or label you with some disdainful and denigrating comments. Hypocritical much?

Either way regardless of who's offended or offensive, it's like they're saying "Black woman- how dare you outshine/outclass/outperform me! Who do you think you are? Don't you know your place?" Regardless of what they have going on in their lives, I feel like some black men just have this inherent need to keep black women down one way or another. It's like, well we're not trying to get with you and don't you go trying to follow your happiness elsewhere either."
It's not that they don't notice the beauty of Black women, it's about power, prestige, moving up and having that which was off-limits before in history. It's about arriving. But don't worry, as soon as they get the exotic or the blond type and seal the deal, they just end up treating her just like they would have treated a Black woman anyway. It's truly not about the women and their physical/cultural desirability. It's about image. But their true inner image is broken into chards, anything they cast a shadow upon gets cut.

I've seen this time and time again. They walk around thinking they're better than we are because they got a black man from us and I see so many of them walking around just baby mommas now.
Thank you babe!! You Are Beautiful on the inside and out!! We appreciate the love.
I feel kinda sideways about that show. In one light it's like OK, so no black women were harmed in the making of that show but then once again white women were cast in this angelic light where they were shown to be the epitome of what it means to beautiful and wanted. In one instance on the show, he had to choose between a black woman and white woman and he says to the black woman:

"You're cool, we connect, we have a lot in common. I really dig you but I'm wondering if you can keep that up and keep me interested."

Then he turns to the white woman and he says, "You're beautiful and I like that about you."

WTF? As if being white is the only requirement for keeping his attention. So yeah, I see what the OP is talking about. There is a lot of unconscious degrading of the black woman if you pay attention.

This is one of the reasons I'd never watch that show or Terrell Owens show. Why allow them to make money off my viewership when they don't value women who look like me?!
These kinds of topics really get me going because this type of ignorance by black men is affecting our black daughters. Yesterday my daughter said to me, mommy what is wrong with us? Why don't black men love us. This really sadden me when said this, but I said to her that there are plenty of black men that love us and the ones that don't most of the times don't really love themselves.

So true, Jenaccess. I have a 17 year old niece who recently raised the same question. Most of the black guys in her high school choose non black girls. She is now in her first semester of college and seeing the same thing.
Someone raised the dark skinned issue.....I think there is truth in it. My niece is light skinned and I think a main reason she gets a little attention is due to that fact which is a crime. But in the end these same guys choose to be with a white girl.
Basically, black men who think black women are undesirable also think their own mothers are ugly. What a shame.
No matter how "black" they seem to be,they really hate being a black man. Just my opinion.
Funny, tho, they find black women "beautiful " when they get in trouble, such as having them as a juror so they are aquitted(O. J.) .
Of course there's always that lovely backhanded compliment "Wow, you're pretty nice, smart, beautiful, etc. etc. for a black girl". I also notice that many white women are quick to catch an attitude if they see a black women that looks or is doing better than they are. This woman kept giving me the side eye the other day trying to hide beneath her sunglasses. I just ignored her and kept up my sunny disposition because I could feel her eyes and attitude and I knew that day I was on point and looked absolutely gorgeous. :grin:

The other thing I notice is how black men may go around flaunting a woman of another race but don't let one of us be out and about with a man of a different race (especially white, IMO) and they're quick to catch an attitude or label you with some disdainful and denigrating comments. Hypocritical much?

Either way regardless of who's offended or offensive, it's like they're saying "Black woman- how dare you outshine/outclass/outperform me! Who do you think you are? Don't you know your place?" Regardless of what they have going on in their lives, I feel like some black men just have this inherent need to keep black women down one way or another. It's like, well we're not trying to get with you and don't you go trying to follow your happiness elsewhere either."

So true. I was standing NEXT to a white guy in the home depot, didn't know him, we were not talking at all and I saw a black guy walk by eyeing us up and catching an attitude.
All his kids are with black women?!
has any one ever heard of a campaign called "No wedding No Womb" I saw it on a blog but can't find the details on it. How is it we are good enough to have a baby with but not good enough to marry?

I don't even think it's good enough to have a baby with. I think it's really just good enough to f***. A baby is usually just the by-product.
I saw the writing on the wall when I was in the 3rd grade. My parents always put me in private schools with maybe a handful f black students. I used to have crushes on some of the guys but soon after I saw them all running around with any and everybody that didn't look like me. One other painful memory from that time was when this white student brought roses and candy for all the girls in the class on Sweetest Day- except for me, the only black one in our grade level. :nono:

This went on in college, but I just ended up saying to hell with this, I'm about to enjoy myself with or without these dudes. I have had a crush on several of my black male friends, but they were once again ALWAYS hooking up with other- and after a while, I started doing the same. :yep:

Now I am an equal opportunity dater of people from all ages, races, SES, etc. I have several close black male friends but no potential dating partners. One time, a black male friend and I were at a bar on campus and this older drunken white dude starts talking to us and all the sudden he says, "You guys are so cute together! Why are you two in a relationship?" To put him on the spot as a joke, I just turned around and casually said- "Because we both don't date black people". :blush:
^^^OT: I'm sorry but your gif in that siggy. :lol::lol:

I's too much, did that nutcase do that crap on purpose just so he could miss?

Seeing how black men are running away from black women, I am an advocate for black women dating men of all color and background. The problem with black women is we are loyal to black men, but let a black man get some money and that loyalty becomes shaky pretty quick. While my husband is AA, I still encourage all of my single friends to be open to what is out there.

I agree with the bold 100 percent! First I dont know the actual statistics off hand but there arent enough black men to go around for all the black women. So you will either wind up being girlfriend number 2 or single.

So I think that we should look maybe for other races. If your not opposed to interracial dating that is. If not then I pray you find a good black man! There are some out there.

I will teach my daughter that love has no color and not be only concerned with how a black man views her.

I am a dark skin women my self and like most of you I have gotten the most ignorant remark one can say "your pretty for a dark skin girl" as if dark skin women are SUPPOSED to be ugly but somehow i got blessed. SMH.

I see a dark and sad future for our children unless we educate them.
How many songs have you heard with lyrics such as little wayne " I like em Thick, Red bone, Long hair" SMH! This ignorance will keep growing. It just sad.

All of my sisters are beautiful! I could care less whether you are as pale as casper or dark as an eggplant. We are so beautiful and we must teach our kids the same. Tell our daughters they are beautiful everyday and teach our sons about true beauty being deeper than the surface.
^^ I am up for dating outside of my race but I don't know how I'd go about it. I feel like I would have to make the first move with a guy from another race but I don't know how to do it. Pathetic, I know. If I am blessed enough to have children, hopefully by that time, crossing the racial borders for black women won't be such a "task."
I don't even think it's good enough to have a baby with. I think it's really just good enough to f***. A baby is usually just the by-product.

EXACTLY they arent thinking about babies and most dont want the child. It's the same mentality of massa and his slave.
Wow! the last time i saw the ocho whatever his name is, he was banging the chick from "Dances with the Stars"? I thought he and she were in a serious relationship. he brought her the ring, and she was demanding a Bentley when they were on the ellen Degenres show, right?

What happened? She wasn't white enough?
I wonder what's going on in black men's households when they are growing up. Don't their mothers teach them how much black women are beautiful and how we should be valued. I just dont get it. Black men always say how black women are harder to deal with, more aggresive, la la la. In my response, so many black men are in jail, out cheating, not raising their children, but we as black women continue to be by their side. It's like black men don't value black women.:ohwell:
^^ I am up for dating outside of my race but I don't know how I'd go about it. I feel like I would have to make the first move with a guy from another race but I don't know how to do it. Pathetic, I know. If I am blessed enough to have children, hopefully by that time, crossing the racial borders for black women won't be such a "task."

HMM you live in DC? are there a lot of white men there?
It maybe where I live that that white men especially Italian and Irish adore black woman!
I also fidn that when i wear my hair natural I attract more white men and I DO NOT MIND! :grin:

I mean the way they approach me makes me really believe that chivalry may not be dead. They way they talk to me is so sweet and sincere. They way the tell me they love my hair no matter if im wearing a weave or natural is so sweet.

However when noticed that my natural hair attracted more white men I upped my bantu knot outs and 2 strand twists maybe 6 times a month :lachen:

I encourage all women to look outside their race too. If there isnt ENOUGH black men to go around then why subject your self to being a "jump off" or just single? ( if u dont mind)

Im shy but im also a friendly person and I love to to make new friends. I made a lot of white guy friends my first year of school just by asking them questions I probably already knew the answers to :rolleyes: YEA I GOT GAME! :rolleyes: J/K but dont be shy make that first move. If all else fails and you wind up just being friends with the guy then im sure he has friends that wouldnt mind a black woman.

I dont know about yall but I love a black man but also im a realist so therefore i love me some men of other races also :lick:
^^^OT: I'm sorry but your gif in that siggy. :lol::lol:

I's too much, did that nutcase do that crap on purpose just so he could miss?


LOL girl, I have no idea! I had no idea that free throw distractions were that serious either! It's pretty hilarious IMO.