ATL Ladies: Why do you need LHCF?


New Member
I'm here visiting ATL and I see sooo many women with long, straight healthy hair (a first, really). I mean, there are a lot of weaves but, for the most part, women with loooong hair. Unless all of these women are Nikko's cousins.:perplexed:look: So, whats the problem?
Cosigning on the ATL.

Simple, to keep it healthy, learn about new products, and techniques. And most of all to help others and talk with the LHCF sisters.

I live in Atlanta too and what I've noticed is that 90% of the girls I meet have a weave in their hair. :rolleyes: It's an epidemic. You can go years without seeing your friends' real hair.
Well, I was raised in Atlanta and it is true that at least in SW Atlanta and around the AU Center, there are so many gorgeous young ladies with REAL long, healthy hair. It's been that way in Atlanta for a long time. I think it's because of the top notch salons there like the headquarters for Bronner Brothers and the premium that Atlantans place on black hair and long hair. For those who have weaves, there must be something going on these days, but it wasn't ever like that when I lived there. Atlanta was always known for long haired beauties.
I notice the same thing. :yep: My neck is breaking from gawking at the beautiful long hair here. It baffles me as to why it is not that way in other major cities like NY or LA. The women here are also more polished and runway-model-ish. I'm thinking it may be some sort of observer bias--- like because I haven't been to the lower class areas OR haven't been exposed to a wider range of women there????? I dunno. But they look good.
I've grown up here, and well...all I can say is...I had a scissor happy stylist :nono:...Then I went natural, and now I'm back to being relaxed and doing it all by myself. Hopefully I'll be gawk-worthy in a couple of yrs ;)

But I agree w/ya. In high school all of my friends had long straight hair (no weaves) and I was the short haired diva of the bunch, just trying to stand out...The amount of long-haireds here is crazy, but the good kind of crazy :drunk:.
I went to school with several ladies from the ATL. I don't know if it was the water, good food, or Coca Cola but they all had nice, long, pretty hair...
funny but i'm starting to notice more long haired beauties in ny as well. interesting. maybe there are more lchf lurkers out there than we think lol
Think it's Georgia in general {of course..not everyone!}. I knew a few people while growing up in NYC who were from Ga. The females seemed to have long, thick hair. One was born in Ohio, grew up in Millegeville {sic}, she, her mother, cousins from there had beautiful hair.
OP, you are so right about the gorgeous heads in ATL.:yep: I was there visiting last year and was in awe over the gorgeous heads of hair they had.
funny but i'm starting to notice more long haired beauties in ny as well. interesting. maybe there are more lchf lurkers out there than we think lol

Cosigning with pringe....I've been thinking the same thing of late...I've looked at some heads in passing and wonder if they are board members... :sekret:

As far as ATL heads go, it almost seemed like a given assumption...there's just some beautiful heads of hair all over there. I swear I said if I move there, my hair will grow 8 inches in one year... :lol:

I don't know if it's a mix of water, air, humidity, but it's certainly something...
I was watching a television show about some ladies in Atlanta. In one scene the girl had wet hair and it was texlaxed. I think they are hip to healthy hair habits.
I notice the same thing. :yep: My neck is breaking from gawking at the beautiful long hair here. It baffles me as to why it is not that way in other major cities like NY or LA. The women here are also more polished and runway-model-ish. I'm thinking it may be some sort of observer bias--- like because I haven't been to the lower class areas OR haven't been exposed to a wider range of women there????? I dunno. But they look good.

I noticed that too. Every woman was on point, makeup/hair/fashion wise. I didnt see any bamas or H.A.M's when I visited.
You best believe the extension game here is on point but of course like any place ( with a large black population) there are ladies with real long, nice hair.
I noticed that too. Every woman was on point, makeup/hair/fashion wise. I didnt see any bamas or H.A.M's when I visited.

I guess it's about where you go..atl does have a large middle to upper middle class black population so maybe that has something to do with it.
I guess it's about where you go..atl does have a large middle to upper middle class black population so maybe that has something to do with it.

That might have something to do with it. Whatever it is, keep it up. Everybody looked good down there; which makes me wonder about the population of gay black men. It's so odd.
That might have something to do with it. Whatever it is, keep it up. Everybody looked good down there; which makes me wonder about the population of gay black men. It's so odd.

*sigh* Me too. But I can say the gay black men keep our hair looking fly :look::lachen:
I remember when my aunt left to go to college (in ATL) left with a chin length bob and came back like a year later with BSL hair! I just knew it was a weave (I was like 12 or 13) and I called her out on it, she let me feel all through her head and told me it's that "GA water".

Thus began my obsession with Atlanta...
I might have to go to nursing school in ATL then!!!
I notice this too when I walk around in NYC. (Manhattan)

The women there seem to have the longest shiniest hair in the world!!!
Then again, there's a Dominican salon on every corner and they can get a top notch style $15 a week:rolleyes:
I might have to go to nursing school in ATL then!!!
I notice this too when I walk around in NYC. (Manhattan)

The women there seem to have the longest shiniest hair in the world!!!
Then again, there's a Dominican salon on every corner and they can get a top notch style $15 a week:rolleyes:

LOL! True. Just within a 3 mile radius of me, there are at least 6 Dom salons, and I don't even live in the city :lol:

ETA: Too bad ATL doesn't have NY's prices, though! $15 is so great.
I dont know anyone from Atlanta nor have I been there so I never noticed this. I have been noticing a lot of long haired black women here in Nyc though. And soon I will be one of them.:grin: I saw one in my yoga class this morning. I wanted to ask her so bad if she was Nikos cousin but I couldn't get up the nerve. LOL.