At My Wits End... The Lord Redeemed Me... So Has He -- "Each of You"


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Is anyone here at their 'Breaking Point'?

Is anyone here falling off the edge?

Is anyone here ready to fall and just crumble inside?

Is there anyone among you, who has just had it and cannot see another day
of what you've been going through?

If any of this is so, then let it go and just fall into the arms of God who has been
waiting for you to let it all go and allow Him to have it.

God says He has redeemed you, and redemption means the price of your pain has been paid for. When something is paid for, you do not have to pay for it again.

When something is redeemed, it means you are now the legal owner and nothing and no one can take it away from you.

When something is redeemed, it means that you cannot be 'imprisoned' by guilt, fear, worry, anguish, or doubt neither anxiety. The price is paid in full.

God says that you are redeemed from all that has contended and conflicted with you. And when God redeems you, Believe it! For Surely, you are indeed Redeemed.

You are Safe, You are Free, You are Healed, You have total Peace, Total Provision.

You have the assurance that God is with you now, and He is also in each new moment that you enter into... He is there, extended hands to guide you, to take you wherever it is in this Life you have to go.

In your Life ahead, God has already been there, preparing the way and for all that you could ever need.

For before the foundations of the earth, God KNEW your name, and put everything into place for you, pending your arrival, anticipating your every need.

Don't be afraid to face this day, neither the days ahead. God is there, He always was, and always will be. God is there waiting to be with you... all the way.

As God's Redeemed, you need never have any fear ever again. Your Redemption is your Credit Approval. Whatever God has for you is FOR YOU and no one can deny you of what already belongs to you.

Therefore, Walk in your freedom, and allow your redemption to have it's way as it makes the way for you to succeed over every need.

:flowers: God's Word Says it All... [Psalm 107]

1 O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
2 Let the redeemed of the LORD SAY SO, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;
3 And gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south.
4 They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city to dwell in.
5 Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them.
6 Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.
7 And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation.
8 Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
9 For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.

Angels....... YOU ARE REDEEMED.

Say So! :Rose:
Needed this message today. Sometimes I feel like when you try to do right, it just gets ignored. Tired of analyzing myself over and over again..Im ready to let go and let God have his way.
Ladies... FYI

I'm unable to use the 'quote' feature; so I couldn't thank you individually or use the multi-quote.

However, I am not complaining... not at all. :nono:

I still thank God for each of you and I thank God for the loving and faithful heart of 'Nikos' who has spent his entire weekend working on the forum to keep everyone happy.

Love and blessings to Nikos and Beverly. I 'see' your hard labour and most of all, so does the Lord and He will bless you for being so kind to bless us. :grouphug2:
^^^Amen!! Yes, a big THANKS to Nikos and Beverly:yep:! This forum is a blessing to us all in many ways. We will be patient as we wait on the downgrade to be completed.
Thank you for this Shimmie. Timely as always.

I've been struggling with believing this as I walk in God's path for my life and not simply what my flesh wants since on my best day it is still filthy rags and God sees Christ's blood when he looks at me because I've been redeemed.
Hugs and blessings Angels...

God loves you each soooooo much. Just imagine, even our 'thoughts' have been redeemed. Our very thoughts; all of which means He's right there in the very midst of you, showering you with His love ...

Isn't this why He said, "Cast your cares upon Him, for He careth for you..."

Sooooooo, together, hand-in-hand -- heart-to-heart we cast upon Him our care and allow Him to take all from there.

Come on... let's take each other's hand, like sisters and do this together... :circle: :love3:

He's knows how to carry it... we don't. He doesn't want us to. Give the weight of it all to Him.... He who calls us, "Friend" and He means it with all of His heart. :love3:
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mama shimmie, that's not fair :poke:! how can you hide such a powerful and strong thread???Damn, how did I miss it.
whoever bumps it, thanks a lot.

Love it :yep:

eta: thanks klb