At Home Hair Washers



Which is preferred or most used method for washing your hair at home? Is it in the shower or the kitchen sink? Also, which method (sink/shower) is most likely to have LESS tangles?
i've found that i have fewer tangles when i wash my hair in the shower. when my hair was much shorter, i didn't have a preference.
The shower for me because even if I wash my hair in the kitchen sink, I still have to comb it downward, which would mean more pulling and stretching /images/graemlins/naughty.gif. In the shower, your hair is already going in the direction you normally would comb your hair to set or style and the water running downward can sometimes be detangling.
In the shower is the BEST way for me!!! I use a hair filter that fits over the drain and catches the hair, so it won't go down the drain.
I wash in the shower, too...much easier. But when I'm rinsing out my relaxer, I lean over the side of the tub...don't want to risk having perm running down my back...
Thanks Ladies,

But how do you deal with the in and out of the shower with the different steps? 1. Wash, condition, let the condition sit for a while and then back in the shower??? /images/graemlins/wallbash.gif
I believe it just depends on the person. When I wash my hair, I slather LeKair Cholesterol all over it and let it sit for about 30 minutes to an hour, then I rinse and shamoo. Rinse shampoo and put on conditioner and let that sit for about five minutes b/c I don't want to over condition. Any flaws in that? My hair seems to be doing fine with this regimen? Does anyone know if it's necessary to deep condition every time my hair is washed?
1. Wash and apply conditioner
2. Get out of shower, sit under dryer for 20 minutes or wash some dishes (just flip around in a robe)
3. Get back in the shower, rinse out conditioner.

That's the only downside to washing at have to get in the shower twice. I used to wash my hair in the sink and that just didn't work when my hair was long. My hair would fill the sink, literally. It was also very, very, very difficult to get the tangles out.

If your hair is long, you definitely don't want to pull it up, on top of your head, to wash it...that just invites tangles, IMO.
I wash my hair in the shower. I have read in various hair books that this is the best location to wash hair. There will be less tangles and a greater chance of washing out all the shampoo/conditioner.
You ladies are wonderful as usual! Thanks for your responses. Now I see where I've gone wrong and the unnecessary breaking of my hair... /images/graemlins/frown.gif
I usually do my hair with my head over the bathtub in my bathroom. Not the BEST way to wash hair...I know. But I just hate having to get undressed and take a shower every time I want to wash my hair. Sometimes that means showering twice if you want to rinse the conditioner out right? Sometimes I just don't have the time.

I HAVE washed my hair in the shower however before, and I have to admit, it's much easier than doing it over the bathtub. Plus, the blood doesn't run to my head! lol* It's much easier that way too.
I wash in the shower...
Kitchen tician good idea about the hair filter (where from?)

I do have to wash condition sit under dryer...and get back in the shower, but it is worth it for the less tangles.
Plus, it feels so good with the water full force on your hair and scalp...(I may just be a shower fanatic)
I do my weekly washes in the shower, but I do my relaxers in the sink. It's easier for me to do the "half and half" relaxer method in the sink.

Stepping in and out for conditioners in the shower is not a problem.
Deniece said:
I wash in the shower...
Kitchen tician good idea about the hair filter (where from?)

I do have to wash condition sit under dryer...and get back in the shower, but it is worth it for the less tangles.
Plus, it feels so good with the water full force on your hair and scalp...(I may just be a shower fanatic)

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here is thread about the shower filter.. hope this works..
TonicaG said:
Thanks Ladies,

But how do you deal with the in and out of the shower with the different steps? 1. Wash, condition, let the condition sit for a while and then back in the shower??? /images/graemlins/wallbash.gif

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I agree with the other ladies that the shower is the best way for less tangles.

As for your question above, I think it depends on your shower ritual. I can stay in the shower for a while so sometimes I do my hot oil treatment. THen get in the shower and shampoo. Then I put the conditioner on and put on a metallic cap (helps with the heat). THen I do my shower ritual (wash with soap, use a body scrub, then use sometime of shower gel) Then rinse everything.
Lazy days I shampoo and condition in a kitchen sink then sit under dryer with conditioner. Then get in the shower and wash my body, then finally rinse my conditioner out.

Uh... was this TMI? /images/graemlins/look.gif
I shampoo in the shower for the same reasons the other ladies have mentioned.

If I'm going to do a deep conditioner that requires I sit under the dryer, I get in the shower and just shampoo my hair, which takes about 2 minutes. Then I sit under the dryer with the conditioner on and get back in the shower to rinse it out and wash up all over. That way I don't feel annoyed like I would if I were just getting back in the shower to rinse conditioner out of my hair.
I wash in the shower...I use to do in bent over the tub and I had too many tangles. It wasn't an issue when my hair was shorter nut now...
Like Mochalolita, I do bend the tub when I texturize at home. But before I finish I get in the shower to direct the hair backwards. I get in to wash the preshampoo out and to shampoo then I deep condition get out for about 30-60 minutes and then I jump back in again. When I'm feeling lazy I don't get out at all. I just shampoo then I apply the conditioner and do other shower "rituals" and then I rinse and hop out.
I always wash in the shower. usually while my hair is conditioning I'll wash my body, shave etc. then since i like to do my detangling while my hair is being conditioned i usually get out of the tub to detangle because i like to do it in front of the mirror so i can see what im doing. so that means getting in and out the shower twice but i dont really mind.
I always wash in the shower for all the same reasons above. I'd rather be in and out the shower.. than cryin about how much hair I broke off and lost to my sink /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
I wash my hair in the shower and I don't suffer from tangles, I wash my hair in one direction.
I used to be an over the tub washer, but once your hair gets longer, that just becomes too difficult. Now I wash in the shower. I leave my conditioner on overnight, so the getting in and out of the shower isn't an issue for me.