Are you trying not to take a peek...


SuperDuper Member your growing hair? I try not to look. I just do what I have to do to make it grow. I'm trying to turn my haircare reggie into a habit (if you can call it a reggie).
So I looked accidentally the night before last. I put my conditioner into my hair and started detangling w/ my shower comb. I do it in sections, well I did the back and I think I saw a small portion of my hair fall maybe 1 1/2 inch above APL. I tried not to think too much of it, combed and continued to DC. I've been doing rollersets and updos for I don't know how long, so I haven't had my hair straight... I wonder.

Are you also trying not to see your growth progress so you don't obsess over it?
I'm a PJ, so I'm always trying new things and I've started using MN for a boost in hair growth. But I refuse to wear it out because I know I will focus on the length too much. I do what I think is best for the health/condition of my hair and I'll just bun it for the next several months until I reach my short term hair goal.

If I start measuring/examining etc. I'll end up making myself crazy.
Yes, I hide my hair from myself by wearing a faux bun. My hair is in ponytail bunned under the faux bun. I LHCF Bookcamp 2008 and cannot use heat appliances except the hooded dry. So, I just hair dry overnight in a ponytail. I hide my hair from myself and others so I don't get discouraged. After I received a relaxer from my stylist I got a tight rollerset for two reasons: 1. So she wouldn't give me a trim of my progress before my length check and 2. So I wouldn't see the actual length. For Christmas I flat ironed my hair and got a surprise that my hair had grown. I try not to do a length check and instead follow my regimine, always moisturize and seal, wear ouchless ponytail holders and just leave my hair the heck alone. I plan to get either kinky twist or cornrows so I can really hide my hair from myself. I want to focus on health and not length.
Well, from the posts so far I'm in the minority,
  • whenever I wash I check the length of my wet hair in the mirror.
  • my hair's natural so from time to time I check it in the mirror and stretch it out to check for length
THe good thing is I am seeing some- but, yeah, it would be good not to obsess over it- but I still sorta do:rolleyes:
That is PRECISELY the reason why I wear my hair wash n' go so I can't see the true length. I'm length obsessed but I am determined not to flatiron til the end of my countdown ticker. When I first created that ticker it was hard to maintain consistency but now that I'm nearing the halfway mark it's getting easier and easier not to check the length but God's knows I still want to. :look:
yes im hidding my hair from myself, because I do tend to obsess, and everytime I think ive hidden it long enough I always feel like there is no progress.. this used to happend to me with my weight when I was trying to lose weight, until my husband hid the scale from me, wich helped alot :yep: sorry to get off topic :) your growing hair? I try not to look. I just do what I have to do to make it grow. I'm trying to turn my haircare reggie into a habit (if you can call it a reggie).
So I looked accidentally the night before last. I put my conditioner into my hair and started detangling w/ my shower comb. I do it in sections, well I did the back and I think I saw a small portion of my hair fall maybe 1 1/2 inch above APL. I tried not to think too much of it, combed and continued to DC. I've been doing rollersets and updos for I don't know how long, so I haven't had my hair straight... I wonder.

Are you also trying not to see your growth progress so you don't obsess over it?

Yep, you got it! I was so obsessed a few months ago, I was measuring EVERY WEEK!!! Needless to say, I wasn't seeing too much progress. Then, it dawned on me: Even at 1 inch per month, I'd only see 1/4 inch per week! DUH!!!

Then I had a setback at the salon. I decided not to cut 5 inches of hair that were damaged all at once. Now, although I'm happy that my hair is growing and I've got a great regimen, it's not much to look at, so maybe it's easier now. Once I get to MBL, I'll probably have to cut it to BSL, so I've got a loooooooong way to go, but I'm not giving up!!!
This is exactly what I am doing. I have a regimen and thanks to pjism I have various products that give me what I need. I had to reel myself back in from buying everything I am interested in because it doesn't make any sense when products start to take up too much space. This is also one reason why I don't have a fotki, don't take pictures, measure my hair, etc. It is enough for me to monitor my length after a touchup, and personally doing anything more would be stepping on a slippery slope towards obsession. I don't have time to be obsessed with my hair.
Yes, I am also one of those people. When I washed my hair three days ago, my air-dried hair touched my bra clasp. I really want to know what length it is when it is straight but I am too lazy to pull out the flat iron. I want to continue my protective styling for another month and then I will measure.
yeah, Im always hiding my hair length from myself. In the beginning I would take pictures every month and check the length every other day, but now I only length check on re touch days.
Yeah I can't wait to be APL so I don't want to obsess over it, so I wear my hair n a rollerset everyday so I can't see the length. I see my hair getting longer when I wash it....but I say to myself that's not the "true length" because it's stretched to its capibility lool and I keep tellin myself it's still short....Next time I will flatiron will be the beginning of February....or maybe I'll just get a relaxer then...who knows

...I just can't belive my hair isn't shoulder length anymore:grin:
I try not to look ever since my BC i've left my hair in cornrows. Only taking them down long enough to wash and condition. Then they go right back up. I know if i try watching for growth i'll get discouraged.
Great thread. I try not to keep checking but when I'm combing out after a dc, it is so hard not to measure. I'll just grab the mirror and take a looksy ever so quickly :lachen:. It'll grow regardless, right?!?
I just did that last night! I DC'd and while it was wet it looked long (well... longer than usual). I just pretended not to notice and kept doing what I was doing. :rolleyes: I'm not doing any length checking until after my b-day (in Feb). It's impossible to see change in just a few weeks. From now on I'm only length checking once every 3 months.
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YES YES YES...i wasn't overly obsessive, but I was thinking too much about length, thickness, measure ng.. It got to the point where i was so into my hair regimen that i started slipping on my skin regimen and had a major setback for clearer skin.

so that's exactly why i put myself on hair hiatus right now. still taking care of it but not spending so much time on it as b4. your growing hair? I try not to look. I just do what I have to do to make it grow. I'm trying to turn my haircare reggie into a habit (if you can call it a reggie).
So I looked accidentally the night before last. I put my conditioner into my hair and started detangling w/ my shower comb. I do it in sections, well I did the back and I think I saw a small portion of my hair fall maybe 1 1/2 inch above APL. I tried not to think too much of it, combed and continued to DC. I've been doing rollersets and updos for I don't know how long, so I haven't had my hair straight... I wonder.

Are you also trying not to see your growth progress so you don't obsess over it?

Yeah, I try not to look. I really don't do anything to my hair but wash it every two weeks and I moisturize it now about twice a week. Don't worry, for some reason that is enough with S-Curl.:grin:

But I was my hair in plaits and got bored yesterday, so I took a plait a loose and washed it and applied some Nexxus Protex and curled it with the iron. (Conair) I was bored but I didn't do the back.

I think I am just going to straighten my hair every 6 months.
I just did that last night! I DC'd and while it was wet it looked long (well... longer than usual). I just pretended not to notice and kept doing what I was doing. :rolleyes: I'm not doing any length checking until after my b-day (in Feb). It's impossible to see change in just a few weeks. From now on I'm only length checking once every 3 months.
That's what I planned to do! :grin: My birthday is Feb 21st! I was going to do something special to it on that weekend. Until then, updos, buns and rollersets for me:yep:
Yeah, every 3 months I'll do a length check with my relaxer, but I wonder...

Feb 12th I'll be 12 wks and I'm hopeful - I love being lazy about hair styles because it helps me not want to comb and fool around with my hair all week :yep:

However, I do have a tendency, when my hair is curled (or twistout, braidout or spiral - it's the hair out thing) to pull through my hair to the ends to see if hair comes out :wallbash: well duh, itcangrow, of course it's gonna come out if you pull and pull all day. So, I think buns will be my thing - other styles will give me versatility, but I just cant keep my hands to myself, so better just remove the temptation and move on :grin:

I'm picturing waist length hair...ummmmmm *meditating*

That's what I planned to do! :grin: My birthday is Feb 21st! I was going to do something special to it on that weekend. Until then, updos, buns and rollersets for me:yep: