Are you stuck at your current hair length?


Well-Known Member
My hair plateau is bra strap length. I've never really tried to grow my hair any longer. When it gets to my bra I always trim it back because of dryness.

Do any of you have a hair length plateau? Ya know, that place where you have trouble getting your hair to grow any longer?

How did you get past your hair plateau?
What changes did you make to your routine?

I think that this is my 7th or 8th time making it to bra-strap length. LOL!
(Maybe I should just hide my scissors.)
Yes I keep getting to bsl and then cut my hair:ohwell: The rest of my hair retains just fine but the center of my hair breaks off and i keep cutting to make it even. I'm still trying to figure out why it keeps breaking off so I can finally move ahead in my journey.
I could barely get past APL at one point and even then I was still a little above APL. My hair was constantly dry and breaking. The only thing that's really working for me is keeping up with treatments (DC and protein), my steamer, moisturizing at night then Baggying the hair and sealing in the morning. I don't know if you use protein, but for me the kind of protein I was using solved many problems.

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I could barely get past APL at one point and even then I was still a little above APL. My hair was constantly dry and breaking. The only thing that's really working for me is keeping up with treatments (DC and protein), my steamer, moisturizing at night then Baggying the hair and sealing in the morning. I don't know if you use protein, but for me the kind of protein I was using solved many problems.

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I use a protein, but I had to switch to a milder protein conditioner. The other protein was too harsh and it made my hair too brittle.

I think that I may make it past bra strap length this year because I changed my protein conditioner.
I could barely get past APL at one point and even then I was still a little above APL. My hair was constantly dry and breaking. The only thing that's really working for me is keeping up with treatments (DC and protein), my steamer, moisturizing at night then Baggying the hair and sealing in the morning. I don't know if you use protein, but for me the kind of protein I was using solved many problems.

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I am going to try upping my protein treatments. it seems like i need to do them weekly.
I was just thinking about going back to protein treatments.

Seems I stay at bsl too. Even if I cut my hair it would go back to bsl effortlessly but if I try to grow it longer than that it takes so much work.

I get lazy with my hair and dont moisturize enough through out the week thats my problem. I keep up with my weekly wash routine but these last few months I've been lazy during the week.

Last year I stayed on top of my mositurizing and sealing routine and grew my hair mbl but I lost the length due to laziness and slacking off.

Maybe I'll start making more of an effort and see if I can grow it longer
For me it was APL. Thats was my :nono: length. I would get there, get cocky and BAM! SETBACK! :cry3:.

I've now learn the art of patience, major end T.L.C, and humbling thy self :yep:. This is the reason why I'm slowly inching toward my goal of MBL! :happydance:
I was just thinking about going back to protein treatments.

Seems I stay at bsl too. Even if I cut my hair it would go back to bsl effortlessly but if I try to grow it longer than that it takes so much work.

I get lazy with my hair and dont moisturize enough through out the week thats my problem. I keep up with my weekly wash routine but these last few months I've been lazy during the week.

Last year I stayed on top of my mositurizing and sealing routine and grew my hair mbl but I lost the length due to laziness and slacking off.

Maybe I'll start making more of an effort and see if I can grow it longer

This is exactly my problem. Once I get to bra length I just stop caring & I get lazy. I will try to moisturize more often.
I need to start watching more youtube videos or looking at hair pics to give me inspiration and determination not to get lazy lol

My hair grows fast so its really no reason why it isnt longer
For me it was APL. Thats was my :nono: length. I would get there, get cocky and BAM! SETBACK! :cry3:.

I've now learn the art of patience, major end T.L.C, and humbling thy self :yep:. This is the reason why I'm slowly inching toward my goal of MBL! :happydance:
EnExitStageLeft story of my life right there, I hit APL atleast 5/6 times now ,my issues either were wanting perfect blunt ends, chasing the perfect texture(relaxe then transitioned to texlaxed now natural) or plain feeling cocky and frying and dying it:perplexed
I'm trying very hard to be patient now and accept that my hair shrinks no matter if I relax, straighten or wear it curly and that my hair grows in a V
I've been stuck at WL, which is not a bad place to have a plateau. I want hip length though, so I'm doing the braid challenge until I get there. So far I've been in braids for 9 weeks and I'm seeing progress, so I'll stick with it. Hopefully I'll be HL by summer. I'm tired of braids.
Yep...been stuck here for years now (avatar). That's why I have decided to bun for year just to see if that makes a difference. If not, I will just keep whipping my hair.