Are you still considered natural if...........

Okay so my mom told me that she is natural now because she hasn't had any chemicals in her hair since June. She said that her texturized hair has reverted and looks like her natural hair so she's natural.:perplexed

My bestfriend, who is on this forum (Hey....if you're reading this) agrees that if your hair reverts and you haven't relaxed in a year (and haven't cut off anything)'re natural. :nono:I don't think so but I wanted to know what everyone else thought.........

Do some of you consider yourselves fully natural even though you still have relaxed ends?

No, if any part of your hair still has chemicals, you are NOT natural. What do they think happened to the chemicals? Did they just rinse off? That makes no come it doesnt happen to anybody else? Please school your folks and let them know that just because it LOOKS natural, it isnt...
She's not natural. I consider natural to be no chemicals (no relaxers and no synthetic dyes).
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IMO the most common term for "natural" (for us ethnic people on the hairboards and IRL) was reffering to when your hair doesnt have any chemicals on it such as relaxers, textruizers, perms ect.

Then there is the true meaning of natural where there is nothing on your hair that changes it permently at all, which includes hair colors.

I always thought that when people on this board were reffering to being natural they were just reffering to them not having any chemicals on their head that made it straight or changed the curl pattern.......not that their hair was completly free of ALL chemicals including color. Most of the time when people say their going natural its from texture altering chemicals, not hair colors right? (thats what i though anyway :ohwell:)

I would consider someone natural who's hair was their own texture, but they just had a color on it.

But if i were to get technical and were talking about if their hair was in its purest state, then i would say a halfway "no" to them being natural

I think color is a whole 'nother beast. OP referred to chemicals in regards to relaxers/texturized hair, so that's what I am talking about...
See I agree with all of you....but my bestfriend says that she hasn't relaxed her hair in a year and it has fully reverted and it looks completely natural but I still don't consider her natural...but she considers herself natural. Makes me wonder about some of my hair idols on the board....j/k

You know you ain't playing, lol. (teasing)
Yeah...I told my mom that she was transitioning.....and she was like "oh" but I really think that she was just trying to shut me up.

Now my bestfriend on the other hand went toe to toe with me about it and told me I was trippin'. Then she asked if I was gonna ask you all. (Did she really have to ask?):look: But she was kinda offended that I didn't consider her natural. She said that not everyone has to BC in order to be natural.
I did ask her if she thought the relaxer had just disappeared and she said that it reverted back completely. I was gonna say that it does look the same...but she had it pressed. I didn't see it wet or anything. But even with it pressed she had puffy roots. I don't know. It's whatever. I tried not to dwell on it too much because we all know that folk start to get angry and start thinking that you're hating on them or are just jealous.:rolleyes:
"When hair is 100% void of chemicals then one has natural hair". That's the definition in my hair book and I agree.

It can be seen as this but I consider myself and am natural though I color my hair. For me if the texture of your hair has not been chemically altered you are natural.
I know you didn't ask me but....
If anyone just looks at the close picture of my hair with color in my siggy- you will see that it ain't nothing but 100% hair of the indigenous African. Let me elucidate what chemical is . When you mix two things and the outcome changes- thats chemistry. It doesn't have to happen in a lab with chemists. lExample: if you use a natural lemon on your natural head and stand in the natural sun it will naturally lighten. Melanin and Citric acid is that chemical reaction.that. you get when it bleaches. When you make lemonade and add Citric Acid (your lemon) to water and the add sucrose that's chemistry. The mixing of Henna with Lemon is a chemical process to release the dye into the cortex of the hair-
When I go to St Maarten and I come back so dark that all you see is the whiteness of teeth- please dont tell me Im not naturally black. (
rant has ended)
To get back to the first issue-
Your mother and friend are natural up until the part where the residual part of their growth meets previously permanently straightened hair bye the use of sodium hydroxide(in most cases it could be others) which breaks the pattern or texture of the inner cortex. and allows it to relax its texture. When your mom and your friend cut down to that demarcation they will be fully natural. They are in transition. Not a bad place to be if you want to be natural,,, Who cares? Are we gonna be like that other board!
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Yeah...I told my mom that she was transitioning.....and she was like "oh" but I really think that she was just trying to shut me up.

Now my bestfriend on the other hand went toe to toe with me about it and told me I was trippin'. Then she asked if I was gonna ask you all. (Did she really have to ask?):look: But she was kinda offended that I didn't consider her natural. She said that not everyone has to BC in order to be natural.
I did ask her if she thought the relaxer had just disappeared and she said that it reverted back completely. I was gonna say that it does look the same...but she had it pressed. I didn't see it wet or anything. But even with it pressed she had puffy roots. I don't know. It's whatever. I tried not to dwell on it too much because we all know that folk start to get angry and start thinking that you're hating on them or are just jealous.:rolleyes:

right :lachen:...let it go...let them do them....:grin::yep::lachen:
What do you call people with color in their hair but no relaxer? Colored heads? :look: Just wondering

To answer the question no she is not natural but then again I call myself natural and I have a few relaxed ends left.
Natural, of course, is subjective.

To me, natural is no texture-altering chemicals. So no, your mom is not natural since she still has her relaxed ends. Unfortunately, quite a few women feel that if they haven't had a touch-up in a few months, that they are natural.

My Hair <---Natural
My Hair <---Has Color
My Hair <---Therefore is not virgin hair since it has color
My Hair <---Still Natural
My Hair <---Thrives on me, not what anyone else claims is "natural." They aren't the ones who have to care for my hair.
It can be seen as this but I consider myself and am natural though I color my hair. For me if the texture of your hair has not been chemically altered you are natural.
I know you didn't ask me but....
If anyone just looks at the close picture of my hair with color in my siggy- you will see that it ain't nothing but 100% hair of the indigenous African. Let me elucidate what chemical is . When you mix two things and the outcome changes- thats chemistry. It doesn't have to happen in a lab with chemists. lExample: if you use a natural lemon on your natural head and stand in the natural sun it will naturally lighten. Melanin and Citric acid is that chemical reaction.that. you get when it bleaches. When you make lemonade and add Citric Acid (your lemon) to water and the add sucrose that's chemistry. The mixing of Henna with Lemon is a chemical process to release the dye into the cortex of the hair-
When I go to St Maarten and I come back so dark that all you see is the whiteness of teeth- please dont tell me Im not naturally black. (
rant has ended)
To get back to the first issue-
Your mother and friend are natural up until the part where the residual part of their growth meets previously permanently straightened hair bye the use of sodium hydroxide(in most cases it could be others) which breaks the pattern or texture of the inner cortex. and allows it to relax its texture. When your mom and your friend cut down to that demarcation they will be fully natural. They are in transition. Not a bad place to be if you want to be natural,,, Who cares? Are we gonna be like that other board!
:yep::yep:read my mind

To get back to the first issue-
Your mother and friend are natural up until the part where the residual part of their growth meets previously permanently straightened hair bye the use of sodium hydroxide(in most cases it could be others) which breaks the pattern or texture of the inner cortex. and allows it to relax its texture. When your mom and your friend cut down to that demarcation they will be fully natural. They are in transition. Not a bad place to be if you want to be natural,,, Who cares? Are we gonna be like that other board!

:yep: ........
You know, at first I was like no way, but now I think I understand what they're saying...let me tell you why. I was just comparing pics and I was going to say I've been natural for 14 months. I ended up putting that b/c I haven't had chemicals since then but actually I've been natural without relaxed ends since May even though I decided to go natural last October...see what I mean? So I don't know anymore:ohwell: I mean I agree natural means no relaxed hair so i agree with u, but I just understand the confusion on their end I guess
You know, at first I was like no way, but now I think I understand what they're saying...let me tell you why. I was just comparing pics and I was going to say I've been natural for 14 months. I ended up putting that b/c I haven't had chemicals since then but actually I've been natural without relaxed ends since May even though I decided to go natural last October...see what I mean? So I don't know anymore:ohwell: I mean I agree natural means no relaxed hair so i agree with u, but I just understand the confusion on their end I guess

I see how it matters if people with relaxed ends give tips to someone who is newly dealing with a foreign texture. Being natural when its committed to , as you know is hard work. Its alot of trial and error and its alot of nonacceptance from alot of people including family members and friends at times.. Its okay to transition and to know so and to know that there is a different level of care that must be applied in order to get the Long hair care info that we all came on the board to get. In the end I could care less how someone sees me. Perception is everything. Whats natural to one is not natural to all.My thoughts are that this board was to encourage each other no matter what decisions we make about our hair.
Since your mother has chemicals in her hair she is not natural...only the part of her hair where their is not relaxer/texturizer
IMO the most common term for "natural" (for us ethnic people on the hairboards and IRL) was reffering to when your hair doesnt have any chemicals on it such as relaxers, textruizers, perms ect.

Then there is the true meaning of natural where there is nothing on your hair that changes it permently at all, which includes hair colors.

I always thought that when people on this board were reffering to being natural they were just reffering to them not having any chemicals on their head that made it straight or changed the curl pattern.......not that their hair was completly free of ALL chemicals including color. Most of the time when people say their going natural its from texture altering chemicals, not hair colors right? (thats what i though anyway :ohwell:)

I would consider someone natural who's hair was their own texture, but they just had a color on it.

But if i were to get technical and were talking about if their hair was in its purest state, then i would say a halfway "no" to them being natural


This is what I thought too. Natural being a simple word to describe whether you have a relaxer or not.
Good thread!!

I haven't had chemicals in my hair since June 2004. I've been a kinky twist Queen (on and off) ever since. Am I considered natural? :afro:
It is hard to come to a conclusoin when everyone is defining natural in their own terms. I think you are not natural if there are any chemicals in your hair including color. I've seen blond afros on women who obviously don't have blond hair. You can't tell me that they are natural.

But, I think you can wear your natural texture. So, in terms of texture you can be "natural" as long as you are wearing your original texture. So, if her hair looks the way it did before the chemicals then she is wearing her natural textures. I agree with your mother. Not to say that she has not had chemical processes done to her hair.

So, if you can bleach your hair and still be considered natural as long as your texture doesn't change then if your texture reverted then you are wearing your natural texture.

But, it is not that serious. I don't know why we make such a big deal about it.

P.S. Women of other races do go natural but, they usually do it in terms of color.
So, if you can bleach your hair and still be considered natural as long as your texture doesn't change then if your texture reverted then you are wearing your natural texture.

But, it is not that serious. I don't know why we make such a big deal about it.

P.S. Women of other races do go natural but, they usually do it in terms of color.

But that's just the thing, hair does not revert. Relaxers do not revert. There is no way to reverse a relaxer. Her hair was just under processed from the get go. If relaxed hair was able to revert, then we wouldn't have to BC to get rid of relaxed ends.
But that's just the thing, hair does not revert. Relaxers do not revert. There is no way to reverse a relaxer. Her hair was just under processed from the get go. If relaxed hair was able to revert, then we wouldn't have to BC to get rid of relaxed ends.

I agree....

But then here is my question....Do you have to do the BC?

In her opinion, you don't have to BC and she says that not everyone that goes natural has to cut off their relaxed ends. Especially if it blends with the new growth.

My BFF forgot that I remember her relaxing her hair earlier this summer:look:
I don't understand why folk get so caught up in titles.

Personally, I don't think color is natural. Does that make color bad? No. It just makes it not natural. But there seems to be a lil bit of self imposed status with being able to claim natural. It's almost like saying that you're a little bit healthier than the next 'unnatural' person. Or at least that's my take.

....and while I'm beating a dead horse: If somebody added food coloring to your orange juice, would you consider it 100% natural?
I don't understand why folk get so caught up in titles.

Personally, I don't think color is natural. Does that make color bad? No. It just makes it not natural. But there seems to be a lil bit of self imposed status with being able to claim natural. It's almost like saying that you're a little bit healthier than the next 'unnatural' person. Or at least that's my take.

....and while I'm beating a dead horse: If somebody added food coloring to your orange juice, would you consider it 100% natural?

I feel you...but at the same time it's like what if your hair idol was claiming to be natural, giving you advice, and swapping ideas with you on how she mainitains her "natural" hair....only for you to find out later that this ***** got a relaxer 6 months ago! LOL:lachen:
I feel you...but at the same time it's like what if your hair idol was claiming to be natural, giving you advice, and swapping ideas with you on how she mainitains her "natural" hair....only for you to find out later that this ***** got a relaxer 6 months ago! LOL:lachen:

good and very important point.
I don't understand why folk get so caught up in titles.

Personally, I don't think color is natural. Does that make color bad? No. It just makes it not natural. But there seems to be a lil bit of self imposed status with being able to claim natural. It's almost like saying that you're a little bit healthier than the next 'unnatural' person. Or at least that's my take.

....and while I'm beating a dead horse: If somebody added food coloring to your orange juice, would you consider it 100% natural?

Thats a good way of putting it.

If a store was full of artificially made juice, then i would put the natural orange juice with the food coloring in the natural section. It would imo be considered natural compared to all of the other juices made with chemicals that is the majority, but of course the natural juice with no food coloring in it would be 100% natural.

Thats how i feel anywy. Somebody who has their natural hair texture def. doesnt go into the category with people who use relaxers, texturizers and perms. They go "more" into the natural section/category. Even though they are not "as natural" as someone with no color on their hair. :ohwell: