Are you in a LDR?

LOL I guess I am kinda in one now. I hear people complaining of not being able to see their SO for a month and I think to myself stop the whinning it could be worse. Yeah I said it worse. I am married and my DH is in Iraq for 6 months! Count them 1,2,3,4,5,6! I am also in another country where I dont have family to help me oh and did I mention we got twin 6 yr old boys??????? Yeah so it could be worse.

Sorry about the above rant I just needed to get some things off my chest:lachen:

Now the key to a good LDR is first and foremost respect (yes even before communication) I respect DH enough not to be out there in the streets with random people. I also realize that I represent him..... when I am somewhere people dont call me Karla its always that's Peters' wife. I also respect myself my body, mind, and spirt is a gift that I dont give to anyone.
Both parties involved whether married or dating have to be of a mind set of this is what it is and this is what I want with those things in mind a little distance and a couple of weeks should not be a problem.

Ladies if I said anything in my rant to offend anyone I am sorry but I am starting to miss the hubster. 2 months down 4 to go. I can do this!

You're not alone. My DH and I are in a LDR. He isn't military, but he works in the power industry...a very dangerous field. So there is risk and I pray for his safety on a daily basis.

My DH hasn't been home for 7 months, but he comes home today (1:20 P.M. PST) so that we can spend Valentine's Day together. He has to leave again on Monday, but we'll cherish whatever time we have together. We've had to do this for the last 3 yrs. so we're experienced in handling the difficulties of being thousands of miles apart.