Are You His Best Friend?


Well-Known Member
Does your husband or significant other considers you his best friend?

Is this a role you want to fulfill?

Or do you feel that a "best friend" should be someone else.
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I think that we look at each other as our best friends of the opposite sex but his best friend is a man and mine is a woman. I think it's healthy and it works for us because while I'm real sure that he would have no problem being locked in a room with only me to talk to while I'd be clawing the walls to get out after a not too long while. That's what happens when you mix an extrovert with an introvert.
I made the mistake of texting DH at work to ask him before answering. :lol:


Then he called me, and I had to further assure him that I’m fine... I might get flowers or some candy tonight though. Lol

I do believe I’m his best friend, but I know that he’d prefer to have a closer male friend — a “bro”. But he grew up a military brat, and never had the same friends for long. And as an adult, between me, work, and gaming, he doesn’t have the time or energy to cultivate a real life best friendship with another.

I’m fine fulfilling the role of his bestie, and I think what should be is whatever it is.
He's told me I'm his best friend. He has male friends but he's anti-social and doesn't like to be bothered. He's my best friend and the only person I feel comfortable being myself.
Yeah but one thing not mentioned yet is it's it's okay to have more than one. I'm his female best friend and he has a male best friend. He is my male best friend and my younger sister is my female best friend. Our other best friends, in both cases, are people we have known so long the stories of our lives and growing up embed them. However there are things between me and my spouse we don't get/experience nowhere else. There are areas between me and my spouse that is marital or household matters that we never concern or involve others in. There are things about becoming a man that my husband experienced before me...things about becoming a woman I learned before I met him... in which case, our other best friends were there and remember those milestones. My sister has always been my best friend over the years. I have had one or more in a season in addition to her and that's normal to me. There was
  • my from kindergarten to high school best friend
  • another relative who was about the same age as me just a bit older as a best friend(unfortunately she passed away young)
  • the literal boy next door best friend
  • now my husband
  • my little sister for as long as I remember life
DH and I don't have non family opposite sex best friends anymore though. DH doesn't believe they exist. I had one from childhood before he (the boy next door best friend) got married. When he got married though, I created distance out of respect for his marriage within the first week of his marriage he called me about marital stuff and I was like "Naw, you have to talk about that with your wife." In my opinion, there are certain things about your marriage other folks shouldn't know and you take that to your spouse as your friend.
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I think I'm the person he's closest to (period) and same vice versa. This wasn't always the case, but has come after years of our friendship/relationship evolving. Back in the early years he would have said one of his other friends and I too.

We both have our own great, long term close friendships with others which cannot be substituted, or replaced. Feeling closest to your husband doesn't = you don't feel close to and value your same sex (or whatever) friends too

Personally, what I like to avoid is the type of man who shuts his own life down as soon as he gets into something. Stops talking to his friends, stops going to the gym, stops doing his own hobbies. That would freak me out. Its important to me that DH has his own friends, has his lil man catch ups and a solo hobby or two.

I'm not crazy on men who say their Mom is their best friend, but apart from that I'm cool lol.