Are you GUILTY of...

I love anime too! Esp. sailor moon...I always cry when I watch the very last episode ever made. I watch a wide variety of anime series...

i still haven't seen the final Sailor Moon episode! or the final Boy meets world episode but that's another thread right there.
no i don't discriminate over hair length. i do with hair types though. i mostly seek out type 4s when it comes to product reviews and styling tips. i do love to look at all hair types and lengths though. ♥
My new thing, as a transitioner, is to check out type 4s with X number of months of growth. This way I can get an idea of how much hair I'll have to work with when I chop. :)

I also love pretty much all type 4 hair, it inspires me to continue my transition.
I like looking at overall healthy hair at any length... but I am more partial to healthy type 4 relaxed/texlaxed hair...
i still haven't seen the final Sailor Moon episode! or the final Boy meets world episode but that's another thread right there.

i still remember the finale of bmw lol and i only saw it once.

also never saw the finale of sm.. i was once a sm addict!!! i remember her daughter chibiusa/Rini/sailor chibi moon (i think that's it... havent watched it since h.s.)
Not me, i love short hair ^^

To respond to OP's question yeeks - absolutely not!! But I'm the first person to "thank" Taina in two weeks so this is obviously a serious thing. Not me, not at all. I like healthy hair at all lengths and I like both natural and relaxed looks. I like this forum because it's a mix of naturals and people who perm. I get bored where there's too much dogma in one direction or another.
I must be an oddball because I don't look at fotkis or youtube videos. If a posting requests that others view their fotki or video, or posts a link to a fotki or video, I simply skip over it and continue reading.

I read all interesting threads and enjoy viewing the various textures and styles of the forum's members; it's not about the length or health, but the story behind each head of hair that most interests me.
YES i am guilty...but i like to look at healthy long hair....but i do take the time to check out the SLers and the NLers....if they have really healthy hair....natural or not.

HOWEVER....i'm finding i like to watch Asian youtube hairstyle videos...they have the cutest ideas to me:yep: