Are you going to say bye-bye to the board

As Much as I've learned on this Forum, I don't think I'll be going anywhere no time soon. It's always something new to learn:yep:
I was just thinking about this a couple of days ago....exactly what will I do once I reach my goal? I'm always setting new goals, and I simply love the interaction between the ladies here on the forum. I expect my interests to change, though. And I think that I will be able to offer a great deal of guidance after everything I will have experienced by then.

Nope. I'll be right here! :grin:
When i reach my hair goal a plan on hanging out for a minute. I wanna be able to help out the newbies.
I reached my first hair goal a long time ago, set another one and reached it too, set yet another one and reached even that one too. The #1 reason I keep a fotki is to help out fellow nappturals, and the #2 is the keep a record of how my hair looked at various points in time. I constantly get emails and guestbook messages describing how people went natural, stayed natural, or learned how to work with their natural hair better all by surfing my fotki. It is a great honor to read those guestbook messages and emails, and silly as this may seem, I consider it a serious calling to help other black women love their natural selves.
I reached my first hair goal a long time ago, set another one and reached it too, set yet another one and reached even that one too. The #1 reason I keep a fotki is to help out fellow nappturals, and the #2 is the keep a record of how my hair looked at various points in time. I constantly get emails and guestbook messages describing how people went natural, stayed natural, or learned how to work with their natural hair better all by surfing my fotki. It is a great honor to read those guestbook messages and emails, and silly as this may seem, I consider it a serious calling to help other black women love their natural selves.[/quote]

I don't think its silly at all, i think it is wonderful!
I will eventually but I will keep my album open, I mean this is my interest now but there is more important things in life. I am a natural newbie but I dont expect anyone to stay just to help me out because there will always be newbies and besides we have an excellent search engine to help out everyone. I dont think anyone should feel pressure to stay once the hair thing has run its course for them. If you wanna stay then stay if not keep it moving.
This is a good question..

But once I reach my ultimate goal, I don't think I will be on it as much.
I estimate that Dec 2010 I will be done my growth journey.
I may still get on once in a while to comment here and there, but I doubt that I will be posting pics as much in my fotki or commenting on threads as much.
I will pay my annual membership fee tho for a few years.
No, I will finally open my fotki for others to view and help others to reach their goals. INSPIRATION is the key for me!
I think I will always be around. Hair care has changed from something that I felt I needed into something that has become a hobby. I would love to stick around and offer advice to others. I wouldn't post as much, though.

I will update my fotki maybe twice a year or so since nothing will have had changed once I maintain waist length. Although I don't see the point in deleting one's fotki album, I also don't think it's wrong. My fotki is primarily for me for others to view by choice, so I don't think I "owe" anyone anything per say, but I will keep it up as inspiration for those who will start their journey with damaged hair like I did.
I often find myself becoming addicted and totally immersed in the board -- to the point where I spend hours a day on here. Then, school kicks in and I find that I haven't visited in months. When I do reach my hair goal, I don't think I'll completely leave the site, but I'm always looking for better products anyway and besides that I'm always getting myself into hair situations which I need help getting out of (hair disasters, breakage problems, etc.) So because I feel that visiting the boards is the key to keeping and maintaining healthy hair, I'll more than likely always be around. So yeah, get used to me! :grin:
Having been here since 2003, I don't see myself going anywhere :D

I have pretty much reached my number one goal of hip length hair, but I will grow to tailbone just for fun and then maintain.

I mainly stay on the off topic boards though.

I was so inspired on the previous boards before this one by the girl who got waist length hair in a year, so I figure I should stay on as an inspiration for all of us that don't grow hair quickly.
I dont have a goal really so I guess I cant say. Ive thought about not renewing my membership this time round but its only $5...
So I may pay and if I never come back its no big deal. Im not a big poster but there some people on here Ive met that I would like to stay in contact with so I may just be here for another 5 years posting ****....
I reached my length goals, then stayed. I now set different types of goals. I layered, didn't like that, set the goal to trim them out. I have done that. I set the goal to henna, researched it, started doing it and love it. I set the goal to not use heat on my hair in any form, in 2007, heat touched my hair one time!

I plan on staying here, the opportunity to learn is always here, you can learn from the newbies and oldies! I don't spend as much time in the hair forums as I used to, but I cruise through and can always be reached for help if needed, and I keep my journal and gallery updated.

no i'll still be here and so will my album. my goal is to inspire other women to grow their hair out if that's their choice.
Nope, I'm going to be still here reading people's posts and offering my opinions. My hair is my hobby and like all hobbies, it's something I enjoy taking care of so I don't see me saying bye-bye anytime too soon.
I don't think I would, but life has a way of catching up to you and leaving you with little space for "extras" like the internet. At least that's what I think has happened to the ladies who have left or taken down their albums.

ITA...I don't think that I would take my albums down...but I might visit less and be less active in taking pictures after I reach my goal...I mean...then it's time for a new goal right?

Bubblin' you should add a poll to this post. :grin: