Are you going to cowash forever?


New Member
Random Thought:

I was thinking about this as I answered a regimen question earlier today. I cowash every other day, and I am not opposed to doing it every day as it gets warmer...but then I thought...does this mean I'l cowash forever? When does it stop? I think that's a big commitment to make...Let me know your thoughts...
Do not go without shampoo for long stretches of time. :nono:

I used to be a daily cowasher for months at a time. I believe this is why my hair is thinner - hair shed so much during a cowash. :nono:

Now I use shampoo at least once weekly. I've also decided to wear my hair flatironed more often.

We'll see how it goes.
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I think I will always do conditioner washes. However, I do use shampoo still (just not as often). There's no way I could give up shampoo for good.
YES! YES! YES! Let me tell you CW is the best thing since sliced bread. I physically and mentally cannot get in the shower without doing it. I use Bioinfusion Rosemary Mint and the feeling it gives me is not like any other well almost not:grin: Even if it was not beneficial for my hair I think I would still do it. I do it everyday all year long unless I'm wearing my hair down and that's only on Sat and Sun and I still have hard time not doing it.
I've cowashed everyday for the last 5 years (YEAR ROUND) and my hair is thicker, shiner, and healthier for it. I get a little more than average growth, it bounces back from everything and I love a clean, refreshed scalp.

Now I'm washing daily and co-washing daily and my hair is even better for it. Plus its helped me get a handle on my skin!

I will wash and co-wash daily for life!! :grin:

I may even enlist my future hubby to help. LOL!:lachen:
I certainly will! I take vitamins and workout to keep my body healthy and I owe my hair the same attention. Cowashing has really helped with my breakage problems so have no problem continuing to do it.
Do not go without shampoo for long stretches of time. :nono:

I used to be a daily cowasher for months at a time. I believe this is why my hair is thinner - hair shed so much during a cowash. :nono:

Now I use shampoo at least once weekly. I've also decided to wear my hair flatironed more often.

We'll see how it goes.

There are people that never go back to traditional shampooing, using other things to clean their hair. If it works for you, the cowashing, I say stick wit it unless your hair tells you otherwise.
Me, my scalp prefers cowashing over shampooing all the time. :yep:
My hair tells me when to shampoo.
I can't ever see myself giving up CW. I currently do it every day. There will probably come a time when I don't do it as often but I don't think I will ever stop. The benefits are just too great.
Forever....I shampoo once a week but co-washing saved my life.....I can now clean my scalp whenever I need to and not worry about my hair breaking....I will always work out and live a healthy lifestyle so co-washing is here to stay......
Yep, forever and ever and ever:drunk:. It works for me and as long as it does I'll continue. I clarify only when I need to which isn't often and co-wash when I need to the majority of the time.
I like co washing as a part of my daily life routine now... it feels so much better to get in the shower and not have to be making sure I don't get my hair wet and just dunk it under the water... benefits for growing my hair are just an additional plus!
Yep! ...Pretty much! :yep:

Now that I figured out how to CW my twists without them becoming matted, I am hooked. I keep shampoo around just for my house guests.
Cool responses:yep: I enjoy the cowashes a lot as well....I just think I am going to stop detangling every day even though I've had no problems with it....Plus my curls look so defined when I'm done! Thanks for your was just something on my mind:grin:
There are periods of time that I co-wash like crazy... and there are times that I don't. I will always do it, but maybe not all the time. Right now it's been a few months going strong that I've been a daily co-washer.
I've been cowashing before LHCF. I definitely plan to keep doing it. Shampoo isn't necessary every time, especially when you wash everyday or every other day.
I love co-washing and sometime I do it daily or every other day. If I ever feel a build up on my scalp I now use baking soda to rinse the buildup away and it works like a charm.
So far I haven't used shampoo for 40 days. I only plan to use shampoo this year on relaxer night. I plan to stick with baking soda. 1 tbsp to 2 cups of warm water does the trick.
I plan on cowashing until something makes me stop. I still shampoo, but only when my hair needs it since I cowash just about every day.
If I'm washing 3 x's/wk, 1x is going t/b w/poo but I'll be CW'ing til the day they put me in the ground!!
:yep::yep::yep: Yes Yes & Yes -- I have recently upped my co-washes from once a week to twice a week. I typically do an Ayurvedic rinse with oils and powders that cleanse the hair then followup with a co-wash:lick:. I clarify once a month with a poo, but that's prolly gonna be the only time I use a poo. I say co-washing is a keeper!
This makes me think of challenges. I am currently in a challenge where I will shampoo everyday for growth. Being that I might like the results, I may do it everyday ...if not co washing everyday.

these challenges can be addictive and habit forming.
Forever....I shampoo once a week but co-washing saved my life.....I can now clean my scalp whenever I need to and not worry about my hair breaking....I will always work out and live a healthy lifestyle so co-washing is here to stay......

:yep: Totally agree. I am just elated that the weather is breaking. I don't think I'll ever have a dry head of hair:lachen::lachen:
yep..i now have more condish in my arsenal than i do shampoo!
i'll only clarify 1 maybe twice a month but it's co-wash til i die:lachen: