Are You Going to Church Tonight or Staying Home?

We had service this morning because my grandmother was too tired lastnight, and the Lord really came in this morning! We sang hymns and When we started singing "My God Is Real" He came in and he was present with us, the prayer became so powerful it was truly amazing, I know this year is going to be a blessed one, it's already starting off beautifully!
We had service this morning because my grandmother was too tired lastnight, and the Lord really came in this morning! We sang hymns and When we started singing "My God Is Real" He came in and he was present with us, the prayer became so powerful it was truly amazing, I know this year is going to be a blessed one, it's already starting off beautifully!

I know you had a wonderful time!!! I wish I was there with you...:yep:
I finally did it on my own! I'm from the land of milk and honey (Maryland :grin:). However, residing in Philly I do belong to a church but I know no one. Last year the church was so crowded that they had to turn people away. After being talked about and cursed out by so called friends for not joining them at a party and poppin bottles I went to church just to be told that I couldn't get in and sat in my car and cried the new year in. Yes, I know, I let the devil win. However this year, I was like I'm going to stay home. But a friend wouldn't let me; I knew her before LHCF and I just recently found out she's a member here anyways.

First of all she was center front 3rd row and I usually sit in the back so I can roll on out the door (don't know ppl so no need to hang around after services). Well she changed that for me. I enjoyed myself. BUT why did the pastor say at the end that the one thing God told him to tell the church was to, "Change your seat; just change it!" Do you know how on time that was!? :yep:Only God!

Sorry that was long ladies, but I just had to get that out there. And most of all...THANK YOU JANIEBABY for making me change my seat!

Isa ready for 2008!
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful....thanks for sharing!!!!

I finally did it on my own! I'm from the land of milk and honey (Maryland :grin:). However, residing in Philly I do belong to a church but I know no one. Last year the church was so crowded that they had to turn people away. After being talked about and cursed out by so called friends for not joining them at a party and poppin bottles I went to church just to be told that I couldn't get in and sat in my car and cried the new year in. Yes, I know, I let the devil win. However this year, I was like I'm going to stay home. But a friend wouldn't let me; I knew her before LHCF and I just recently found out she's a member here anyways.

First of all she was center front 3rd row and I usually sit in the back so I can roll on out the door (don't know ppl so no need to hang around after services). Well she changed that for me. I enjoyed myself. BUT why did the pastor say at the end that the one thing God told him to tell the church was to, "Change your seat; just change it!" Do you know how on time that was!? :yep:Only God!

Sorry that was long ladies, but I just had to get that out there. And most of all...THANK YOU JANIEBABY for making me change my seat!

Isa ready for 2008!
Hey Darlin' :kiss:

"Happy New Year" :grouphug2:

I'm glad you and precious DH stayed in to rest. You give so much of yourselves and you needed this time just for the two of you...:yep: :love3:

I went to service and enjoyed it so much. Pastor ministered up until midnight; we praised the New Year in giving God all the of the glory for bringing us through (and girl, you fully KNOW that I mean THROUGH) 2007. I don't have to give you details.

Precious Wavy, just the praises of God on my heart are enough to say what He did without measure, for it can't be measured that we are all still here....a living, breathing, walking testimony to His mercies which endure foreer and ever and ever...

:reddancer: Don't get me started. :lachen:

I love you, and wish you more and more of all you've been praying for. In Jesus's name, Amen and Amen....

You're my girl....Wavy you're in here ministering an awesome word, thread after thread, post after post, line upon line, precept upon precept, Truth, upon Truth...

Tell It, Wavy. Tell it all about Jesus... Tell it! Amen!!!!! :love4:


Hey Darlin' :kiss:

"Happy New Year" :grouphug2:

I'm glad you and precious DH stayed in to rest. You give so much of yourselves and you needed this time just for the two of you...:yep: :love3:

I went to service and enjoyed it so much. Pastor ministered up until midnight; we praised the New Year in giving God all the of the glory for bringing us through (and girl, you fully KNOW that I mean THROUGH) 2007. I don't have to give you details.

Precious Wavy, just the praises of God on my heart are enough to say what He did without measure, for it can't be measured that we are all still here....a living, breathing, walking testimony to His mercies which endure foreer and ever and ever...

:reddancer: Don't get me started. :lachen:

I love you, and wish you more and more of all you've been praying for. In Jesus's name, Amen and Amen....

You're my girl....Wavy you're in here ministering an awesome word, thread after thread, post after post, line upon line, precept upon precept, Truth, upon Truth...

Tell It, Wavy. Tell it all about Jesus... Tell it! Amen!!!!! :love4:



Hi sis....Happy New Year...:kiss:

It is sooooooooooooooooo good to see you! I missed you, girl...:yep:

Dh and I really needed to rest. I know you understand what its like!

I'm so blessed that you had a wonderful time at church.....I know you came into 2008 with a smile on your face and tears of joy streaming down. You are so blessed and I only pray the best for you in every area of your life for this year and the years to come! Amen!

I'm soooooo glad to have you back here though.....whew!:grin:

Talk to you you much!

N & W
On NYE, I went up to VA to hang out w/my sister for a few days. Both her and her SO stayed home, I rang in the New Year at Harvest Life Changers Church. Awesome service, awesome experience!!
God has been too good to me for me not to give him praise into '08!:yep: :yep: :yep: :dance7: