Are You Breaking The Hair Rules?

Never meet a jar of grease I didn't like. I use it directly on my scalp.

I do hot oil treatments each and every wash day.

See no reason to stop using my sulfate filled shampoos.

Cones and mineral oil are no enemies of my hair.

My HIH is ongoing and consistent.

I comb my dry hair 2-3 times a day.

Plan on texturizing or relaxing every 9-10 weeks.

Hair mostly gets washed with my head under the face bowl faucet.
I'm not sure what the rules are...but I dont break mine.

I use heat (direct) once a week max...on avg. its biweekly, though.

I don't read ingredients...for the most part.
i don't tie my hair up at night
i wear a band around my hair all the time and i sleep with it
Hmm...Let's see...

I think the biggest rule I've broken is that I did my corrective the same day as my touch-up :eek: Not saying I'd do it again, but I did what I had to...

Other than that:

I grease my scalp (sides only)
I [lately] blow dry and flat iron 2x/week
I don't "wrap" my hair
I haven't trimmed in months
I don't avoid silicones or mineral oil
I only take vitamins when I remember

Yeah, baby, I'm baaaad to tha bone!!! :lol:
KiniKakes said:
I relax every 8 weeks, which i know is hugely taboo on this board. :lol:

Oh no!! There is one more broken rule I did not plan on typing!! I thought I was being good by waiting 8 weeks.

I have not been tying my hair when I sleep.

I have not been deep conditioning w/heat every week.

I have broken down about every 3 or 4 weeks and blown my hair at least once or used my CHI Flat iron -- uugh.. Somewhere along the way, I psyched myself into beleiving that if I used CHI Silk Infusion, my hair would be 99% protected from the heat (I used about 1/2 the 2oz bottle each time I used the direct heat)

....And I have been relaxing every 8 weeks (It is so HARD for me to stretch; I get so anxious to see my new growth)

SerenityBreeze said:
Oh no!! There is one more broken rule I did not plan on typing!! I thought I was being good by waiting 8 weeks.

I have not been tying my hair when I sleep.

I have not been deep conditioning w/heat every week.

I have broken down about every 3 or 4 weeks and blown my hair at least once or used my CHI Flat iron -- uugh.. Somewhere along the way, I psyched myself into beleiving that if I used CHI Silk Infusion, my hair would be 99% protected from the heat (I used about 1/2 the 2oz bottle each time I used the direct heat)

....And I have been relaxing every 8 weeks (It is so HARD for me to stretch; I get so anxious to see my new growth)


I think 8 weeks is fair. :confused:

So do you not think that heat protectants work? I am asking because I am starting to think they don't protect all that much. I guess they are better than nothing, but I still think I am getting heat damage :perplexed I need an intervention from heat, actually.

Anyway, you heat use it WAY better than mine. I wish that i could learn to style my hair w/o heat. I will get there, I'm sure.
I don't usually take a break in-between braids. I'm not relaxed, so it's just easier for me to keep my hair in cornrows. I plan on taking a break from the cornrows for a bit though...I also have conditioners with "cones" from a really good brand too. I didn't realize they were a bad thing.:look:

BTW - What's so bad about silicones? Are they somehow damaging to the hair?:confused:
I use heat 2x a week sometimes (blow dry and flat iron).
I havent' been hiding my hair or baggying (the 2 challenges I'm SUPPOSED to be on!)
I STILL haven't put the satin pillow case I bought on my pillow...don't ask me how long ago I bought it?!?
I don't moisturize & seal like I should.

I'm sure there are others...just can't think of them right now. I do promise to get back on track. DH took pics for me yesterday and I actually have made a lot of progress. Comparing the pics he took for me last August and the other day was enough to light a fire under my butt again about my hair.
I know that I was forgetting some so here goes:

I brush wet edges after I put beeswax on them sometimes.
I have used beeswax when I curl my hair for shine and hold.
I have also recently hot curled dirty hair (the front I had to go somewhere very last minute so I threw my quick weave on).
Yesterday, I DC, rinsed and used CON (had been trying to do DC last).
SkinnyMocah said:
I contend that I know my hair and I know what works for me and what doesn't. The rules are a great starting point... from there you have to tweak to what works for you. I don't feel bad about the rules I break! ;)

Agreed! My shampoo has SLS; my DC and leave-in has cones; I trim only once or twice a year; I don't prepoo or co-wash or baggie; I don't wear buns, and my ends are always exposed; I use protein only after a relaxer; I self-relax; I use cheap products (Revlon, Motions, VO5, Proclaim, EVOO). My hair has never been healthier or longer.