Are You Breaking The Hair Rules?

Lets see...
-I comb and brush daily, have to so my hair doesn't matt and I don't lose a ton of hair when I use a medium tooth comb, so I guess it's not too bad for me.
- I really like a shampoo with Ammonium Lauryl Sulphate, ORS Creamy Aloe I also use Suave Clarifying to clarify every other week.
- I massage shampoo into my ends a little, dunno if this really is a bad thing....
- I don't wear protective styles nearly enough.
- I just started baggying recently.
- I put too much stuff on my hair sometimes, resulting in having to clarify, then counteract the dryness, then back to having gunky hair. I'm getting better at being less heavy handed though.
- I lather more than once most of the time or my hair still feels gunky.
I straighten my hair using a pressing comb and a flat iron (I love that pressing comb).

I wait as long as possible to wash if my hair has been straightened (sometimes 3 weeks)

I like to sleep (on a cotton pillow) without covering my hair every once in awhile.

I hate most protective styles.
I brush least once a day
I brush wet hair
I detangle with brush from root/scalp to end
I use cones
I use brown gel
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-I love cones and so does my hair.
-I love shampoo and I don't do co-washes.
-I'm not above mineral oil. My fav conditioners have mineral oil in them. If it does my hair right, who am I to fight
-When I'm in braids, I still deep condition with a creamy conditioner.:sekret:
taraglam2 said:
I use a brown gel for my edges when I wear my wash-n-go. Fantasia IC Thick-n-Shine

I think the thick-n-shine gets a brown gel pass cause it's not like the other brown gel! (Lots of people around here use that. Including me!):D
gloomgeisha said:
I use grease and conditioners with -cones and I refuse to spend double digits on conditioners and shampoos. It seemed like a "nappy rule" at one point, that all of your hair care products had to cost $20 or more per bottle and be made from half the bark and twigs in the Amazon rain forest.

Fresh squeezed tree frog in every drop.

Hey - I love me some Amazon bark and twigs! :grin: If a product says "Amazon" I'm all up on it. I'm vegetarian so no frogs for me though! :D

I don't think "conditioner washing" is a rule per se but it's not something that works for me.
Some of my deep conditioners have cones in them. I use these when I'm stretching and I need extra slip for detangling.

I sometimes wear hairstyles where my ends are out. I do this rarely, though.

I've flatironed my hair twice since April, after not using direct heat for 6.5 months.

OK, so I'm not really that "bad" I guess.:lol:
wow, so many of us are being bad around here! good to know i'm not alone.:lachen:
i thought gel was only bad if it had alcohol? :sekret:

esoterica said:
wow, so many of us are being bad around here! good to know i'm not alone.:lachen:
i thought gel was only bad if it had alcohol? :sekret:

Not 100% sure, but I think the 'rule' is alcohol and/or too much protein
• Use cones
• Brush and comb my hair daily (more than twice)
• I've always dyed my hair with permanent color for spring or summertime (this time used henna)
• Use too many products
• Switch products all the time
• No protective style
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I comb my hair while it's dry (many naturals don't), I also use a brush that I love, haven't done any protein treatements in 3 years or so, sleep with perm rods in my hair, have HIH syndrome, lol.
I use cones all the time
No protective styles
Mineral oil is no enemy of mine
Never airdry, always under the hood
I comb my hair three, sometimes four times a day. That's not counting my hand in hair disease.

I don't DC with every wash.

Cones are my friend. :look:

I relax every 8 or 9 weeks.

My blowdryer and flatiron get used...alot.

According to the rules, I should have no hair. :lol:
WomanlyCharm said:
I comb my hair three, sometimes four times a day. That's not counting my hand in hair disease.

I don't DC with every wash.

Cones are my friend. :look:

I relax every 8 or 9 weeks.

My blowdryer and flatiron get used...alot.

According to the rules, I should have no hair. :lol:
Damn, i think you've managed to break ALL of the rules! :lachen:
I comb way too much. I wish I could be like Sylver but this mop gets unruly.
There are probably more but this is what popped into my head
After every wash, I use grease on my ends to seal in moisture and keep them protected.

I love cones too, my hair gets mad at me if I don't use 'em!
sometimes I don't use my satin scarf at night
I wash every 2 weeks
I just a oil mix on my works for me, when I take out my braids my hair is very soft and moist...I won't give this up.
I use a diluted reconstructor on my braids daily
I'm a flagrant violator.

*sleep with hair uncovered...[ETA]and sometimes loose
*sleep with scrunchies still in hair
*comb dry hair

I stick to the rules when my hair is straight, though. :look:
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I don't do protective styles until I HAVE to (about 7 weeks post touch up when the new growth is so thick that I look ignorant trying to act like my wrap is still cute).

I comb daily (more than 2 or 3 times).

I have a HORRIBLE case of Hand in Hair Syndrome. If I used a good conditioner, I'll touch my hair because it's soft. If I used a bad one, I touch my hair because it's NOT soft. I scratch dandruff and play with my new growth. It's bad... :nono: It's probably the worst of the three.
Cichelle said:
I detangle my hair daily.
I wash or cowash daily.
I rarely deep condition.
I do not trim.

I don't consider this breaking the rules. I detangle often and wash/cowash daily.
nubianqt86 said:
I don't consider this breaking the rules. I detangle often and wash/cowash daily.

If I had a nickle for every time someone told me that I shouldn't comb every day or that I shouldn't wash my hair every day (that it's bad for my hair) I'd be rich. ;)
asubeauty said:
I have a HORRIBLE case of Hand in Hair Syndrome. If I used a good conditioner, I'll touch my hair because it's soft. If I used a bad one, I touch my hair because it's NOT soft. I scratch dandruff and play with my new growth. It's bad... :nono: It's probably the worst of the three.

I used to be like this too. Everything I touched became greasy because I always had my fingers in my MTG/Vatika Oil laced hair.

I had to train myself out of it using rather erm...dubious methods. LOL! But now I can leave my hair alone.