Are you a Harry Potter Fan?

Do/have you read Harry Potter books -what is your opion?

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i swear i posted in here already but i cant find my post oh well i love malfoyyyyyyy
I do not read HP nor do I have any HP books in my classroom library. My children do not read HP. I don't feel the need to open any doors that need not be open.
Harry Potter was a good read. You don't see me running around with a spell wand in my hand shouting incantations and whatnot. It doesn't hurt to read a good book. If you and your family are strong and in good standing Christians, you shouldn't have to worry about this childrens book interfering with your spiritual life. It's just a book. Enjoy the adventurous good read and let your imagination run wild.
i haven't read the books, but i did like a couple of the movies. i am a big Star Wars fan too. i love Chronicals of Narnia. I will not watch the Golden Compass though. I don't get too deep into these movies. People used to have problems with the Wizard of Oz.
I did not read the books but I watched the movies. The first one was entertaining to me. ( This is how they hook you ) Then by the time I got to the fourth movie I had to stop. Each movie got darker and darker. I tell you this is nothing to play with.
Some of my other 'weaknesses' in show biz...

Grey's Anatomy'.... BUT what do we see constantly there?

Girlfriends, The Game, All of Us, are other TV shows that I have become drawn to. AND what do we constantly see?

What bothers me is that Tia Mowry (The Game), is a fully confessed Christian (her entire family) and she plays the role of a girl living with her boyfriend. I often wonder how she feels playing this role? Is anyone that desperate for an acting job? I can't judge her, but I still wonder. :confused:

There are also several Disney shows that I cannot view nor allow my babies to view, for its content is not of our teaching as Christians.

I am as guilty as anyone else for I have to be mindful Daily, of what I yield to when it comes to entertainment. The thing is, these shows 'compromise' who God is and what He stands for. They say that God is okay, but we can't follow His way. :(

I thought that I was the only one that noticed Tia and Tamara straddling that fence. They played witches in a Disney Movie called Twitches.

The enemy will test you on what you profess.
I must confess - I gave up all those shows except for Medium, I really like that show and my daughter ( after I yelled at her for watching something in park some show where they have stars on there and videos and the girls dress any kind of way. I hate that show. She said you watched Medium and thats worst then this and I said your right I do watch it. I wont' watch it anymore. or criminal minds and I like that show too. Dag there really isn't anything much left to watch. I don't watch sitcoms I never liked them only back in the day like the jeffersons and good times but thats about it. I wish there was some channels for Christian TV good stuff too. Good movies