SPINOFF: Whose hair book helped you the most?

Which author's book helped you the most?

  • Cathy Howse

    Votes: 77 45.6%
  • Barry Flethcher

    Votes: 4 2.4%
  • Carolyn Gray

    Votes: 22 13.0%
  • Shamboosie

    Votes: 27 16.0%
  • Other, please explain

    Votes: 39 23.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
For me it was Cathy Howse's book. I found her website on a search for how to grow long african american hair. I liked her common sense approach to understanding black hair and what things would promote growth and what wouldn't.

I've lent my book to many folks and tell anyone who's willing to listen to go get the book or borrow it from me, tryin to put them on to her. She really got me to see that you CAN have healthy relaxed hair and it can get long but we have to dispell some black hair care myths that have been passed on and quite using all this heat!

It's a great and easy read. When I got the book, I finished it in a few hours (I was so hungry for knowledge cuz I knew what I was doing with my hair wasn't working!) I recommend this book to all black women with relaxed hair that want it healthy.:D
Shamboosie's book was the starting book for me. I was washing my hair every 3 days with the Nexxus shampoo and conditioner and I couldn't believe how soft and fluffy my hair was. I did this for about two months and stopped.

I got tired of wearing my air in a ponytail.
Lonnice Brittenum Bonner's Books I think she had 3- or 4 of them and then Cathy Howse.

I believe there is another by the lady who heads of curly hair.

After that any book I could get my hand on having to do with natural hair.

I became a research nut and then started looking for hair boards. I found two. Now there are three that I view regularly with regards to hair care for natural hair.
Cathy Howse helped me and also this book called Curly girl. I don't believe in a lot of what Cathy teaches (no trims, no brushing, hardcore protein twice a week), but I had NO knowledge of hair care when I first started reading her book so I became more aware of what my hair needed, but I actually lost of lot of hair following what she said to do. The heavy protein conditioner she recommended dried my ends up BAD and they were breaking off and she said no trims so my ends were chewed up and crunchy all the time. It was too much for my natural hair. Curly girl was a good book. It introduced me to the conditioner wash which helped me go from shoulder length to bra strap. I'm coming up on waist length and still do a CO wash every so often.
Lonnice Brittenum Bonner's Books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot about her. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE her books. With as much knowledge as I have about hair now I would STILL read her books. I think she does the best job in hair care.
I recently purchased Lisa Akbari's book. I made the decision to purchase this particular book after reading reviews of the other books listed in the poll. I chose Ms. Akbari's book because she focuses on the premise that, regardless of whether one is working with kinky Afro hair or kinky relaxed Afro hair, it is still kinky Afro hair. I also like the fact that Ms. Akbari's approach is holistic. It's not just about what one puts on the hair, it is also about the mindset which one possesses towards her hair. It is very readable, and much of what she has to say is sensible. Her book is not built too much around the promotion of her haircare line, but she does make reference to her products.
i voted other.I got started with "Black Women Rejoice,"by Brenda Sliker. She got me started with trying "new" ways to take care of my hair,etc. Although she doesn't promote any hair products,she did lead me to the "eqyss" line that so many women on here are so fond of.However,i think that many women's experiences and tried and true facts and opinions are better than one person's ...so with that being said,i am so glad i found LHCF!!You ladies are life savers:yep:!
i voted other. I found Robin Woods website first and read and applied as much as I could with doing the braids. Then I found Cathy Howse's website and read the info on it and started using most of her techniques. By that time I'd also found LHCF so everything else I learned from here.
Cathy Howse started me on my hair journey. I still love her Hair Dew. Then Shamboosie's book introduced me to lye perms and my hair started to retain lots of length. Since then I joined hair boards and started to learn about butters and oils. I've learned a lot and proudly bra strap length.
I read the Cathy Howse book years ago and tried her products. Then I got lazy and quit. The fact that I had to order products was a bad thing for me too. Then I read in 2004 or so, the Shamboosie book. I jumped all in with Nexxus and believed that it was a "miracle" because my hair thrived. My wallet, however, did not. Then, about 4 months ago, I found out I was having a girl and ordered a couple of new books from Amazon. One of them was by Nicole Elizabeth Smith. This book was the best one yet and was why I voted other on the poll. I learned that there were a lot of products that I could use as long as I understood the reasons behind and had a routine for my hair. If you havent read it - It was good info. mostly it can all be found here though. Reading her book is what led me here.

Nicole Elizabeth Smith mentioned LHCF in her book.