Are there any who fear buying cheap shampoo or conditioner?


Well-Known Member
Like I saw about two report that v05 strawberries and cream conditioner was great but I cant bring my self to buy something that's a dollar or less. Do any of you feel that way? I know someone might say price don't matter but when I look at the ingredients for the cheapies they are worth that dollar or whatever it cost. But the ones that normal priced like 7 dollars to ten they just do a alright job. Don't get me wrong it's some expensive ones that are equivalent to normal priced hair products because they slap high priced sticker on low quality products. So back to what I was saying lol, anyone judge hair products based on prices?
Yes lol, very few cheap products work for me if any. When I started my hair journey I was using what many consider to be a good shampoo elasta qp(it's not bad though), but the very first time that keracare shampoo and conditioner touched my hair, I saw an immediate difference and never looked back. Even when there is a cheap product that is suggested that is supposed to work the same as the high end one(say the knockoff chi silk infusion, not knocking those who like it though), I always go for the high end product first. I guess I've become a hair product snob.
Try shopping at TJ Maxx, Ross, Marshalls, etc. for good products at lower prices ... e.g. Tigi, Nexxus, Giovanni, Joico, Chi, Biosilk, etc.
My hair may not have expensive taste but it doesn't want anything off the dollar menu :nono:

I tried the V05 and the Suave. I even tried them just to prepoo. That Suave has been sitting in a giveaway box for a year. I actually pulled it out today to try to prepoo before cowashing. After rinsing it out I promptly threw it right in the trash.

There's no amount of doctoring that is going to make that stuff work in my hair.
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All my products are in the cheap range (Tresemme, ORS replenishing, choleserol conditioners etc) and I'm happy. I buy whatever shampoo is on sale because in my experience, shampoos are all stripping. I'd rather spend less than hunt the perfect poo down.

I love vo5 strawberries and cream as a cowash. It is really moisturising and smells great.
I was initally against them too...until I tried Suave Almond and Shea Butter. Can you say moisturizing??? That stuff is the bomb and yup, its a cheapie.
Loving said:
I was initally against them too...until I tried Suave Almond and Shea Butter. Can you say moisturizing??? That stuff is the bomb and yup, its a cheapie.


Eta: I use organix as well, umm also aveeno, nature's gate, Aussie, and experimenting with bed head! If any of these on sale I'm buying. Suave is my staple though whether on sale or not.
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[USER=327265 said:
Lilmama1011[/USER];15969033]Like I saw about two report that v05 strawberries and cream conditioner was great but I cant bring my self to buy something that's a dollar or less. Do any of you feel that way? I know someone might say price don't matter but when I look at the ingredients for the cheapies they are worth that dollar or whatever it cost. But the ones that normal priced like 7 dollars to ten they just do a alright job. Don't get me wrong it's some expensive ones that are equivalent to normal priced hair products because they slap high priced sticker on low quality products. So back to what I was saying lol, anyone judge hair products based on prices?

Have you every purchased any? You can get you a bottle of V05 and Suave for less than $5. You only have to use them 1x to know whether they are a yeah or nay for your hair.
faithVA said:
Have you every purchased any? You can get you a bottle of V05 and Suave for less than $5. You only have to use them 1x to know whether they are a yeah or nay for your hair.

No, my mom just got the strawberry and milk or whatever you call it but just to wash the combs and brushes out. She said she tried suave once and it knotted up her hair so bad she was detangling for a hour so won't touch it. Burt bees shampoo did that to my hair, it was equivalent to putting dish detergent in my hair smh
i have a fear of expensive shampoos and dcs! i fear that they will be crap. i got stuff that has costed $20 and up and have not done their job! right now the $2-5 stuff is winning with my hair! :lol: and all of that stuff in the local BSS i consider cheap.
faithVA said:
Have you every purchased any? You can get you a bottle of V05 and Suave for less than $5. You only have to use them 1x to know whether they are a yeah or nay for your hair.

My sis who had like arm put length hair was so stripped she had to get a major cut!
But I would use a cheapie conditioner before a shampoo because it's either going to make it soft or not, it's not drying like shampoo
I'll admit if it's cheap and I haven't heard miracles of it I stray. If there is a cheap heaven in a bottle, I won't be the one to find it....
shortdub78 said:
i have a fear of expensive shampoos and dcs! i fear that they will be crap. i got stuff that has costed $20 and up and have not done their job! right now the $2-5 stuff is winning with my hair! :lol: and all of that stuff in the local BSS i consider cheap.

I wish my hair was like that, my hair is a snob
I wouldn't say I avoid buying cheap products, but because I recently dyed my hair, I realize I may have to spend more on certain products. Like shampoo for instance. I was very content with Suave shampoo until it washed half my color down the drain. Now I shell out for sulfate free shampoos because they seem to keep my color better.
I can use the Tresemme products. I am using Tresemme Naturals now and I like it. So $3 works for me. Less than $3 doesn't work.
My sis who had like arm put length hair was so stripped she had to get a major cut!

I love the strawberry V05. The shampoo leaves my hair stripped. You MUST follow up with the conditioner after -- it gives the BEST slip and afterwards detangling is a breeze!
I don't use (buy) Shampoo except to Neutralize, Clarify or Chelate and I have a range of those i.e. Abba, Joico, Redken and Elucence.

However, I do use VO5, Suave and White Rain to Rinse out Henna. (which I'm doing tonight).

Because it removes Henna/Indigo residue quickly and completely while warding off any potential for dryness and I don't mind Blowing through a Bottle or 2.

But I also follow-up that VO5, Suave and White Rain with something else (Tonight Jessicurl Too Shea) and I always DC afterwards.
I wish my hair was like that, my hair is a snob

Loving hip me to Suave Almond and Shea Butter and someone else got me to try Creme Of Nature Argan Oil shampoo and the leave-in. those things have really turned my protein overloaded hair around. all of my expensive salon quality products just couldn't bring my hair back to life. but i look at ingredients as well. i can't really use Suave Naturals cheapies anymore. but i can use that on my dd to cowash with. the ingredients is the key to what will work for you, not the price. quality comes in all sorts of forms and fashions.
I don't like the cheapies. The low price means poor quality ingredients and most everything in the product is animal sourced. The lowest I go in price is Pantene or Garnier but I only use them sometimes, they're not staples.
I'm not afraid to try them out. I used to use Tresemme shampoo and conditioner. I think it worked great on my relaxed hair. I need to try it again. I recall it had great slip and made my hair soft.

I generally use Sebastian, Nexxus and Neutrogena shampoo and conditioners.
Sometimes I have a hit with an expensive product and sometimes a miss. Right now my budget and the thickness of my hair doesnt allow me to blow a lot on expensive and I do just fine with cheapies.

One day I'll be able to do a full assessment.
I'm a pj, so I don't judge. I know I spent $26 on Keracare Humecto and it was no good. My Aussie Moist and Queen Helene Cholesterol were better (and cheaper) than the Humecto. For me the VO5 was great when I was natural, but now that I'm relaxed its like water. I think you can miss out on some great products if you judge only on price.
My hair hates 99.9% of shampoos regardless of price

conditioners for rinse out purposes im willingly to try only if it has rave reviews tresemme naturals is my holygrail FOREVER:lol: