Are there any who fear buying cheap shampoo or conditioner?

I did forget I use the Suave Daily Clarifying when my hair needs it. It works great. I just used it up and purchased the VO5 Vanilla Mint Tea Clarifying Shampoo, and it works well also.

I used to fear it then gave it a shot anyway & to my biggest surprise & shock, suave daily clarifying shampoo is fabulous. I will never try another clarifying shampoo. I use it one every 6-8 weeks.

suave almond shea conditioner is fabulous

tresemme naturals moisturizing conditioner is great for cowash/detangling & has no cones

I had bad experiences with v05. I had a skin reaction to it. I got itchy & got welts on my face, neck, shoulders. I had to take benadryl to stop the reaction. And it made my hair a dry nest.
I have tried many products and I have no problem using what people consider as cheap products. It works for my hair and I am very happy with buying my products from Walmart, the local bss,Target, or Sally's.:look:
There s always a reason why they re cheap ,although branding its the main reason some products cost alot. Not all of them are bad but to be safe look at the ingredient list.

I m always amazed at people raving about vo5
,i have 3b/c hair , it dries out my hair and has no slip whatsoever ,i dislike it even as a cowash. Go figure.
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The LHCF mantra rings true...whatever works for "YOU". I have tried both expensive products and cheap products. I have found that as my hair has grown, my needs have changed. I can use less expensive shampoos and conditioners and get good results. However, I will not compromise on my moisturizer. My hair adores Jane Carter Nourish and Shine. It stays moisturized for the entire week and I only need a little bit.
I have been using all Suave or VO5 conditioners as my co-wash. Suave conditioners have been a staple of mine since I grew out my perm. I guess I don't see the need to buy anything pricey if something so inexpensive is working for me.
My hair does fare better with more expensive products, but there a couple of cheaper products that work for me, but usually the more money you spend, you tend to get better ingredients. My hair likes Nexxus, Keracare, Alter Ego, and CHI products, but cheaper things work well too. I have noticed that my hair hates cheap DCs though!
I have to add alot of oil to V05 and Suave as without them they give me no slip and cause a tangled mess. I only used them when I used to henna though so I can't imagine going back to them just because.

I go inbetween as cheap products don't work and I go through conditioners too fast to invest in a pricey one. Shampoos don't work for me period but even so I only stick to SLS free ones and most cheapos don't do that.
I love my cheapie and drugstore conditioners and although I've moved away from them a little they did get me from big chop to APL. I've never really used the really cheap shampoos (suave) though.
My hair loves white rain apple blossom 2x moisturizing conditioner and suave's everlasting 2x moisturizing conditioner and a dollar store find vibrance moisture conditioner my hair felt so moisturized after using those.if they are cheap and my hair agrees with them..I will use them.
I mixed cheap conditioners with other conditioners that don't work well. Then I add oil to them. Then, I'll leave them on for a few minutes after I rinse out my deep conditioner.

From time to time, I'll use them as a conditioning wash. Once I use all of those cheap conditioners, then I won't replace them.
I won't buy cheapie shampoos, but I love cheapie VO5 and Trader Joes condishes for co-washing and condition rinses. I will not use them for dc-ing. Rinse out only.
I am more afraid of buying the more expensive hair products. If a cheapie doesn't agree with my hair, I don't feel bad about getting rid of it or just blending it with something else to get rid of it. However, to waste $10, $15, $20+ on some hair garbage really aggravates me. I am very careful about what I spend over $5 on. Thankfully, I haven't been burned much.
I feel cheapie shampoos can be used to clarify and that's it, sooooo drying

I don't even play with them for that. I just finally bought my first clarifying conditioner today--I'll use that as a clarifier first, then either use a regular conditioner or DC. Take your time and care with anything that can strip your hair--saving a buck isn't worth damaging your progress!