Are men really saying things like this now?

vivEz daNs lamouR

Well-Known Member
Granted, I just got out of an 18+ month relationship and engagement, so maybe men really are acting like this all along and I just never knew. But today, the cousin of my friend (who I am also friends with and worked with this summer) hits me up via text message just for basic chit chat. He let me know this summer that he was interested in me but I didn't do anything and didn't bother to act on that for the obvious reason.

Anyway, the conversation went something like this....

Him: Well you're a smart ass and so am I so it looks like you've been matched.
Me: How do you figure that?
Him: Well, you're naturally really smart but you're also sarcastic, but I'm smarter and also an ass, so you've met your match.
Me: Well, nice observations but as far you being smarter than me, that remains to be seen.
Him: Well, let's test it out by having sex.
Me: :huh:

I looked at the message and thought to myself, "No, maybe he's talking to me and someone else at the same time and he mixed messages." until I received the message that said "Want to hear my reasons?" to which I ended the conversation.

Are men really this bold now? Now granted, I'm not interested in him and don't want a relationship, but is there no such thing as courting or pursuing any more? Are we now just coupling casual conversation followed by a bold sexual advance? Please tell me this is just a random occurrence out of the single cess pool!
Yes, they are that bold now, and dude was out of his ****** mind. I really don't know what goes through some of their heads nowadays. Was that supposed to make you want to jump in bed with him? :nono: :rolleyes:
Are we now just coupling casual conversation followed by a bold sexual advance?

sadly this is whats common nowadays. everyones just trying to get their nut off.

idk, between my male friends and this forum, I'm losing hope..

I cant believe he said that to you. he was really bold. I wouldnt speak to him again.
Um, there's been men saying things like that for a long time. I'm an old lady and I remember stuff like that when I was a teenage, back in the time of the dinosaurs. I always just kept it moving. Gotta sort through the riff raff to find the good ones. Though, I'm not making any judgments on the man you were talking to. Maybe he's a good guy and just said something stupid. It can happen like that, they tell me. When I encountered men who talked like that, I never stayed around to find out, myself. I wasn't very tolerant back in those days. :)
Yeah I'm not really willing to stick around to find out what/why he thought it was okay to say something like that. It literally just came out of left field! I could at least understand if the conversation was referencing that, but it was like saying "Hey, the sky is blue today. Let me **** you." :ohwell:
I have to say yes girl, men are that bold these days. The rude frat guy that i met the other day asked to take me on a vacation so he can f$%k me good that i would want to be in a relationship with him after he is done! YES, those are the words that came out of his month. After he said that, my TRINI accent came out and i put one sweet cussing on dat ass, he had no clue what i was saying and i walked away from his sorry ass!
Pretty much. I've had dudes who just met me tell me they wanna "f me" and this and that. Is that supposed to be a turn on? Well...maybe for some women...not I.
Not only are they making bold advances, they don't want to ask a lady out on dates either. I had a guy tell me that we were going to get together. Didn't even ask me if I was interested. I pulled a disappearing act :)
yeap yea yeap. Crap is amazing. I have decided that I am going to be an equally bold woman. No, I am not going to ask for the "winkie" but I am going to be very upfront about what I want/expect, rude bastids! You want to "f" well I want you to act like you have some dang sense and home training. You can't wait until you see what my "Bananas Jubillee" (I love that phrase now, thanks Stinastina!) is like, well I wanna see what your financials and job seniority looks like. Are you current on your bills? Prove it! Please... I sleep with this (Missy Wassy) every night so if he never gets it, too bad so sad but he will be racking his brain trying to find a way, silly f%%ks! My bad its early but I hate this crap from men.
Granted, I just got out of an 18+ month relationship and engagement, so maybe men really are acting like this all along and I just never knew. But today, the cousin of my friend (who I am also friends with and worked with this summer) hits me up via text message just for basic chit chat. He let me know this summer that he was interested in me but I didn't do anything and didn't bother to act on that for the obvious reason.

Anyway, the conversation went something like this....

Him: Well you're a smart ass and so am I so it looks like you've been matched.
Me: How do you figure that?
Him: Well, you're naturally really smart but you're also sarcastic, but I'm smarter and also an ass, so you've met your match.
Me: Well, nice observations but as far you being smarter than me, that remains to be seen.
Him: Well, let's test it out by having sex.
Me: :huh:

I looked at the message and thought to myself, "No, maybe he's talking to me and someone else at the same time and he mixed messages." until I received the message that said "Want to hear my reasons?" to which I ended the conversation.

Are men really this bold now? Now granted, I'm not interested in him and don't want a relationship, but is there no such thing as courting or pursuing any more? Are we now just coupling casual conversation followed by a bold sexual advance? Please tell me this is just a random occurrence out of the single cess pool!

I'm sorry, that's funny to me.

The beauty of text messages - you can text people with things you would NEVER IN A MILLION years say to them over the phone or face-to-face in person.

Is he indicative of most men? No. He saw an opportunity (in what I don't know) and decided to "take" it.


As far as men not courting/dating anymore - chicks are to blame for that. Chicks who sleep with men right off the bat. Chicks who go out to dinner and find themselves pulling out their wallets to pay time and time again. Chicks who have low expectations of the men that they're with and will go out of their way for a man ... a man who has shown he's unwilling (or unable) to do the same. Chicks who would rather have A man rather than the right man. Chicks who constantly give men the benefit of the doubt when ALL signs are pointing to "cut and run".

...chicks like me. Honest moment: I've been there and have done some of the above. And I've learned my lesson. The next man will WORK - but anything worth working for is worth having. :)
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...when I was like 16, I walked past this clear guys car and said to me as he was balling up his mc donalds wrappers with his cell phone on his ear "wanna ****?" I was so shocked! I just walked away like duhhhh....Is he for real? I wasn't dressed like a prostitute either..that was during my gangsta b phase....I dunno....was he going to deal with my case and then ball me up and toss me away just like that mc donalds garbage when he's done with me? I think that was the idea. I feel so gross. Guys are something else now adays. I am too storied up. I remember one guy asked me if I was a virgin (highschool) and when I said yes hes like oh how hes so honored that I am going to give it to him. (yuuuck!)
Granted, I just got out of an 18+ month relationship and engagement, so maybe men really are acting like this all along and I just never knew. But today, the cousin of my friend (who I am also friends with and worked with this summer) hits me up via text message just for basic chit chat. He let me know this summer that he was interested in me but I didn't do anything and didn't bother to act on that for the obvious reason.

Anyway, the conversation went something like this....

Him: Well you're a smart ass and so am I so it looks like you've been matched.
Me: How do you figure that?
Him: Well, you're naturally really smart but you're also sarcastic, but I'm smarter and also an ass, so you've met your match.
Me: Well, nice observations but as far you being smarter than me, that remains to be seen.
Him: Well, let's test it out by having sex.
Me: :huh:

I looked at the message and thought to myself, "No, maybe he's talking to me and someone else at the same time and he mixed messages." until I received the message that said "Want to hear my reasons?" to which I ended the conversation.

Are men really this bold now? Now granted, I'm not interested in him and don't want a relationship, but is there no such thing as courting or pursuing any more? Are we now just coupling casual conversation followed by a bold sexual advance? Please tell me this is just a random occurrence out of the single cess pool!

They really are honey... It is a jungle out here and it gets worse by the day it seems. I get all kinds of foolishness along those lines, things that would land someone a sexual harassment suit.

It is pitiful out there and that is why I have begun consdering other options for my dating life :look:
I'm sorry, that's funny to me.

The beauty of text messages - you can text people with things you would NEVER IN A MILLION years say to them over the phone or face-to-face in person.

Is he indicative of most men? No. He saw an opportunity (in what I don't know) and decided to "take" it.


As far as men not courting/dating anymore - chicks are to blame for that. Chicks who sleep with men right off the bat. Chicks who go out to dinner and find themselves pulling out their wallets to pay time and time again. Chicks who have low expectations of the men that they're with and will go out of their way for a man ... a man who has shown he's unwilling (or unable) to do the same. Chicks who would rather have A man rather than the right man. Chicks who constantly give men the benefit of the doubt when ALL signs are pointing to "cut and run".

...chicks like me. Honest moment: I've been there and have done some of the above. And I've learned my lesson. The next man will WORK - but anything worth working for is worth having. :)

I completely agree with this.
Granted, I just got out of an 18+ month relationship and engagement, so maybe men really are acting like this all along and I just never knew. But today, the cousin of my friend (who I am also friends with and worked with this summer) hits me up via text message just for basic chit chat. He let me know this summer that he was interested in me but I didn't do anything and didn't bother to act on that for the obvious reason.

Anyway, the conversation went something like this....

Him: Well you're a smart ass and so am I so it looks like you've been matched.
Me: How do you figure that?
Him: Well, you're naturally really smart but you're also sarcastic, but I'm smarter and also an ass, so you've met your match.
Me: Well, nice observations but as far you being smarter than me, that remains to be seen.
Him: Well, let's test it out by having sex.
Me: :huh:

I looked at the message and thought to myself, "No, maybe he's talking to me and someone else at the same time and he mixed messages." until I received the message that said "Want to hear my reasons?" to which I ended the conversation.

Are men really this bold now? Now granted, I'm not interested in him and don't want a relationship, but is there no such thing as courting or pursuing any more? Are we now just coupling casual conversation followed by a bold sexual advance? Please tell me this is just a random occurrence out of the single cess pool!

When I hear about these poor poor attempts
All I can think is this must have worked on some women
at some time, so he tried this mess again:lachen::lachen::perplexed

I ant her !
They really are honey... It is a jungle out here and it gets worse by the day it seems. I get all kinds of foolishness along those lines, things that would land someone a sexual harassment suit.

It is pitiful out there and that is why I have begun consdering other options for my dating life :look:

ugh it really has gotten worse and worse
Yes, they are that bold now. I thought I was the only ones getting these type of guys. Its sad really. :ohwell:
I blame it on the chickens that permit these men to do these things. Yep, these fools will try it. But it had nothing to do with you. He's just trying what he's tried with several women before you. And I bet, it worked on most, if not all, of those women, otherwise he wouldn't have tried it with you.

These nuccas and these chickens disgust me.
...and men need to keep in mind that we women don't have the same problems they do with gettin' laid.

I mean really, if we really want IT that bad - it ain't that hard.
Yeah, there are girls who will give up the drawers at the drop of a hat. All it takes is a cornball line like that and they will be on thier backs. So dudes try it. Why act like a human being (or treat a woman like one) if you can sniff out the roundheels among the crowd... the low-hanging fruit so to speak. The way he figures it, he can just cross you off the list and keep hunting for that easy kill. :perplexed

I really fear for my DD's future, with these scumbag dudes out there. Luckily she has an awesome example of male-female relationships from watching DH and me. And part of her homeschooling curriculum is how to peep game, spot a scumbag, and rebuff bottomfeeders.