Are Men Ever Lonely?


Well-Known Member
I'm sitting up here watching "Martin" and it's the episode where Gina left him to go to New York. He proclaimed that he could be alone and be fine but obviously that didn't last because he ended up proposing to her.

My question is are men really that afraid to be alone? Is that why many have FWB because it'll kill them if they don't color for a few days, months, or even years? I've watched guys stare at couples and just have the most pitiful look on their face as if to say "I wish I had what that guy has, a girlfriend and/or wife".
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I think at some point in their life men do have that urge to settle down and have a wife a children to come home to. I think men tend to have that feeling later on than women and can sometimes feel it more as they see their own friends getting married and starting families.
Yep. You know those random calls from exes and sort of boyfriends? Usually it's not because they miss you but they are lonely and figure you're available.
Yes, men can be very, very lonely. Even lonelier than women because they're not allowed to express their feelings as much as we are.
I've heard quite a few men indirectly say that they were lonely. One guy actually said he's afraid that he will end up by himself, lonely, and miserable.

I'm sure men get lonely just like women do. Some people can't handle lonliness. Maybe that's why so many men hop from woman to woman - They can't stand being alone and lonely.
Yes, I've had male friends tell me they are afraid of ending up alone and lonely.

Yes, men can be very, very lonely. Even lonelier than women because they're not allowed to express their feelings as much as we are.

^^^I agree with these . . . and even this . . .

It's not easy for them to find THE ONE either.

And like CherryPie said, I think that's why men do hop from woman to woman . . . at least to get a warm body to soothe those feelings for a while. Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me that because men hit on women (and therefore are rejected) so much, they can get even more jaded than women . . . and therefore, give up finding "Mrs. Right" and settle for "Ms. Right Now" (as well as "Ms. Booty Call," "Ms. FWB," etc.) and just keep them in rotation.

I was just thinking today that because the main reasons for marriage in the past are now all but gone (because women can have financial stability without a husband and men can have sex without a wife), marriage really boils down to having a person that you enjoy being around so much that you couldn't stand NOT to be around them forever . . . does that make sense?

Also, CherryPie, I know it's silly but everytime I see your screen name I think of that heavy metal song that goes"She's my cherry pie . . . sweet cherry pie!" :lachen:
Not only do men feel lonely, they fear it way more then we do. Which is why many of them will do almost anything to distract themselves from feeling alone and lonely.
I was thinking about this for a bit yesterday. I really think that men don't handle being alone well and avoid it. I know very few men who are single by choice and not actively seeking out female companionship in some way, shape or form. They're the ones who are on to the next woman before the ink is dry, and it looks like they must have been cheating or something, but probably not. They are just really quick to fill the void.

Women on the other hand, may not *like* being alone, but I feel can be more genuinely content in that state and not feel compelled to seek out male company.
Men don't do well alone. They don't live as long and they act out. In China the gender imbalance leaves 25 million plus--unmarried men of marriageable age and b/c of this the crime rate has increased.

In this day and age men aren't needed per se to continue the human species. It's preferable for a child to have 2 parents but to physically have children all women need is sperm and that's it. Men are very aware of this, the problem is women don't realize our power. My mom and I talked about this yesterday and she says "it's a privilege for a man to have a woman bear his children. Women need to be more particular about who they choose to reproduce with and not do it unless the man has his s*** together."

Men worry about finding good women and women worry about finding good men. The problem is men and women aren't talking to each other.
Then why don't they approach the one of the hundred single women in their vicinity.

They do...but their feelings of loneliness may be in conflict with other things they want in their lives like no serious relationship, no responsibilities, multiple sex partners, etc. That's one reason so many men ho around...some no strings distractions from the loneliness.
i know you guys are saying that it is so but i don't think so. guys are never lonely. there is always some young trollop for them to shack up with as they age.
Yes men do feel alone. My mom was out the country for 9 months and I know how miserable my dad was.

When I was single I had this male friend who lived in a 3 bedroom house alone. He forever dropped those hints talking about how I ignored him. If I called him to tell him pick me up in 10 he would be there in 4 mins. We did nothing most of the times.
Men don't do well alone. They don't live as long and they act out. In China the gender imbalance leaves 25 million plus--unmarried men of marriageable age and b/c of this the crime rate has increased.

I don't see the co-relation here. :perplexed

i know you guys are saying that it is so but i don't think so. guys are never lonely. there is always some young trollop for them to shack up with as they age.

I know alot of guys who are 'with someone' but they lonely as all heck.
i know you guys are saying that it is so but i don't think so. guys are never lonely. there is always some young trollop for them to shack up with as they age.

Yep, if they have money it will ensure that they are never lonely. Whether they are happy is a whole different story.
i know you guys are saying that it is so but i don't think so. guys are never lonely. there is always some young trollop for them to shack up with as they age.

You can be with someone and still feel lonely. Happens in relationships/marriages all the time.
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I use to love that song! That was sang by a group called Warrant, wasn't it?

^^^I agree with these . . . and even this . . .

And like CherryPie said, I think that's why men do hop from woman to woman . . . at least to get a warm body to soothe those feelings for a while. Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me that because men hit on women (and therefore are rejected) so much, they can get even more jaded than women . . . and therefore, give up finding "Mrs. Right" and settle for "Ms. Right Now" (as well as "Ms. Booty Call," "Ms. FWB," etc.) and just keep them in rotation.

I was just thinking today that because the main reasons for marriage in the past are now all but gone (because women can have financial stability without a husband and men can have sex without a wife), marriage really boils down to having a person that you enjoy being around so much that you couldn't stand NOT to be around them forever . . . does that make sense?

Also, CherryPie, I know it's silly but everytime I see your screen name I think of that heavy metal song that goes"She's my cherry pie . . . sweet cherry pie!" :lachen:
Just having any ol' body around doesn't remove lonliness. You can be with someone and still be lonely, if it's not who you really need.

I've been in a room filled with people, and was lonely.

i know you guys are saying that it is so but i don't think so. guys are never lonely. there is always some young trollop for them to shack up with as they age.