APL 2012 Challenge


I've been bad, very bad. Not posting a length check pic at the beginning of April. Had to remove all my braids and I was also slacking on detangling my hair, it took an entire week (I did about two hours a day, things need to change :ohwell: ).

But here they are... the pics. Yeah they're not as great as I could have made the length check pics... didn't have anyone take pics like before. :look: But nonetheless, here they are.

The pics where I'm wearing a pink polka dot top was taken in the first week of January. The other set of pics with the blue were taken just today! I protective styled three months straight with yarn braids but I want to go back to protective styling and maybe to save myself the headache I'll do it for two months only b/c the detangling is serious work. :nono:

I don't know if I made progress. I feel like my hair doesn't grow. My mother and sister keep telling me my hair grows. The last pic is of my sister and she's grazing APL (she's the one who should really be in this challenge lol :ohwell: ) and she moisturises her hair if she remembers... doesn't deep condition, only uses four products, keeping it really simple! :perplexed: :ohwell: . She's my hairspiration!

KumakoXsd your sister's last pic looks very close to APL!

Your family is right about your growth too I see between January and today your ends are much fuller now as they grow toward APL :)
:lol: thanks The Princess! It has it's pros and cons that's for sure. I washed and put my hair in twists early Saturday afternoon. I took them down yesterday after getting home around 6pm and they weren't dry all the way. I told my DH and he said "bae that's not good! you can get mildew in there!!!"

TOOO FUNNY NikkiQ! :grin: Can you get mildew in there????!!!????? :lachen:
^I've heard tale of such a thing.....maybe it's just a tale tho, never heard any first hand experiences (thankfully!) In theory it should be possible tho....
Khaiya said:
I was just looking over the thread about LadyPaniolo's Deep Moisture Regimen and i've decided to do small plaits in my hair instead of twists. The plaits will last longer since i can wash and DC with them in and it will still look fairly decent. To me, my twists start looking rough after a week or so, i wouldn't dream of washing and leaving them in for too long. Also plaits would minimize manipulation for me since i'd need to take them down less, we'll see.

Im on week 2 using this regimen and I love it, its so easy and it seems to be working no breakage and my ends are nice and soft:) Good luck to you
Like I'm for real thinking about getting braids for the summer while I deal with this move. All my stuff will be packed away and on a boat to Puerto Rico so I won't be able to do much to my hair anyway. Hmm....sounding like a better idea.
NikkiQ said:
Like I'm for real thinking about getting braids for the summer while I deal with this move. All my stuff will be packed away and on a boat to Puerto Rico so I won't be able to do much to my hair anyway. Hmm....sounding like a better idea.

You are moving to Puerto Rico? Join me in the Braidy Bunch.
^^Yup. In June and I totally don't wanna go :(

I'm trying to find someone in my area that can do braids well. I'm on the hunt!
NikkiQ said:
^^Yup. In June and I totally don't wanna go :(

I'm trying to find someone in my area that can do braids well. I'm on the hunt!

Girl why wouldn't you want to move to paradise lol
I keep MIA'ng out of here and popping back up, but there is nothing new to report. Out of pure laziness, I have been wearing my hair in a loose puff and I know I am going to have hell to pay when it's time to detangle and re-twist, but tomorrow is tomorrow and I live for today. Anyways, being poor and nappy had resulted in my mostly water and oil routine and it's working so there's that...

NikkiQ you can apply for federal jobs before you get down and there and do your testing (if you are advanced to the next phase) and be open to ALL of the federal jobs down there, the feds are deep in PR

I have serious hair dreams. My favorite is when i have 5 feet of hair and 5 fewer inches around my wasit. Gotta dream big right? Sweet dreams!
This last install of kinky twist was bad from the beginning. First, they were doing them too tight and I had them redo a couple of them, the rest didn't start hurting until I got home. My head was hurting for four days!

Secondly, I removed the twists before I was ready to detangle (when will I learn?), but they were getting on my nerves and I had a Lot of new growth. I am in the process of moving and did not have the time to do my full treatment (including steam), not to mention that my hair care products are already in the new house (they got moved first, I wasn't about to lose or forget them! Lol)

Third, I slept with my hair undetangled for almost a week, when I finally detangled (using my fingers and oil first, then a comb) I have NEVER had so much breakage! If you cupped both of your hands together it would be filled. Normally I get minimal breakages, like the size of the circle formed when your pointer finger meets your thumb.

So, besides the delay in detangling, I am trying to figure out what went wrong this time around.

Maybe I shouldn't have moisturized my hair before the install (in the past I had them install without adding any products to my hair, but I felt bad for the braiders)

Maybe I should have removed all of the twist when I saw how much they were hurting, but a sister is unemployed and can't afford to waste $160 plus tips.

Most likely, I should have just put up with it and not remove them until after the move, but once I removed the front I couldn't stop.

I am trying to decide if I need to do a protein treatment, my hair feels brittle and if I touch it too hard it breaks.

My edges are awesome, nice and full, but then again it should be, I was applying jbco like it was going out of style.

I am fine with this setback because my hair is still about cbl, I have given myself until the end of the year to get to apl. If I don't make it to apl by the end of the year I will be happy if I am close.
Just no more setbacks this year.
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Today for the first time since buying Shea Moisture Deep Treatment Masque I used it and liked it. I still have my hair in cornrows(almost 2 weeks! yay!) and I was running late for work but my hair was so dry. I just rubbed some in my palms and pressed it into my braids. I put a scarf on 'cause it was still white and didn't think anything of it till this afternoon driving home. I put my hand on my head and noticed how soft my moisturized my hair still was! Yay! Hopefully this wasn't a one off and I can use this more often.

On a totally different note I had a meeting with the parents at my school today(I'm on the admin team) and interestingly enough they were fascinated by my hair lol. First they wanted to know how long it took to braid. Did I braid it or use a machine? Then I learned that several of them assumed I didn't wash my hair. They were amazed to find I do infact wash my hair. Amazing the assumptions people make.
I keep MIA'ng out of here and popping back up, but there is nothing new to report. Out of pure laziness, I have been wearing my hair in a loose puff and I know I am going to have hell to pay when it's time to detangle and re-twist, but tomorrow is tomorrow and I live for today. Anyways, being poor and nappy had resulted in my mostly water and oil routine and it's working so there's that...

@NikkiQ you can apply for federal jobs before you get down and there and do your testing (if you are advanced to the next phase) and be open to ALL of the federal jobs down there, the feds are deep in PR

Easier said than done. I've been applying for federal jobs and almost all of them have turned me down due to me not being bilingual. Plus lots of them require Masters...and I sure don't have one :nono:
@KumakoXsd your sister's last pic looks very close to APL!

Your family is right about your growth too I see between January and today your ends are much fuller now as they grow toward APL :)

Thank you for your response :) I'm so glad you say that b/c now I notice. I will keep doing what I was doing. I was under so much stress in those 3 months so I'm happy that I made some progress. :grin:
i got my cast off! YAY! my ankle is still sore, but i can stand on it, so i will be taking my shower today as soon as my daughter leaves for school! i can't wait to cowash my hair!
I got a line up, to clean the hair off my neck. She cut to far up. I'm pulling long strands off hair out my bun and my nape area. I don't know why some people cut so far up. I don't have a short cut. Just get the hair off the neck, not the nape area.

Vent over.
I made another wig! This one came out much better than my first and I can't wait to wear it. I can't wait till my hair is actully this length :lick: I'm still working on cutting and styling-two things I not that skilled in but gotta start somewhere :look:


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Hey my lovely ladies!! (Yea ya'll thought I just up & left ya'll, huh?) Back to my reality called life and I must say that I've missed you ladies. Well thanks for putting me on the graduates list. After I got my touch up I couldn't deny it anymore lol. Still working on the overall thickness but I think for a year into the HHJ game I'm doing fine. Now it's on to staring at shoulder blades & bra straps! :) Crazy how a year ago I was completely content with stopping here...but nah son!

Ya'll are the bestest! I'm popping in here from time to time to cheer ya'll on so don't think ya'll are rid of me yet!
just got out of the shower. detangling was a lot better. i finger detangled after i put my leave-in and argan oil in. once it was half way dry, i started to detangle with mane and tail detangle and a wide toothed comb. i didn't lose a lot of hair. but i need to figure out how to keep my hair from drying out. my hair is a little on the dry side. but i plan on cowashing thursday or friday. i will being dc'ing too. i might dust my hair today as well.

I want my hair dyed like this.
Onyc has processed my hair for shipment yayayyyy! :nervous2:So excited, I mighthangout atthe house in the morning so i wont miss the maillady :lol: In other news I lost 4 to 5 pounds! My ultimate goal is to drop another 10 to 15:pray:
Thinking of putting in a set of twists for an out this weekend. I'm not sure yet though. My bestie said she doesn't mind me having the bright red hair for the wedding, but I want all the focus to be on her. Bright red hair, bright orange dress, big shoulder tattoo and 5" block heels is a bit much. Time for operation Tone It Down :lol: