APL`13 Challenge

Deziyah said:
OMG Ladies I need your support; I have been on my long term transititon for a month (as far as sticking to a regimen) but its been about 3 monbths since my last touch up.... I am doing everything to make sure my ng and ends are moisturized, but I feel like I am experiencing massive shedding and breakage... I am doing protective styling (bantu knots, twistouts, buns...) m&sing every night.... I know it takes patientce but I dont know if I am doing something wrong or if I may need to add something else to my regimen.... I keep my hands out of my hair only finger combing and not actually combing/detangling my hair until shampoo time (every Saturday)..... I haven't combed may hair since Saturday but tonight my hair was feeling like it just needed to be combed, especially since I was going to bun tonight (been wearing a roller set for that past 4 days).... after detangling with the wide tooth comb and using the denman brush, in the end this is what came out of my head :sad:.

Please give me some pointers (or let me know if Im trippin)... I want to make sure I start this challenege on a good foot so I can retain length and see some growth throughout this challenge... I dont want to give up on my transition or this challenge!!!!!

I also have this much shedding/breakage after my shampoo even though I detangle in the shower so I have another question... How long do you let your hair dry before applying leave-in and styling???


Only bc you said we could say it..Girl, you trippin. Lol! I lost waaaay more hair than that (and still do) after detangling. I transitioned to natural for 13 months, and I can honestly say it gets better with time. You've got a pretty solid routine it looks like. Stick with it. Make sure you're deep conditioning, and you're already good to go.
As far as applying a leave in and styling, don't wait too long. Your hair should be wet/damp. You're begging for tangles if you let your hair get dry.
LovLeeLaDee said:
Thank you TeeBee & Growingmyhairlong! I think I'm gonna try again tonight with your advice, and that video was just what I needed. I will be using Shea butter n aloe on my ends and rolling them to see how it turns out. I may need to get some of that Shea Moisture tho...

Also TeeBee did you get your color from henna? I love it!

Oh this color..man. Where do I start. It's a mixture of 1 semi permanent hair color, henna. Then permanent hair color, then more henna. Lol. I've done too much to this head 'o mine.
LovLeeLaDee I have been adding proteins to my regimen my last heavy protein Aphogee Two step treatment was about 2 1/2 months ago and I deep condition with ORS replenishing cond which is a light protein and since I haven't seen much of an improvement I just started incorporating the Aphogee provitamin leave in.... I think your absolutely right with the protein though I need to find my balance....thank you
TeeDee lol!!! I need that honesty girl!!! Thank you!! I am gonna stick with it and make sure I get that protein/moisture balance cuz I don't think I'm quite there yet... I love your hair and hope when I get fully natural mine can look as full and healthy as yours!!
TeeBee said:
Only bc you said we could say it..Girl, you trippin. Lol! I lost waaaay more hair than that (and still do) after detangling. I transitioned to natural for 13 months, and I can honestly say it gets better with time. You've got a pretty solid routine it looks like. Stick with it. Make sure you're deep conditioning, and you're already good to go.
As far as applying a leave in and styling, don't wait too long. Your hair should be wet/damp. You're begging for tangles if you let your hair get dry.

I have to agree! I'm usually on the LHCF app and I don't get to see all pix for some reason, Deziyah your baby hair clump pic included! lol I went on the real site to look at the pic, be happy that is all you lost!! That ain't nuttin chile! I lost so much hair during my transition I had to say *** it and cut off my relaxed/damaged ends or else I would've had to join the TWA challenge, I just don't have the proper headshape for dat!

You are doing great! Now if you lost a patch of hair somewhere, that would be alarming. As long as you feel your hair is strong n healthy, don't add anymore protein!

Relaxed or transitioning ladies how often do you use protein? Hard or light? Any other input? How does her regi sound? Let's help her out!
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TeeBee said:
Oh this color..man. Where do I start. It's a mixture of 1 semi permanent hair color, henna. Then permanent hair color, then more henna. Lol. I've done too much to this head 'o mine.

lol! Ok well I love it and it looks fab on you! Are you planning to keep using color? Do you use any other Ayurveda products?
LovLeeLaDee said:
lol! Ok well I love it and it looks fab on you! Are you planning to keep using color? Do you use any other Ayurveda products?

Thank you! But no more color for me. I have Henna and Cassia. Going to stick to those.
I wanna join! I've finally become serious about growing my hair to longer lengths. I went through a scissor-happy phase this summer and now it's out of my system.

Oops. Somehow my whole post didn't go through and I only just noticed.

I'm natural and my current length is about 2-3 inches from APL.
I am giving myself until May 2013 to reach my goal. If all goes as planned I'll probably reach it before then, but I'm giving myself some room.
Right now I am following the Curly Girl Method. I use a co-cleanser in place of shampoo each week on Sunday. (I use As I Am coconut cowash.) I follow that with a good conditioner (whatever I feel like using that day), let it sit for a bit, detangle and leave it on. I put my hair into 6-8 large plaits before bed. Monday is my "out" day. I just release the plaits, dampen/wet my hair with water and add my styler of choice for a wash-n-go style. The rest of the week my hair is in a protective style.
The only thing I plan to change is that I am going to get back into taking vitamins consistently. A multi for general health and perhaps Viviscal as I had positive results with it in the past.

I will come back on Monday with a starting pic!

Okay, so I added my pics. Good thing DH is not a professional photographer. LOL!


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TeeBee said:
Thank you! But no more color for me. I have Henna and Cassia. Going to stick to those.

I feel you, I use those too, and I use some oils as well. I just wish henna could dye dark hair, rather than tint. I just tried 50grams of indigo, but I think I'm going to stick with henna & cassia. I also like using the GHE method with my Ayurveda oils before I wash my hair weekly. I've noticed a tremendous difference in hair health and strength since adding those to my regimen with the henna and cassia.

Thank you again for all of your advice!
Welcome to the ladies that have just joined! It's going to be a great year for length, retention & health! If we speak it, we will achieve it!
1. Current hair length
Partially shoulder length. The hair at the nape of my neck is shoulder length, the hair at the sides reach my collar bone. I hope that this hair is at arm-pit length by December 2013.
The hair at my crown and the front of my hair reaches just below my bottom lip. I hope that this hair will be at shoulder length by December 2013.

2. Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning
I am natural.

3. Goal Month
December 2013.

4. Current Reggie and styling choices
Protective Style of Choice: Full head weaves.
Wash or Co-wash: 1x a week depending on my hair needs.
Moisturize: 2-3x a week.
Seal: I rarely seal, meaning that I rarely specifically apply oil to my freshly moisturized hair.
(I guess I need to do a better job of this; I usually mix a little oil into my moisturizers. Does this count?)
Deep Condition w/ protein: I do this maybe quarterly. My hair is very protein sensitive. I experience protein overload if I just look at protein filled products. My hair seems to thrive the more moisture it gets, so use light proteins and only sparingly.

5. What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to APL?
I plan to moisturize/seal at least 5 days a week.
I plan to use my steamer more often. (It’s got dust on it… SMH)
Not to undo any progress or retention I gain but I’d like to use less protective styling with weaves and more low manipulation styling with my own hair. I’d really like to grown/retain my hair without having to hide it. (Has anyone successfully achieved their hair length goals doing this?)

6. Post a beginning picture
Below in my signature is my last Shoulder Length 2012 challenge update from mid July. I am currently in a protective style I won’t have updated pics until the end of next week.
1. Current hair length
Partially shoulder length. The hair at the nape of my neck is shoulder length, the hair at the sides reach my collar bone. I hope that this hair is at arm-pit length by December 2013.
The hair at my crown and the front of my hair reaches just below my bottom lip. I hope that this hair will be at shoulder length by December 2013.

2. Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning
I am natural.

3. Goal Month
December 2013.

4. Current Reggie and styling choices
Protective Style of Choice: Full head weaves.
Wash or Co-wash: 1x a week depending on my hair needs.
Moisturize: 2-3x a week.
Seal: I rarely seal, meaning that I rarely specifically apply oil to my freshly moisturized hair.
(I guess I need to do a better job of this; I usually mix a little oil into my moisturizers. Does this count?)
Deep Condition w/ protein: I do this maybe quarterly. My hair is very protein sensitive. I experience protein overload if I just look at protein filled products. My hair seems to thrive the more moisture it gets, so use light proteins and only sparingly.

5. What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to APL?
I plan to moisturize/seal at least 5 days a week.
I plan to use my steamer more often. (It’s got dust on it… SMH)
Not to undo any progress or retention I gain but I’d like to use less protective styling with weaves and more low manipulation styling with my own hair. I’d really like to grown/retain my hair without having to hide it. (Has anyone successfully achieved their hair length goals doing this?)

6. Post a beginning picture
Below in my signature is my last Shoulder Length 2012 challenge update from mid July. I am currently in a protective style I won’t have updated pics until the end of next week.

I think I'll be going with a sew In as well. My issue is how much of a hassle it's going to be to wash condition and moisturize my natural hair underneath
LovLeeLaDee I have been adding proteins to my regimen my last heavy protein Aphogee Two step treatment was about 2 1/2 months ago and I deep condition with ORS replenishing cond which is a light protein and since I haven't seen much of an improvement I just started incorporating the Aphogee provitamin leave in.... I think your absolutely right with the protein though I need to find my balance....thank you

Hey Deziyah. You will get your balance. What I found helpful in doing protein treatments is using a clarifying shampoo before applying it. Oh and ITA your shedding is normal.
I just got my Magic Star jumbo and mini rake. I have twists in for the next week so i will test them out on my daughter. ;) I will be doing a dc in my twists this weekend.
I just got my Magic Star jumbo and mini rake. I have twists in for the next week so i will test them out on my daughter. ;) I will be doing a dc in my twists this weekend.
Please let me know how you like them. Are they truly seamless? It looks like the teeth are crazy long, like I would have to rake it through my own hair lol I'll be awaiting your review.
I'm new to the forum and also new to taking care of my my hair. I'm trying to learn my hair and I don't know where to start!! I don't know if I have "good hair" my hair is really curly and pretty when there's shampoo in it but as soon as I blow dry it out it's puffy!!! Where'd my curls go!!! Lol also I'm making my own natural oil mix and I want to try the "all natural thing" here's my story... I used to be obsessed with my relaxed shoulder length hair... Like obsessed!! I loved the texture the shine the body, people used to always compliment my hair. Then in 10th grade I didn't wanna pay the 60$ for a perm in the salon so I had my "licensed aunt" do it. Well let me tell you!! Her license must to have been far outdated because boy did my hair fall out!! So now I'm trying to rebuild what she messed up getting perms every 2 months or so... Then I got lazy. So I havent had a perm in about 27 months... I don't know what I want to do with my hair because I don't know my hair!! When I wash it it's curly with shampoo but as soon as I blow dry it it's puffy!! :( WHYYY ??? I love how it looks when the shampoo is in it but I don't think I can deal with the puffy. So I'm debating growing my hair out and then going back to my relaxed hair.... But I'd prefer to make my natural hair work for me!! So I need help!! ALSO I want to use only natural products. ONLY NATURAL... Am I going to have to make my own shampoo and conditioner? I went to the hair store and found NO natural products!
gonnabme1st said:
5. What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to APL?
I plan to moisturize/seal at least 5 days a week.
I plan to use my steamer more often. (It’s got dust on it… SMH)
Not to undo any progress or retention I gain but I’d like to use less protective styling with weaves and more low manipulation styling with my own hair. I’d really like to grown/retain my hair without having to hide it. (Has anyone successfully achieved their hair length goals doing this?)

Welcome gonnabme1st!

There are some ladies in here that use braidouts and twistouts and I think those are low manipulation styles. I am just learning how to do those, so I can't say I've used them and retained length yet. TeeBee has beautiful hair and she uses these styles regularly
Please let me know how you like them. Are they truly seamless? It looks like the teeth are crazy long, like I would have to rake it through my own hair lol I'll be awaiting your review.

They are truly seamless. They are very polished on the outside of the teeth and handle. The inside of the teeth are smooth and seamless but not polished like the outside. I will let you know how they fare on my daughter's 4b hair. I will try them out on my own hair next week. I can't wait!
CharnellG said:
I'm new to the forum and also new to taking care of my my hair. I'm trying to learn my hair and I don't know where to start!! I don't know if I have "good hair" my hair is really curly and pretty when there's shampoo in it but as soon as I blow dry it out it's puffy!!! Where'd my curls go!!! Lol also I'm making my own natural oil mix and I want to try the "all natural thing" here's my story... I used to be obsessed with my relaxed shoulder length hair... Like obsessed!! I loved the texture the shine the body, people used to always compliment my hair. Then in 10th grade I didn't wanna pay the 60$ for a perm in the salon so I had my "licensed aunt" do it. Well let me tell you!! Her license must to have been far outdated because boy did my hair fall out!! So now I'm trying to rebuild what she messed up getting perms every 2 months or so... Then I got lazy. So I havent had a perm in about 27 months... I don't know what I want to do with my hair because I don't know my hair!! When I wash it it's curly with shampoo but as soon as I blow dry it it's puffy!! :( WHYYY ??? I love how it looks when the shampoo is in it but I don't think I can deal with the puffy. So I'm debating growing my hair out and then going back to my relaxed hair.... But I'd prefer to make my natural hair work for me!! So I need help!! ALSO I want to use only natural products. ONLY NATURAL... Am I going to have to make my own shampoo and conditioner? I went to the hair store and found NO natural products!

I was the same way! In the salon relaxing every 6-8 weeks cuz my edges weren't laid no more! lol Took me seven years to realize what I was doing to my hair. Now I'm on my lil journey, I really wanna do things right, so I'm much like you.

Now I can't speak for every woman, but I think if you blow out type 4 hair it's gonna be big, poofy, that's my hair if I blow dry.

Try airdrying in braids, if you have time to wait for it to dry.

In AZ, the market for natural hair products is soo limited and what is here is way overpriced! I order everything online and recommend Aubrey Organics products. That's where I started and still love those products.

What type of products are you looking for besides shampoo an conditioner?
Froreal3 said:
They are truly seamless. They are very polished on the outside of the teeth and handle. The inside of the teeth are smooth and seamless but not polished like the outside. I will let you know how they fare on my daughter's 4b hair. I will try them out on my own hair next week. I can't wait!

Thank you! They cost a lil more than I wanna spend on a comb but I think I want the mini. Did you pay a lot for them? Where did you buy?
LovLeeLaDee- that's the thing I just don't know!! Should I be using anything else besides shampoo and conditioner. I'm clueless.

This is my natural hair blow dried..


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LoveLeeLaDee.. Sorry so late just saw your post..
Currently consist of
Pure avocado, grapes red, coconut, and extra virgin olive oil, Jamaican black castor oil, peppermint, rosemary, and eucalyptus.
I'm waiting on my MTG (yes the horse stuff) to arrive in the mail and then I'll be adding 2oz of that to my mix.
LoveLeeLaDee.. Sorry so late just saw your post..
Currently consist of
Pure avocado, grapes red, coconut, and extra virgin olive oil, Jamaican black castor oil, peppermint, rosemary, and eucalyptus.
I'm waiting on my MTG (yes the horse stuff) to arrive in the mail and then I'll be adding 2oz of that to my mix.

That sounds like a good mix of oils and from your pics it looks like what you're doing is great! If ain't broke, don't look for a fix. Your hair looks wonderful, moisturized and healthy. I have some MTG and I definitely saw a difference in strength, not much accelerated growth, but I only used it for 4 months bc it made my scalp itch crazy! But I applied it with JBCO only, so hopefully your mix works better.

LovLeeLaDee- that's the thing I just don't know!! Should I be using anything else besides shampoo and conditioner. I'm clueless.

This is my natural hair blow dried..

I'm a firm believer in less is best. Besides shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner, deep conditioner, and moisturizing products, it really depends on if you use heat or rollers or braids, you'll need different products. What is your PS or hairstyle of choice?
I think it's best to get your start and see how your hair feels, if it's missing anything, then go from there.
Ooooh ladies, TeeBee & Growingmyhairlong, my braid out... I looked like Krusty the clown! :lachen: Lmao! My head is loong so my hair in front looked so short and was sticking out! I cannot stop laughing! I just thru it in a bun. After I wash I'm gonna try to flat twist the lil front section so it can't do me like that! The back came out great, even my ends were moist and curly! I appreciate the advice you ladies gave me!
LoveLeeladee - I agree with keeping it simple. I deff Want to go with sew. So basic will be essential. Ive seem my best results after I take my sew in out. (and that's been without caring about my hair underneath) now that I do care Im trying to figure out how I'm going to be able to wash condition and moisturize my real hair, AND greenhouse. (deff going to take patience) :(
LovLeeLaDee said:
Ooooh ladies, TeeBee & Growingmyhairlong, my braid out... I looked like Krusty the clown! :lachen: Lmao! My head is loong so my hair in front looked so short and was sticking out! I cannot stop laughing! I just thru it in a bun. After I wash I'm gonna try to flat twist the lil front section so it can't do me like that! The back came out great, even my ends were moist and curly! I appreciate the advice you ladies gave me!

Oh NOOO!! Not Krusty..lol. Sorry it didn't turn out so well, next time..next time. :D