Anyone still using Fermodyl 619


Well-Known Member
I just bought some today. I have been SEVERELY neglecting my hair lately. It is a mess. I also got some Porosity Control Corrector.

I plan to do something to my hair either tonight or tomorrow in preperation for Thursday.

If anyone is using the 619 what say you? Is it great or what?
I used it once. It was definitely awesome. But I feel that I achieve a similar result from my Aphoghee two-minute. So using the 619 is not a definite for me, but if I use it, it's a nice cherry on the top after a relaxer :)
I just bought some today. I have been SEVERELY neglecting my hair lately. It is a mess. I also got some Porosity Control Corrector.

I plan to do something to my hair either tonight or tomorrow in preperation for Thursday.

If anyone is using the 619 what say you? Is it great or what?

Ms. Lady, You Just Purchased 2 Great (Amazing) Products.:drool: They will definitely "Aid" in the Total Transformation of whatever problems you are experiencing.

I love them both and use them both regularly. In fact, I was able to find the 12 pk of Fermodyl 619 'cheaper' on-line.

Please let me know your thoughts after you've tried them.:yep:

The thing with both, use them as they were intended to be used to reap the greatest results.
Ms. Lady, You Just Purchased 2 Great (Amazing) Products.:drool: They will definitely "Aid" in the Total Transformation of whatever problems you are experiencing.

I love them both and use them both regularly. In fact, I was able to find the 12 pk of Fermodyl 619 'cheaper' on-line.

Please let me know your thoughts after you've tried them.:yep:

The thing with both, use them as they were intended to be used to reap the greatest results.

Thanks. I'm trying to motivate myself to get up and wash my hair as we speak. it's 11 pm though, so I dunno. may not work out today.

I will update you all though. I've used the corrector before and felt like my hair was magically delicious immediately. So I'm sure I wont be disappointed.