Anyone still using Cathy Howse........?


Well-Known Member
Before I found this wonderful site, I started my hair growth journey with the Cathy Howse book and products.

I am just wondering if any of you ladies have had success using her full routine (eg 365 day challenge) and if you are still doing it.
I don't follow her exact routine, but some ofher tips I use. But, really all of them are ones I found here on the site.

Her book is a good supplement to my entire routine.

I think she needs to update it though. She talks about crimping irons, but not flat irons. She says that there are no moisturizers that she has found that give us the benefits we need - not true - there are many. But, she had to give a plug in for her own line, I understand, but there are other options. It just needs an update, but the last I heard she was going natural.

Anyway, her book is nice to flip through while I am sitting under the dryer deep conditioning. Much better and more realistic than Shamboosies book, IMO.
I agree with honeydew, after reading it I felt it was alot of common sense that you just needed someone to tell you. Her ideas are right, but you dont need her products, the advice is enough.
dimpalz said:
I agree with honeydew, after reading it I felt it was alot of common sense that you just needed someone to tell you. Her ideas are right, but you dont need her products, the advice is enough.

Yes, I agree. I also agree that she needs to update as well.
dimpalz said:
I agree with honeydew, after reading it I felt it was alot of common sense that you just needed someone to tell you. Her ideas are right, but you dont need her products, the advice is enough.

I agree I follow her methods.

But I did buy the Dew moisturizer just because I am a PJ;) :blush:
I use her conditioner and the Dew. The Lotion creme is okay but I love the condition mainly because of the tingle. I mix it with Affirm 5-in-1 for my weekly protein deep treatment. Her site lead me to this one so I owe her big time!
Tamsin2005 said:
I use her conditioner and the Dew. The Lotion creme is okay but I love the condition mainly because of the tingle. I mix it with Affirm 5-in-1 for my weekly protein deep treatment. Her site lead me to this one so I owe her big time!

to get that great tingle, just buy some peppermint oil and add it into your conditioner. works the same way. also there was a recipe for the conditoner from her first book.
take peppermint oil, a protein coditioner, olive oil, coconut oil and mix them together and that's that. i tried it out and it was no more or less impressive than her overpriced conditioner
Her book does have some great advice and I follow many of her principles. I just passed my copy to my sister last weekend, and she's already making great changes like banishing her hair brushes. She was so sweet to call me at work to tel me how it’s changed her outlook on hair care.:)

I must say that I've purchased her conditioner twice. The first time, the consistency of the product was quite thick, very pungent, had a yellow-ish hue, and worked wonders on my hair. The second time purchased, the conditioner was watery, white in color, much less potent, and no better than your average conditioner. It was like a completely different product. I will not be purchasing it again if the quality differs that much!:mad:

The Dew I actually found to be too drying with my hair type. Watered down S-Curl as well as some braid sprays with a little extra oil added is much more effective and moisturizing.
Thank you for the tip! I think I will try that since I already have some peppermint oil. LHCF ladies save the day again. Thank! :)
I studied her book when I first found the hair boards. I still use most of her routine, except I use no heat and I gave away one of her hair products I bought.