Anyone still rinsing/co washes during winter?


New Member
Anyone still rinsing everyday now that it's cold? Even here in Southern California it's getting cooler, so I am nervous about doing my daily conditioning washes (don't want to catch cold) but my transitioning hair LOVES the daily/every other day rinses...
what are some of you ladies doing for the winter? If you are still daily rinsing, how are you keeping from catching cold? What are you doing different for winter?
hey mello yello,

i've continued on with my conditioner washes in the shower for the winter months. i wrap a towel around my head for 15-20 minutes and my hair is usually about 60-70% dry by the time i take it down and start working on my hair.

for the winter, i'm definitely doing more protective styles. right now, i'm sporting two strand twists. before that, i was rocking my two french braids/dookey braids. i'll probably go back and forth between these two styles until it starts to get warmer. HTH ! ! !
I am still doing conditioner washes, but not daily. Daily I mist with distilled water. If your hair is mostly dry and you cover it well with a silk scarf and a hat you should be fine.
I just do them once a week now (every Sunday and shampoo and deep condition everyThursday). But I spray with distilled water everyday at least 2 or three times a day.
Yeah, I still rinse. Sometimes I'll do it 5 days a wk... other times maybe 1x wkly. Just like Nyambura, I do them at night... my hair is dry by the morning
I'm still doing mine every other day, sometimes daily. The weather has been increasingly cold, so I do them at night as well so that I can wrap my head in a silk scarf. Then I cover it with a scull type cap.

I can't understand why I'm still single?
OnceUponAtime said:
I'm still doing mine every other day, sometimes daily. The weather has been increasingly cold, so I do them at night as well so that I can wrap my head in a silk scarf. Then I cover it with a scull type cap.

I can't understand why I'm still single?

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It varies now, anywhere from 2 to 7 days. I've already been sick twice with a cold. I use a diffuser sometimes or leave that towel wraped for a good 30 minutes before styling. But my hair loves it!! I've had so much growth! Can't wait for summer again!!
I am doing my washes 3 times a week now because I have noticed with the colder weather we are having my hair will dry out faster. I realized that I lasted washed my hair on Wed. and Thursday and today, Sunday it really needs a condition wash
I live in new orleans. we dont have winter. we have summer and fall. yes, i am still daily rinsing.

I have a very good immune system. I haven't caught a cold in the past 4 years because of my multivitamin.
yes, I'm in MD and hanging steady w/conditioner only washes, if not everyday, then every other
It varies for me. I live in a warm climate but it is still pretty chilly in the mornings and evenings. At least 2-3 times a week is average for me.
deeplyrooted said:
hey mello yello,

i've continued on with my conditioner washes in the shower for the winter months. i wrap a towel around my head for 15-20 minutes and my hair is usually about 60-70% dry by the time i take it down and start working on my hair.

for the winter, i'm definitely doing more protective styles. !

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this is what I do as well...
I do them at night during the week, and in the morning on the weekend when I have more time while getting ready for the day. My hair dries in about an hour, and I make sure to wear a hat after moisturizing my hair if I have to go out. So far no problems, and I take vitamin c for immunity protection anyways.
Yes, I do them 3-6 times per week. I co wash in the morning, pull my hair back in a bun, put a silk scarf on it, then my hat and out the door .. and yes it's officially winter today.
I still do mines everyday. I live in Buffalo so you know it gets chilly here. Actually i blow dry my hair on low after I co wash my hair by the time i leave its almost dry. I dont comb with the blow dryer just sorta air dry with aid from the blowdryer.
For the ladies doing CO washes at night do you go to bed with wet hair? I tried that last night and woke up with damp hair and a headache. What kind of vitamins are you taking anky?
Hi Lisa,

I don't go to bed with wet hair but it is damp. I lightly towel dry it put in whatever products my hair needs, tie it up in a silk or satin scarf, and go to bed. In the morning, it's dry. Maybe you should try rinsing/C.O. washing 2-3 hours before going to bed, so it has time to air dry a bit before you tie it up for the night.