Anyone Just Press or Flat Iron Natural Hair Straight?


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Goodbye Relaxer for Good? Flat Iron on Natural Hair

Hi Ladies.

I hit a milestone today. I pulled out my ceramic flatiron from storage. I put the dial on 6 and just used it ONLY on my new growth which is bout an inch in some parts. I am 1 week shy of being 3 months post relaxer.

The flat iron left my hair as STRAIGHT as if I had a relaxer. My hair is very fine in texture.

I am now wondering . . . maybe I do not even need a relaxer. In my preteene years my mother used to press my hair and it grew with ease.

Is there anyone who has just let their hair grow out natural, but wear it straight by using a flatiron? If so, please share your experience.

I've attached below a photo of my roots after flat iron, no one would know I had 1" of NG.


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I had my hair flat ironed a few days before I BC'd and everyone thought I had caved in and gotten a relaxer :yep: I haven't gotten it straightened yet since being fully natural, I don't use heat often...
I'm a natural and I just flat iron when I want straight hair. A little bit of patience and my hair looks as straight as a relaxed head. But, it doesn't last and since I sweat, I just can't make straight hair my staple style as a natural.
same here....i used to get presses but now i takes about an hour (im new to flat ironing and dont quite know how to maneuver it!) and my hair is straighter than it ever was with a its soft and shiny too!!!
I had my hair blowdried by the Dominicans with a paddle brush and it came out silky straight. Now, I can wear my hair big and kinky-curly or smooth and straight. I'm kickin the relaxer to the curb.
Thank so much ladies. I am learning so much. I am definitely not relaxing my hair now anytime soon. I'm going to ride this out . . .
I wish. I can never get my hair the texture I want, the relaxer look, with pressing or flatironing. The maxiglide is the straightest and silkiest Ive ever gotten my hair with a flat iron. But it only lasts til I walk out the door, sometimes not that long. It's not worth the time it takes. Wearing my hair straight is not an option for me ever. I'm thinking of texturizing for that reason.
oh yeah....when you live in a warm area, its tough....i never press my hair in the summer, but really you dont have that choice :(

are there any anti-humectant products you can use???
Girl, I tried the exact same thing in May of 2003. :perplexed I noticed that my fine, kinky hair could also easily straighten with my blow dryer and a round brush, and thought I could go natural and just press it straight with a flat iron. It is, however, much more difficult to keep it straight this way once it is all natural. I used a ceramic iron to get my hair straight on several occasions -- but the stress of worrying about my hair growing around my head in any humidity was too much for me, so that I rarely wore it straight after a while (it was easier to sew in a straight weave). I also stopped going to the Dominican salon to blow my hair out, since I would leave with straight hair that smelled of burning for a week... :mad: I finally decided to VERY mildly texturize, and for these last few weeks it has been the best of both worlds for me, and my hair does stay straighter longer/get straighter easier. So, my advice would be to go ahead, try going without a relaxer and see what works for you. Even if you run into the same pitfalls that I did, you still don't lose since you get to know your hair texture for what it can do and can then make your hair decisions based accordingly. :grin:

Best of Luck!
"Is there anyone who has just let their hair grow out natural, but wear it straight by using a flatiron? If so, please share your experience."

Me! :D Relaxers were becoming to much of a stress...
Relaxing on time, my hair appearing thinner and etc... Most of the time--I flatiron once a week. I like the option of being able to wear my hair "natural" or straight. The thing is using the right products and appliances. Not to long ago I was thinking about going back to a relaxer. But not I've found the right stuff to keep me going natural. I've been natural for about 11 years now.
When i wear my hair down i usually just flat iron it and it looks better than when i used to relax it! Natural hair, for me at least, was def the way to go. But not too much heat because natural hair is still fragile:)
Yes, when I want a straight hairstyle (which is not often), I use just my flatiron, and my hair is silky straight. So far, I've flatironed my hair only twice in five months, and will probably continue that trend. It's too difficult to try to keep most natural hair straight without chemicals.
balisi said:
Yes, when I want a straight hairstyle (which is not often), I use just my flatiron, and my hair is silky straight. So far, I've flatironed my hair only twice in five months, and will probably continue that trend. It's too difficult to try to keep most natural hair straight without chemicals.

Balisi, I so envy you and your abillity to be able to be natural and wear your hair strait. i want to be natural, but my lack of hair skills make it difficult to even think of being natural. i guess i have to stretch my relaxers longer and see where to go from there. :ohwell:
Yes, yes, and yes. I've never flat ironed but I get Dominican blow outs every now and then--last year I got them once or twice a month--now since being on that board I am going to space it out to every 3 months because of the damage heat can cause (not that I particualrly noticed any).

IMO straightened natural hair sometimes looks better than some perms--more body and bounce. BUT you must wear a hat at all times outside and keep it wrapped at night. Other than that, you should be fine! :)
My hair is completely natural and I just used my electric hot comb for the first time this weekend in over a year. I didn't press my hiar bone straight, I just warm-combed it so that my hair would be more manageable and becasue basically I was bored. I might try this option more often becasue it seems that the press lasts longer than when I blowdry my hair. When I press it, it will last for about a week and a half or two weeks or until I get ready to wash my hair.
I have been natural since I was born....but I tried a relaxer for about 2 years when I cut my hair really short...and I hated it, my hair was forever dry and just had no life to it. Once I let all that grow out and went back to all natural it was on again. Actually when I flat iron my hair people think I have a relaxer but it's shine's alot & has alot of body...looks really healthy and is thick...can't beat it. For me the ceramic iron does wonders....but when I workout I do have to wrap it tight...and not let it out till the next I usually can last about 1 1/2 - 2 weeks...beofre needing a new wash & press.....definitely can't be washing my hair every week with all the work I go through to get it straight.
I flatironed my daughter's natural 4a hair last night. My problem is that her ends never stay straight enough to wear it down. The hair seems to start to frizz from the ends up. How do you deal with this? I used some Satin Creme Press (the liquid kind in the bottle) before flat ironing, but the ends never obey.
stacy said:
I flatironed my daughter's natural 4a hair last night. My problem is that her ends never stay straight enough to wear it down. The hair seems to start to frizz from the ends up. How do you deal with this? I used some Satin Creme Press (the liquid kind in the bottle) before flat ironing, but the ends never obey.

I pre-condition my hair before shampooing whenever I plan on straightening. Heck--I pre-condition anytime I wash my hair. I find the more moisture I put in the better. Now my hair doesn't revert anymore. I've even walked through rain and my hair barely budges. Plus ceramic irons seal moisture into the cuticle.
ChocoKitty, describe your pre-condition process. Also, what type of ceramic flat iron do you use? I have a ceramic coated flat iron. It is all I can affort right now.
It is an andis (found at Walmart for $15). It is better than the Revlon I had (a piece of crap), but I had to use the highest setting and the coating is beginning to wear off. Thanks.
stacy said:
I flatironed my daughter's natural 4a hair last night. My problem is that her ends never stay straight enough to wear it down. The hair seems to start to frizz from the ends up. How do you deal with this? I used some Satin Creme Press (the liquid kind in the bottle) before flat ironing, but the ends never obey.

I also pre-conditioned my hair...which means overnight with olive oil replenishing pack...then after shampooing in the morning I did like an hour deep conditioning just w/ multiple shower caps to hold in heat while I cleaned. I used KeraCare Creme Press cause I was having the same problems with my ends... ( I wouldn't use a liquid press though cause of the water) and at night when I wrap my hair I put oil on my ends before wrappin it up. I got my ceramic iron from a local beauty supply store for about $'s the 1 inch so I can get real close to my edges. no specific brand name it's Pro Tools or something like that....HTH
I currently use MnT mixed with honey. But in past, I started out with a mix Lekair cholesterol, coconut milk with lime and honey. I think any conditioner with a thick and creamy consistency works with honey.

I apply my conditioner with tint/perm brush in sections. Then slap on a plastic conditioning cap. I wear it from 30 mins. to overnight without heat. Then shampoo and condition with the same mixture.

Sally's sells Jiberre flatirons for about $35. They worked well but I don't suggest using them too often. I don't think they last very long.:(

I'm currently using the T3 1 3/8" Tourmaline Ceramic Iron and I love them!!! As long as they exist--I WILL NOT be returning to a relaxer. I paid $160 for them. Since I don't get my hair done professionally--I think they are well worth the investment. I've been getting many compliments about my since using them. Sorry--I don't have any pics of my hair since using the T3s.
I used to press my hair as well but now I maxiglide. It seems to have more bounce than my hair did when it was relaxed.
Xcellence2 said:
I used to press my hair as well but now I maxiglide. It seems to have more bounce than my hair did when it was relaxed.
ur hair is FANTASTIC and congrats on your weight change--you look very toned.
I'm having the same problem with my daughters' ends. When we straighten her hair, the ends always look horrible. I even trimmed them because I thought that was the problem. It's like the ends are so curly they refuse to staighten. I blow dry her hair before flat ironing. Even when I use an electric pressing comb, they still look horrible. Does anyone think that maybe, the hair needs more heat? I currently use the Jilbere ceramic flat iron., but I was thinking of buying a flat iron that gets hotter. Any other suggestions???
Sorry no flat iron suggestions and I've only had my hair pressed a couple of times (it did turn out fantastic though and looked far better than my relaxed hair ever did).

Just wanted to add that with the exception of one person every waist length 4a/b woman I've ever known in real life has been a natural who pressed so it can definitely be done and the hair can stay really healthy too.
When I was a natural it was easy to get it straight but harder to keep it that way. I could keep a press for 2 weeks once it was "trained" though. That is one of the reasons I texturized because it was so hard to wear my hair straight in between like April to October because of how hot it gets. BUT it should be easier if you live in a mild climate or stay mainly in air conditioning and don't go outside much in the hot months.
THANKS SO MUCH to bajanplums1 for posting this topic! :p I was just researching this option on hair forums this weekend.

I'm SERIOUSLY considering transitioning by flat iron after completely and totally botching a self-relaxer touchup this weekend: ran out of time, only relaxed the back half of my head, didn't smooth enough, freaked out in general, tangled my hair badly in the shower while neutralizing, lost more hair during the relaxing process than I'm comfortable with, etc.

My relaxed hair is getting thin in front even though it's bra strap length in back. Plus, it's naturally fine and 4b. Hair this weak really should not be chemically compromised further. It snaps SO EASILY when I detangle it wet.

I have a 0.5" Rusk ceramic flat iron. I'm going to rollerset and press the new growth consistently for a while. Let's give the lye a rest and see how we do.

Divastate said:
Just wanted to add that with the exception of one person every waist length 4a/b woman I've ever known in real life has been a natural who pressed so it can definitely be done and the hair can stay really healthy too.
Hmmm. Waist length you say? ;)
megonw said:
My relaxed hair is getting thin in front even though it's bra strap length in back. Plus, it's naturally fine and 4b. Hair this weak really should not be chemically compromised further. It snaps SO EASILY when I detangle it wet.

This is one of the main reasons why I went natural- I got tired of working so hard to grow my hair out to have it snap off so easily the longer it got during detangling.

megonw said:
Hmmm. Waist length you say? ;)

;) Yep! I've only known a handful of waist length 4a/bs and this thread made me realize that each of them was natural and regularly pressed their hair. The exception is my mother in law who is waist length, totally natural but never presses or uses heat on her hair- she just wears it in one long thick braid down her back.