Anyone in happy relationships/marriages?

I've seen many threads about rocky relationships/marriages. I know that it can be very painful and hard to get through. My heart goes out to the ladies experiencing broken hearts because I've been there. But I wanted to lighten things a little and bring some happiness to the relationship forum. Why don't we share some of our stories of happy relationships/marriages past and present (and even future if you want to take it there)? I think it would be nice. And it might even put a smile on the faces of some of the ladies experiencing pain right now. :yep:

I'll go first. The last man I was seriously dating had a lot of nice ways about him. I remember on our first date, I broke my rule of not keeping the date short and sweet (date should be an hour tops!). We ended up spending like 7 hours together. I remember at the beginning of the date I told him that I needed to go grocery shopping. By the time we went to dinner, the movies and window shopping at the mall it was like 10 or 11 o'clock. But he found a 24 hour grocery store and made sure I got my shopping done. I thought that was sweet, that he remembered that and went out of his way to take me there especially since I didn't have a car at the time. I know it doesn't sound like much... but it really warmed my heart. :)
Yall turn....
I got married recently and sm soooo blessed to have the best husband in the world. I knew he was the one probably after our second date. We used to talk on the phone for HOURS!!!!.:callme: He lived about 1 hour away from me. One morning, he called me at 5:30am and told me to go to the door. I was confused because it was super early. He had left 1 dozen roses :rosebud:on my doorstep and a sweet card. It wasnt so much the roses, but the act behind it. He had to get up a 4am, get dressed for work, go to the store, buy the roses and card, drive 1 hour in the rain to my house, drop off the roses, then head back in the opposite direction for 1 hour to get to work by 7. :driver:

Now that we're married he still does the sweetest things!!!! He's definitely a keeper!!!!:yep:
I'm in a very happy marriage. No complaints...but it's only been ~7 months.:lachen:

I am down about how I look sometimes and I'll make little comments about what I can work on to improve my looks. Well, a few months ago, Dh turned around after one of my little rants and said something like "And you're still the most beautiful woman in the world!" and I'm like :perplexed:ohwell:. Then he says, "Well, it doesn't matter if you or anyone else thinks otherwise. I'm suppose to see you the way I do because you were designed for me."

I think he's been reading my Erick Jerome Dickey books. :rolleyes::grin: j/k.
I am in a happy relationship now. It is new. I mean we chatted online for a year. He is local. Then we met in person a month ago. We saw each other again on Sat. He is everything I have ever wanted. He is romantic, affectionate and all about me.
I'm in a happy marriage. We've been together for almost 18 years, and he is still the person I love spending all of my free time with :grin:

He always has my back and would seriously hurt anyone who ever so much as made me sad.

I remember once years ago we were together and had pulled into a gas station to get some gas. I noticed this girl from junior high who I hadn't seen in YEARS who was also getting gas. She didn't see me. Anyway, I mentioned to my husband that she was someone who used to whisper about me behind my back and put me down to other girls in her little clique. My husband said, "I'll go over there right now and :boxing: her sorry behind. Just give me the word." Y'all he was serious. She don't know how close she got to a beatdown that day for something she had done 13 years previously!!

Of course, I told him it wasn't necessary. But it feels good to know that I have someone who I know is always there for me, ready to stand against anyone who mistreats his woman.
I'm in a very happy marriage. No complaints...but it's only been ~7 months.:lachen:

I am down about how I look sometimes and I'll make little comments about what I can work on to improve my looks. Well, a few months ago, Dh turned around after one of my little rants and said something like "And you're still the most beautiful woman in the world!" and I'm like :perplexed:ohwell:. Then he says, "Well, it doesn't matter if you or anyone else thinks otherwise. I'm suppose to see you the way I do because you were designed for me."

I think he's been reading my Erick Jerome Dickey books. :rolleyes::grin: j/k.
I have a huge smile on my face from this. :grin: This was too sweet!
I'm in a happy marriage. We've been together for almost 18 years, and he is still the person I love spending all of my free time with :grin:

He always has my back and would seriously hurt anyone who ever so much as made me sad.

I remember once years ago we were together and had pulled into a gas station to get some gas. I noticed this girl from junior high who I hadn't seen in YEARS who was also getting gas. She didn't see me. Anyway, I mentioned to my husband that she was someone who used to whisper about me behind my back and put me down to other girls in her little clique. My husband said, "I'll go over there right now and :boxing: her sorry behind. Just give me the word." Y'all he was serious. She don't know how close she got to a beatdown that day for something she had done 13 years previously!!

Of course, I told him it wasn't necessary. But it feels good to know that I have someone who I know is always there for me, ready to stand against anyone who mistreats his woman.
18 years! That is so impressive. And the fact that he's got your back is the icing on the cake.
I am in a happy relationship now. It is new. I mean we chatted online for a year. He is local. Then we met in person a month ago. We saw each other again on Sat. He is everything I have ever wanted. He is romantic, affectionate and all about me.
Wow you two met online. Ok so there's hope for me yet! :) I have done online dating so I will def keep hope alive. Congrats to you. :yep:
I was just talking to my husband about this lol. Despite his flaws here and there (hes an only child who never really had any chores except for keeping his room clean so hes not doing so well having to take care of a whole house with me and baby) I'm so happy to have him. He makes my heart feel so full. Especially when I think of where we've come character-wise sweet pea. I love how he's respectful of me and honors me as his wife and as a woman. And when I see him in "daddy mode" caring for our son lol. Okay let me stop before I start typing baby talk lol
I'm in a happy relationship :)
He's all I ever wanted in a man and he sees my beauty, not only on the outside but also on the inside. He's my number one cheerleader/coach and inspires me to go out there and do things with my life!
It's as if he was made for me :grin:

We're so alike, I would be like him if I were a man and vice versa.

There are many, many happy relationships out there, it's just that the unhappy ones ventilate their feelings more. We're so conditioned to talk about problems...
I was just talking to my husband about this lol. Despite his flaws here and there (hes an only child who never really had any chores except for keeping his room clean so hes not doing so well having to take care of a whole house with me and baby) I'm so happy to have him. He makes my heart feel so full. Especially when I think of where we've come character-wise sweet pea. I love how he's respectful of me and honors me as his wife and as a woman. And when I see him in "daddy mode" caring for our son lol. Okay let me stop before I start typing baby talk lol
Very nice Sui Topi. We need to acknowledge our great family men out here. :)
I'm in a happy relationship :)
He's all I ever wanted in a man and he sees my beauty, not only on the outside but also on the inside. He's my number one cheerleader/coach and inspires me to go out there and do things with my life!
It's as if he was made for me :grin:

We're so alike, I would be like him if I were a man and vice versa.

There are many, many happy relationships out there, it's just that the unhappy ones ventilate their feelings more. We're so conditioned to talk about problems...
Good for you Flower Hair!:grin:
I am in a very happy marriage. My husband means the world to me and he does so much to make me happy. We've been married nine years and he treats me even better as time goes on. I truly feel like I am the most important person in the world to him. And believe me, I'm not easy to live with. :look: We support each other and our strengths and weaknesses compliment each other. When I am weak, he is strong and vice versa. I am very, very lucky.
I'm in a very happy marriage. No complaints...but it's only been ~7 months.:lachen:

I am down about how I look sometimes and I'll make little comments about what I can work on to improve my looks. Well, a few months ago, Dh turned around after one of my little rants and said something like "And you're still the most beautiful woman in the world!" and I'm like :perplexed:ohwell:. Then he says, "Well, it doesn't matter if you or anyone else thinks otherwise. I'm suppose to see you the way I do because you were designed for me."

I think he's been reading my Erick Jerome Dickey books. :rolleyes::grin: j/k.

wow, that was so sweet.
I am in a very happy marriage. My husband means the world to me and he does so much to make me happy. We've been married nine years and he treats me even better as time goes on. I truly feel like I am the most important person in the world to him. And believe me, I'm not easy to live with. :look: We support each other and our strengths and weaknesses compliment each other. When I am weak, he is strong and vice versa. I am very, very lucky.
Nice! Your relationship has many of the qualities I've decided I want to have. :yep:
We support each other and our strengths and weaknesses compliment each other. When I am weak, he is strong and vice versa. I am very, very lucky.

Thats so cool. It took me and my husband a while when we were dating to get that right.
I've seen many threads about rocky relationships/marriages. I know that it can be very painful and hard to get through. My heart goes out to the ladies experiencing broken hearts because I've been there. But I wanted to lighten things a little and bring some happiness to the relationship forum. Why don't we share some of our stories of happy relationships/marriages past and present (and even future if you want to take it there)? I think it would be nice. And it might even put a smile on the faces of some of the ladies experiencing pain right now. :yep:

I'll go first. The last man I was seriously dating had a lot of nice ways about him. I remember on our first date, I broke my rule of not keeping the date short and sweet (date should be an hour tops!). We ended up spending like 7 hours together. I remember at the beginning of the date I told him that I needed to go grocery shopping. By the time we went to dinner, the movies and window shopping at the mall it was like 10 or 11 o'clock. But he found a 24 hour grocery store and made sure I got my shopping done. I thought that was sweet, that he remembered that and went out of his way to take me there especially since I didn't have a car at the time. I know it doesn't sound like much... but it really warmed my heart. :)
Yall turn....

That's a nice story. I'm semi talking to a guy who's really nice. I can tell he will make a great boyfriend and husband (can't believe I can already tell, but I just know it)! I'll keep you all posted:yep:
I got married recently and sm soooo blessed to have the best husband in the world. I knew he was the one probably after our second date. We used to talk on the phone for HOURS!!!!.:callme: He lived about 1 hour away from me. One morning, he called me at 5:30am and told me to go to the door. I was confused because it was super early. He had left 1 dozen roses :rosebud:on my doorstep and a sweet card. It wasnt so much the roses, but the act behind it. He had to get up a 4am, get dressed for work, go to the store, buy the roses and card, drive 1 hour in the rain to my house, drop off the roses, then head back in the opposite direction for 1 hour to get to work by 7. :driver:

Now that we're married he still does the sweetest things!!!! He's definitely a keeper!!!!:yep:

That’s so nice. Congratulations on your marriage!:clap::yep:
I'm in a very happy marriage. No complaints...but it's only been ~7 months.:lachen:

I am down about how I look sometimes and I'll make little comments about what I can work on to improve my looks. Well, a few months ago, Dh turned around after one of my little rants and said something like "And you're still the most beautiful woman in the world!" and I'm like :perplexed:ohwell:. Then he says, "Well, it doesn't matter if you or anyone else thinks otherwise. I'm suppose to see you the way I do because you were designed for me."

I think he's been reading my Erick Jerome Dickey books. :rolleyes::grin: j/k.

Congratulations! I am soo happy for you!:clap::yep:
I'm in a happy marriage. We've been together for almost 18 years, and he is still the person I love spending all of my free time with :grin:

He always has my back and would seriously hurt anyone who ever so much as made me sad.

I remember once years ago we were together and had pulled into a gas station to get some gas. I noticed this girl from junior high who I hadn't seen in YEARS who was also getting gas. She didn't see me. Anyway, I mentioned to my husband that she was someone who used to whisper about me behind my back and put me down to other girls in her little clique. My husband said, "I'll go over there right now and :boxing: her sorry behind. Just give me the word." Y'all he was serious. She don't know how close she got to a beatdown that day for something she had done 13 years previously!!

Of course, I told him it wasn't necessary. But it feels good to know that I have someone who I know is always there for me, ready to stand against anyone who mistreats his woman.

Awww, that is wonderful. I know quite a few marriages that are not what they appear on the outside. It's always wonderful to hear about people who are genuinely happy and enjoy each other's company even after 10+ years.
Awww, that is wonderful. I know quite a few marriages that are not what they appear on the outside. It's always wonderful to hear about people who are genuinely happy and enjoy each other's company even after 10+ years.

You're right. I look at some of my aunts who are in these long-term marriages, and you can just tell that the "happiness" faded a long time ago. They are more like two people just going through the motions.

But I'm enjoying these stories from all the ladies who are in loving, happy relationships :yep:
I got married recently and sm soooo blessed to have the best husband in the world. I knew he was the one probably after our second date. We used to talk on the phone for HOURS!!!!.:callme: He lived about 1 hour away from me. One morning, he called me at 5:30am and told me to go to the door. I was confused because it was super early. He had left 1 dozen roses :rosebud:on my doorstep and a sweet card. It wasnt so much the roses, but the act behind it. He had to get up a 4am, get dressed for work, go to the store, buy the roses and card, drive 1 hour in the rain to my house, drop off the roses, then head back in the opposite direction for 1 hour to get to work by 7. :driver:

Now that we're married he still does the sweetest things!!!! He's definitely a keeper!!!!:yep:
What a heart warming story. That's so sweet.