Anyone having Chlorella side effects?!!


New Member
Just wanted to know if anyone had any "side effects" from starting chlorella. I started a few weeks ago, all was good when all of a sudden I started having this indigestion type stomach/chest burning and "teenaged acne"?!!!!? When I stopped taking it the symptoms went away. I bought the vitamin shoppe brand, is there a better brand or is this something that will get better?
I *think*, based on what I've read and researched, that those symptoms are part of the detox stage your body goes through when you take chlorella. The symptoms should go away once your body gets out of the detox stage.
I've been on it for about 4 months--please read the first page. It does give you detox symptons--like they say in the bible--this too shall pass. Then you will experience the good skin and energy that most of us have. Please search the thread--in the words of MJ--You are not alone!
I used it for a while and started getting good results, with my skin espcially. Then all of a sudden started getting really nauseas and vomiting when I took it. When I stopped taking it, the symptoms disappeared too. I'm tempted to try it again tho'...
Sounds like detox, which means Chlorella is doing its thing. That's good. You can go through it by continuing at your current dose and take something to ease the symptoms, or scale back your dosage and ease your way back up according to what your body can handle. No matter what, you should drink plenty of water.

With regards to the Vitamin Shoppe brand, I ran low on my regular Earthrise brand and purchased Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella as a stand in, and I began to detox all over again! I have been on it since January and reached 12g quickly where I have been holding since the recent change, it shocked me and sent me researching this "Super" Chlorella, I have not found the answers yet, but to send me into detox made me think there is something with that word "Super". I am over the detox symptoms, it was brief.

If you can hang, do so- like a previous poster stated this too shall pass. I am doing wonderful, and one of those able to take both Chl/Spr. I am GREEN for life.

You can always seek the help of the wonderful ladies within the Chlorella thread, there are several that have had success from the start of the thread and will be more than happy to offer advice to help you along. Best wishes to you.
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I used it for a while and started getting good results, with my skin espcially. Then all of a sudden started getting really nauseas and vomiting when I took it. When I stopped taking it, the symptoms disappeared too. I'm tempted to try it again tho'...

This is the exact same thing that happened to me. I was taking the source naturals powder. I had been taking it for about a month with great results and no side effects, then I started to notice slight waves of nausea when I took it but I brushed it off. Then one day after taking it I had 3 violent vomitting spells and have not been able to bring myself to try it again. That was over 3 months ago.

It may be detox for some people, however as I've read in the chorella thread itself not everyone is going to be able to consume chlorella due to sensitive systems and allergies.
It may be detox for some people, however as I've read in the chorella thread itself not everyone is going to be able to consume chlorella due to sensitive systems and allergies.

This is true, that's why the most vital information is posted at the start of the thread. There are those who may experience more serious allergic reactions, and or have specific medical conditions whereby Chlorella should be avoided. It is constantly stated throughout the thread that each person and its effects are different. I hope it works out for you due to it's wonderful benefits, however, if you are not able to do so, by all means stop and if you would like a further review, consult your physician.
I used it for a while and started getting good results, with my skin espcially. Then all of a sudden started getting really nauseas and vomiting when I took it. When I stopped taking it, the symptoms disappeared too. I'm tempted to try it again tho'...

What kind or brand of Chlorella are you taking? There is a difference.
There is a specific type that has less favorable affects.
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OMG!!! *TMI Alert*

So, I just finished violently vomiting all I had to eat for the weekend. And I realize, its thr chlorella!!!

Last week after not taking it for a while, I put some in a smoothie and went to class. Fast forward to halway into glass. I run to the bathroom and vomit. Hard and violent! So, I'm likw wtf?! Cause I NEVER vomit. Ever. I'm scared thinking I was pregnant. But I got that ruled out.

So tonight, I take the chlorella again. Not putting 2and2 together. I go to lay down 20 minutes ago and I feel super sick. Then it comes...the super vomit.
Damn u chlorella. Why have u forsaken me? It wasn't like this the first time I took it. Then I took a break for a few months. Now my body is like "No Ma'am"

I threw my bottle in the trash. I feel soo sick right now. Ugh!
Mrs. Gooch, so sorry to hear this. Glad you figured out the cause.

Like we have said, it is not for everybody. Your body will let you know.
Ok:perplexed, I'm glad its not just me!! I read all of the posts before I started taking it, so I expected some of the side effects. I'm a nurse practitioner, a cardiac NP, so when I started feeling the chest pain and burning, I thought I was having a heart attack!!!lol I do think its just simply detoxing or GI irritation. So.....I'm trying it again tonight. I'm taking a Zantac OTC 30 minutes before the chlorella to see if this helps. I've got to get past this...I want to get to the land of milk and honey ie weightloss, beautiful skin, etc,etc. Thanks ladies for all of your help...anyone with advice of getting past the detox let me know.
PS. I forgot to mention the bowl gripping sh*ts. The price we pay...
I was taking the earthrise brand for about 2 months with no problems. Then all of a sudden one day I was at the movies and felt so sick. I ran to the restroom and violently vomited. I thought it would never end! Then again and again. I had to leave the theater. I waited about a week to try it again (a lesser dose) and once again I was sick. I don't think I can go back to taking it again :(
I was taking the earthrise brand for about 2 months with no problems. Then all of a sudden one day I was at the movies and felt so sick. I ran to the restroom and violently vomited. I thought it would never end! Then again and again. I had to leave the theater. I waited about a week to try it again (a lesser dose) and once again I was sick. I don't think I can go back to taking it again :(

Perhaps it was an interaction with something you ate at the movies?
Wow two months is a long time to start with side effects. I had gotten up to three a day when everything started, so now I'm back to one a day, I'll try this for a week and then gradually try to increase. If the same thing happens again...I'm done!!! I firmly believe you should listen to your body.
For those of you who had bad side effects...could you say what brand and dosage you were taking at the time? And how long you'd been taking it?

That way we can try to keep track of what's causing the most negative results.
wow @ the violent vomiting. I haven't looked at the Chlorella thread. Is the point of going through all that for hair growth???? What are the benefits supposed to be? Can't you just eat clean & drink water? How about exercising? Maybe I should go read that thread.....
Vitamin shoppe brand 1000mg (i think), got up to three a day. Now focusing on one a day with Zantac prior to taking it.
wow @ the violent vomiting. I haven't looked at the Chlorella thread. Is the point of going through all that for hair growth???? What are the benefits supposed to be? Can't you just eat clean & drink water? How about exercising? Maybe I should go read that thread.....

You should read the read, it took me awhile to get through it. But, I only started researching it for the health benefits because I was looking for an alternative to synthetic multivitamins. It balances your body because of its vitamin content but it's best when part of a healthy overall diet (drinking water, eating healthy, exercising, etc).

Some people are doing it for hair growth but I think most people stay with it because of the other great outcomes they've seen (increased energy, better skin, fewer cravings for sweets, etc. etc.).
I was taking the earthrise brand for about 2 months with no problems. Then all of a sudden one day I was at the movies and felt so sick. I ran to the restroom and violently vomited. I thought it would never end! Then again and again. I had to leave the theater. I waited about a week to try it again (a lesser dose) and once again I was sick. I don't think I can go back to taking it again :(

Earthrise is a specialty company (even harvests their own Spirulina), and they are one of the more pricey brands. It may have been something else interacting with it, since you had positive results for two months. It's a whole food yes, but a cleanser at the same time, detox is the result of it doing its job. So eating poorly once you have been clean could cause this.

However, you know your body and what you feel. Follow your own instincts.
wow @ the violent vomiting. I haven't looked at the Chlorella thread. Is the point of going through all that for hair growth???? What are the benefits supposed to be? Can't you just eat clean & drink water? How about exercising? Maybe I should go read that thread.....

I believe I can safely say most of the women have gone GREEN for the benefits and have accepted hair growth as one of those side benefits, expressing if it helps the hair, fine, if not, the other positives received outweigh all else.

Reading the thread would be beneficial, and there is a quick start guide at the start so reading the entire thread is not really needed.
Perhaps it was an interaction with something you ate at the movies?

I had toast and eggs for breakfast that morning then went to the movies. I didn't eat anything there so I don't know. I generally eat healthy so I doubt it was from what I ate. I would like to take it again but I am just too nervous.
Oh god. Sh*t is way worse than last week. May have to move my pillow into the bathroom. I just want to sleep, man.

i know exactly what you mean :nono:

same thing happened to me. its weird cause i had taken it before w. no problems. so when i first started to get sick and i mean VIOLENTLY ill i didn't think it was the chlorella. it took a second time of me feeling just as bad if not worse for me to realize what it was.

i was so hurt :sad: i wanted to reap the benefits of chlorella. i even lowered the dosage to 2 tablets and my stomach was still lightweight mad. so i just had to let it go :sad: chlorella aint for everyone.
I had toast and eggs for breakfast that morning then went to the movies. I didn't eat anything there so I don't know. I generally eat healthy so I doubt it was from what I ate. I would like to take it again but I am just too nervous.

Mmmmm. :scratchch
Did you take your Chlorella with food that same day or on an empty stomach?

How do you take it? Do you take powder and make a drink or do you take the pills?
wow @ the violent vomiting. I haven't looked at the Chlorella thread. Is the point of going through all that for hair growth???? What are the benefits supposed to be? Can't you just eat clean & drink water? How about exercising? Maybe I should go read that thread.....

Check post 1 and 2 of the chlorella thread. Anyone with this kinda problem may have gone to far too fast, or you are allergic. Please read those posts for details. Also examine the way you're eating before taking and mix it up, explained in post #1 and 2
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What kind or brand of Chlorella are you taking? There is a difference.
There is a specific type that has less favorable affects.

The one I was taking was in powdered form and it's by Lifestream and it's manufactured in New Zealand. I took it mixed with fruit juice.

Gosh, I didn't realize so many other people experienced the same thing! :blush: It really sucks coz it was working really well with no problems for about a month/ month and a half. Then BAM! :wallbash:
my advice is start at the lowest dose you possibly can AND drink as much water throughout the day, that usually helps most people. :)