I'm laying here in my bed. I had to leave work early today because I throw up there like three times! Everytime I walk I feel like I'm going to puke. I've been taking my Source Naturals tablets (550gm) for about a month -- and Thursday was the first time I felt a little sick.
I ate a couple hard boiled eggs and popped like 5 of the tablets. Drank some water and kept on working. Hour later...I felt sick. But I did not throw up.
All weekend though, I kept feeling sick. Stomach burning, heart beating fast. I figured it would pass. I took no Chlorella from Thursday night to Monday afternoon (today).
So I ate a salad for lunch today - with boiled eggs on it. Popped like 5 pills. Got so sick like 2 hours later. Puked three times.
At first I was like "How the heck am I allergic to boiled eggs!!"
Who knows, maybe eggs and chlorella don't mix. It's weird to detox at this stage, but it is what it is! I'm gonna reduce to like two pills...and go from there.
No more hard boiled eggs for me.