Anyone have experience washing hair with surgical staples?

Black Ambrosia

Well-Known Member
I had major surgery a week ago and thankfully it was successful. (Tumor fully removed and found to be non cancerous). I’ve been given the green light to wash my hair but I’m not sure how to best do this with the staples. (They won’t be removed until the 27th.) I’m looking for any tips you ladies can share on shampooing around the staples. I want to keep my hair clean and minimize scabbing. I’ve noticed some light matting already and want to nip it in the bud.
I've had stitches once in the back of my head and had to wash my hair by separating in sections and sponge washing.

Section in twists or braids. Then letting the soapy water from the sponge to run through my scalp. It was very hard to comb, though, since I didn't want to irritate my scalp too much.
I've had stitches once in the back of my head and had to wash my hair by separating in sections and sponge washing.

Section in twists or braids. Then letting the soapy water from the sponge to run through my scalp. It was very hard to comb, though, since I didn't want to irritate my scalp too much.
Thank you for responding. I’m really intimidated but this seems doable. I was initially thinking of a wash and go style but now I’m wondering if I should pull out the rev air instead. The washing part now seems easier than the rest.
My suggestion is to leave your hair alone. The 27th is only ten (10) days away. Sponge it like it was mentioned before. You have an open wound with the staples and you really don't want to chance an infection. I personally do not think it is worth it to be messing around with your hair and scalp right now. Let your body heal. Let those wounds close up, healthy and infection free.
My suggestion is to leave your hair alone. The 27th is only ten (10) days away. Sponge it like it was mentioned before. You have an open wound with the staples and you really don't want to chance an infection. I personally do not think it is worth it to be messing around with your hair and scalp right now. Let your body heal. Let those wounds close up, healthy and infection free.
Thanks for this. I’m inclined to agree but don’t want to do more harm than good since i’ve been advised to wash it. I think washing will help with scabbing which may help with the removal of staples but idk for sure.
Thanks for this. I’m inclined to agree but don’t want to do more harm than good since i’ve been advised to wash it. I think washing will help with scabbing which may help with the removal of staples but idk for sure.
Oh! They told you to wash it. I see. I thought you were wanting to wash it. Thanks for clarifying my understanding.
Use a sponge or cloth and gently clean around around the stitches. Make sure you rinse throughly. Use a shower head sprayer if possible (not full blast) be gentle! Glad your surgery went well and I hope you have a speedy recovery!
Came in to give you a big hug!! :bighug:

So glad to hear that your surgery was successful!
I've had staples in my pubic hair area for both of my c-sections. I'm adding another vote for the sponge washing. I was afraid of anything catching on the staples so just squeezing the water from a sponge or washcloth onto the area was the safest method.
I also vote for washing in twists. I would think that having the hair separated near the incision would also help to give it better air circulation. GL to you! <3
Same. I didn't know you were going through this. All the best for a continued rapid recovery!
I’m sensitive to the energy of others so I mostly kept this to myself until after the surgery. It’s been a delicate time as my sister went into hospice the same day I had surgery. She passed yesterday so emotionally it’s overwhelming but I’m putting one foot in front of the other. I don’t know any other way to do it.
I’m sensitive to the energy of others so I mostly kept this to myself until after the surgery. It’s been a delicate time as my sister went into hospice the same day I had surgery. She passed yesterday so emotionally it’s overwhelming but I’m putting one foot in front of the other. I don’t know any other way to do it.
That is all you can do. My condolences for your sister... So sad! A lot of us are losing people around us.... Sending you a big :bighug:
I've had really low energy since the surgery. Found out today my vitamin d levels are in the trash so I'm doing the vitamin d hammer.

I was supposed to have the staples removed on Monday but it was postponed until today because of all the scabs. Shampooing repeatedly helped to lift a lot of them but I've been advised to continue shampooing multiple times a day until all the scabs are gone. I had staples from ear to ear (I'm guessing at least 40 staples) so there's a lot of scabbing.

Looking forward to putting all this behind me.
I've had really low energy since the surgery. Found out today my vitamin d levels are in the trash so I'm doing the vitamin d hammer.

I was supposed to have the staples removed on Monday but it was postponed until today because of all the scabs. Shampooing repeatedly helped to lift a lot of them but I've been advised to continue shampooing multiple times a day until all the scabs are gone. I had staples from ear to ear (I'm guessing at least 40 staples) so there's a lot of scabbing.

Looking forward to putting all this behind me.

This sounds like 'clear' advice. Don't irritate your scalp too much. The scabs will fall out when they're ready.
(eta: Condolences to you and your family. Take care of yourself and prayers for your healing.)
This sounds like 'clear' advice. Don't irritate your scalp too much. The scabs will fall out when they're ready.
(eta: Condolences to you and your family. Take care of yourself and prayers for your healing.)
You’re not wrong but I don’t feel I can ignore the directions I’ve been given. I had brain surgery and I need to keep everything clean to minimize the risk of infection.

Thank you for your kind words.
@Black Ambrosia
What are you doing or using to boost your Vit D levels? I haven’t had mine checked since my physical last year, but I could probably benefit from a boost.
The vitamin d hammer is a protocol designed to raise vitamin d levels. I think it was originally designed to treat the flu but I heard about it during Covid. You either take a one time dose of 50,000 iu or you take 10,000 iu 3 times a day for 2 - 3 days. I brought my vitamin d level up with this before so I’m confident it’ll work.
Hair is dead. I would follow your doctors advice to optimize the health of my scalp in the short term. The first few weeks of health post surgery can make or break your recovery. Any hair issues that occur as a result of not following your normal hair routine can be fixed much faster than an unnecessary infection or excessive scaring on your scalp. With everything that you have been through don’t pressure yourself to do the best. Just do what you need to do to get through each day. The rest will work itself out over time.